
Terms containing 后内 | all forms | in specified order only
gymn.侧手翻内转团体后空翻Arab spring with tucked backward somersault
gymn.侧手翻内转直体后空翻Arab spring with hollow backward somersault
gymn.侧手翻向内转体90° 后手翻接团身后空翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn with backward spring to backward somersaukt tucked
gymn.侧手翻向内转体 90# 接后手翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to back handspring
gymn.侧手翻向内转体90° 接团身后空翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to backward somersault tucked
gymn.侧手翻向内转体90° 接直体后空翻cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to backward somersault stretched
gymn.侧翻内转后手翻round-off flic flac
nurs.先体外后体内基因转移ex vivo gene transfer
China, law公布后的三十日内within 30 days of the promulgation
rugb.内侧后卫inside half
agric.内后四分体细胞inner posterior quadrant cell
tech.内后四分体inner posterior quadrant
anim.husb.内后细胞inner posterior quadrant
auto.内后视镜inside rearview mirror
auto.内后视镜inside rear mirror
surg.内囊后肢posterior limb of internal capsule
anat.内囊后肢posterior limb of internal capsule (位于背侧丘脑和豆状核之间,伸向后外,主要有皮质脊髓束、皮质红核束、丘脑中央辐射、顶枕颞桥束、视辐射和听辐射通过。内囊后肢可分为丘脑豆状核部、豆状核后部和豆状核下部3部)
surg.内括约肌后切术Thomas procedure
tech.内生滞后变量endogenous lagged variable
met.内禀本征滞后磁滞回线intrinsic hysteresis loop
mech.内部后端inner back end
tech.车身的内部后视镜interior mirror
tech.车身的内部后视镜inside rear view mirror
sport.凡上交仲裁组的申诉均应在正式宣告裁判长的裁决之后 30 分钟内提出An appeal to the Jury of Appeal must be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the decision made by the Referee
fig.skat.刀齿点冰后内结环1周跳Mapes jump
fig.skat.前内刃变后外刃半周跳inside forward Mohawk
multimed.前后文内关键字keyword in context
fig.skat.前进内刃转后退外刃的同足3字跳counter jump
anim.husb.去内脏后重量gutted weight
commer., agric.去鱼鳃和内脏后重量gilled and gutted weight
econ.发证人以后所作的新规定,本许可证亦可适用,并包括在内The license also includes and extends to new regulations made by the licensor
fig.skat.后内曲线right in-back
fig.skat.后内曲线right in back
fig.skat.右脚向后内right inside backward edge
fig.skat.同脚后内结环1周跳one-foot Salchow jump
fig.skat.同足后内结环一周跳one-foot Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内后退内转backward inside
fig.skat.后内skating backward inside
otorhinol.后内侧中央动脉posteromedial central arteries
surg.后内侧旋转不稳定posteromedial rotatory instability
otorhinol.后内侧核posteromedial nucleus
anat.后内侧连合posteromedial commissure (前、后尖的基底部连接形成,对向脊柱右缘)
fig.skat.后内八字形backward inside circle
fig.skat.后内内钩形back in rocker
fig.skat.后内后退内转back in
fig.skat.后内back in
fig.skat.后内刃直立旋转IB upright
fig.skat.后内刃规尺death spiral backward inside
fig.skat.后内刃蹲转IB sit spin
fig.skat.后内刃转natural rotation
fig.skat.后内刃驼转IB camel
fig.skat.后内勾手2周跳double toe Walley jump
fig.skat.后内单脚环形back in loop change loop
fig.skat.后内单脚结环形back in loop change loop
fig.skat.后内变刃形back in change
fig.skat.后内圆形back in circle
fig.skat.后内外钩一周跳Walley jump
fig.skat.后内外钩形back in counter
fig.skat.后内8字形backward inside circle
fig.skat.后内括弧型back in bracket
fig.skat.后内括弧形back in bracket
fig.skat.后内接后外钩1周跳Walley (双脚起落)
