
Terms for subject Marketing containing | all forms
分析posterior analysis
编号post coding
设计after-only design
事前事设计before/after design
交付损失post-delivery losses
先飞付款fly now, pay after
关系映射contextual mapping
勤研究logistical study
向合并backward integration
进先出next-in first-out
进先出法next-in first-out method
吸引注意,刺激兴趣,引起欲望,购买行动,买满足attention, interest, desire, action, satisfaction
服务after-sales service
有控制的事设计after only with control design
有控制的事前事设计before-after with control design
变量lagged variables
指标lagging indicator
移动平均数laggard moving average
超前和滞关系lead/lag relationship
超前和滞因素lead-lag factor
超前滞lead lag
销售的便利设施与服务after-sales facilities and services
除税之公司利润corporate profit after taxes
需求退定价法demand-backward pricing
预先的事分析pre-posterior analysis
领先落lead-lag approach