fig.skat.后内点冰 1 周跳flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰 2 周跳double flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰一周跳flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰三周跳triple toe Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰三周跳triple flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰两周跳double toe Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰两周跳double flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰分腿跳split jump
fig.skat.后内点冰半周跳half toe Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰半周跳toe Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰半周跳half flip
fig.skat.后内点冰3周跳triple toe Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内点冰3周跳triple flip
fig.skat.后内点冰3周跳triple flip jump
fig.skat.后内点冰2周跳double toe Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内点冰开脚 1 周跳toe split Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内点冰开脚半周跳split jump
fig.skat.后内点冰开脚半周跳half toe split Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰开脚——周跳toe split Salchow
fig.skat.后内点冰接后外钩一周跳toe Walley jump
fig.skat.后内点冰接后外钩1周跳toe Walley jump
fig.skat.后内环绕back in spiral
fig.skat.后内环绕形back in spiral
fig.skat.后内直立旋转one-foot pirouette
fig.skat.后内直立旋转back in stand spin
fig.skat.后内结环一周跳Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内结环三周跳triple Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内结环两周跳double Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内结环3周跳triple Salchow (jump)
fig.skat.后内结环1周跳萨霍夫跳Salchow jump
fig.skat.后内结环2周跳double Salchow
fig.skat.后内结环形inside back loop
fig.skat.后内结环形back in loop
textile后内缝线back inseam line
fig.skat.后内苷立旋转back in stand spin
fig.skat.后内螺旋形back in spiral
fig.skat.后内螺旋线death spiral backward inside
fig.skat.后内钩不点冰1周跳Pat Lowe
fig.skat.后内钩不点冰-周跳Pat Lowe
fig.skat.后内钩形back in rocker
fig.skat.后内钩手双周跳double toe Walley jump
nurs.后囊白内障posterior capsular cataract
auto.车内设施后围内侧装饰板上小盒quarter trim pocket
fig.skat.后外或后内套跳loop jump (OB or IB)
fig.skat.后外点冰接后内钩3周跳triple toe Walley jump
repr.biol.后成内胚层secondary entoderm
nurs.后极白内障posterior polar cataract
polo.后脚踝关节内肿病bog spavin
tech.后轮内偏rear encroachment
fig.skat.后退内刃固定轴环绕death spiral backward inside
fig.skat.后退内转skating backward inside
textile后领内风帽concealed hood in collar
tech.后内backward interpolation
econ.在今后两个月的任何时间内,我方应有权终止本合同We can terminate this contract at any time within the succeeding two months
tech.在今后的二十年内within the next two decades
auto.外后视镜车内调节器inside adjuster of the outside rear mirror
econ.如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods
auto.客厢内后视镜room mirror
tech.室内地面门后夹flooring door catch
fig.skat.后内曲线left in back
footb.左内锋拖后打法withdrawn inside-left position
fig.skat.左脚向后内left inside backward edge
gen.您购票后如要求退票,应在客票有效期内提出If you request refund after purchase, please contact us within the validity period of the ticket
shipb.我们在收到贵方信用证后两三个星期内就能发货Shipment can be effected within two or three weeks after receipt of your L/C.
textile承兑后若干日内付款days after acceptance
UN, tech.抵达检查:在抵达后即刻执行,并在一个月内完成arrival inspection is to take place immediately upon arrival and to be completed within one month
footb.后内withdrawn striker
tech.新投资发生后一年内之利益next year advantage from project
busin.新投资发生后一年内的利益next year advantage from project
otorhinol.枕内后结合posterior intraoccipital synchondrosis
agric.核内[有丝分裂]后期endoanaphase (endoanaphasis)
dentist.根管内所有炎性物质被去除后,我将用橡胶材料充填您的根管After all the infected tissue has been removed, I will fill the canal with rubber material
surg.椎内后静脉丛posterior internal vertebral venous plexus
anat.椎内后静脉丛posterior internal vertebral venous plexus (位于椎弓板和黄韧带前方,穿黄韧带与椎外后静脉丛相通)
expl.气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level
sport.涉及比赛成绩的抗议或比赛过程的抗议、必须在正式宣告该项成绩后30分钟内提出Protests concerning the result or the conduct of an event shall be made within 30 minutes of the official announcement of the result of that event
busin.后内生变量lagged endogenous variable
anim.husb.牛后腿内侧肉inside beef ham
expl.由于膨胀气体挤压这种物质、致使能量损失速度快、爆后产物的压力和温度迅速下降。这些损失作为膨胀波传到反应区之内、因而降低了压力和反应速率、且最终消除了对爆震波面传播的能量支持As the expanding gases compress such material, energy is lost rapidly and pressure and temperature drop sharply in the reaction products. These losses are communicated to the interior of the reaction zone as a rarefaction wave, lowering the pressure and reaction rate, and ultimately removing support far the propagation of the detonation front
auto.电致变色内后视镜electrochromic inside mirror
auto.粘接的车内后视镜bonded backlight mirror
econ.索赔必须在货物到后一个月内提出,逾期无效The claim must be lodged within one month of the arrival of the goods, after that date all rights to it will be forfeited
surg.结膜后内侧动脉medial posterior conjunctival arteries
anat.后内侧沟cubital posteromedial sulcus (位于肱骨内上髁和尺骨鹰嘴之间,深方为肱骨的尺神经沟,内有尺神经通过)
surg.脉络丛后内侧支posterior medial choroidal branches
surg.后内侧核ventral posteromedial nucleus
anat.后内侧核ventral posteromedial nucleus (位于腹后核的内侧部,接受三叉丘系的纤维和来自孤束核的味觉纤维,发出纤维参与组成丘脑中央辐射,投射至中央后回下部,传导头面部的浅感觉及味觉)
auto.自动变暗防眩目内后视镜automatic dimming interior mirror
auto.自动变暗防眩目内后视镜automatic inside day/night mirror
auto.自动变暗昼/ 夜内后视镜automatic day/night mirror
proj.manag.至少在债务重组后的一段时间内、 它将很难找到贷款人At least for a time after a debt restructuring it 'would struggle to find lenders
anim.husb.萃取后内脏粉extracted glandular meal
dentist.补牙后注意事项一小时内不要吃任何东西Don't eat anything for one hour
dentist.表面涂氟后三十分钟内不要喝水和吃东西You should not drink or eat anything for thirty minutes after fluoride application
busin.让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing
interntl.trade.详细内容后告details to follows
tech.详细内容后告details to follow
econ.货物税款不包括在调整后发票价格内Excise taxes are excluded in adjusted invoice price
fin.贴现后内含收益率discounted internal rate of return
auto.车内后视镜interior rearview mirror
auto.车内后视镜interior mirror
auto.车内后视镜inside back mirror
auto.车内后视镜inside mirror
auto.车内后视镜inner rear view mirror
auto.车内向后的座椅inboard rearward-facing seat
auto.车内日 /夜后视镜inside day/night mirror
gen.这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months
footwear这款短靴并没有延展到鞋内全掌,但的确提供了后跟到脚掌中部的包裹The bootie doesn't extend the full-length of the shoe's inner, but it does provide coverage from the heel to the midfoot
UN, tech.递增运输系数是指支付根据湿租赁制度或保养租约提供的备件和消耗品的运输递增费用的系数,即从部队派遣国内的装载港和任务区进入港之间的托运路线上800公里500英里之后起算,每行驶800公里500英里,租赁费率递增0.25%incremental transportation factor means a factor to cover the incremental costs of transportation of spare parts and consumables under the wet lease system or lease for maintenance in increments of 0.25 per cent of the leasing rate for each complete 800 kilometres 500 miles distance, beyond the first 800 kilometres 500 miles, along consignment route between the port of embarkation in the home country and the port of entry in the mission area
bridg.constr.锥体内、台内及台后填渗水土seepy soil filled in conic body, in abutment and on back of abutment
expl.镶[金刚石]后的钻头内径set inside diameter
busin.非滞后内生变量unlagged endogenous variable
surg.颈内动脉-后交通动脉动脉瘤internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery aneurysm
otorhinol.额叶后内侧支posteromedial frontal branch
tech.马格内尔-布拉敦式预应力混凝土后张法锚具由承压板、夹头及楔子组成nel-Blaton method
tech.马格内尔式预应力混凝土后张法Magnel system
surg.鼻后上内侧支medial posterior superior nasal branches
otorhinol.鼻后上内侧支rami nasales posteriores superiores mediales