
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一切乘制度ride-sharing system
一揽子合bouquet of treaties
一揽子合package contract
一揽子合bouquet arrangement
一致意的办法agreed formula
一致意的文本agreed text
三联合tripartite indenture
上述合said contract
品种different species
时保险non-concurrent insurance
港口运费差别port differential
生产程序合并vertical integration
种类货物价值划分different species
经济和社会制度国家间的贸易trade among countries having different economic and social system
航程different voyage
不可以自由加入的海运closed conference
不合法的合illegal contract
不完全的关税incomplete customs union
不履行合back out of the contract
不履行合保险risk of non-performance
不烦扰意书nondisturbance agreement
不符合合规定的货物non-conformity of the goods
不经谈判由一方事前制定的合adhesion contract
不能与业竞争的价格price not competitive
不能执行的合unenforceable contract
不能执行的合unenforceable contracts
不论是否nolens volens
不附加条件的合absolute ontract
运费与卸货时支付concurrent with discharge
与合有出入variance with the contract
与合符合conform to with the contract
与欧洲经济共体联系的公约Convention of Association with the EEC (1961.03.28)
与…签订合同make into a contract with...
与通汇银行缔结的交易合correspondent arrangement
专利共使用制度patent pooling
世界关税international custom union
业主中断合the owner’s right to terminate contract
业经验货inspected approved
东亚共East Asiatic Community
东非共市场East African Common Market
严格遵守合条款strict performance of contract
个别合specific contract
中断合terminate contract
中断履行合义务suspend performance of obligations
临时分保合facultative treaty
临时合provisional contract
为共分保中摊回赔款reinsurance recoveries for common account
为共利益支付的分保保险费reinsurance premium for common account
为双方共利益而办理的分保reinsurance cover for common account
为双方共利益而支付分保保险费reinsurance premium for common account
为履行合而指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
书面证明的contract evidenced by a writing
书面written consent
书面复式合speciality contract
有特殊制服的伦敦业公会livery company
伦敦贴现市场业公会London Discount Market Association
伦敦银行业往来贷款London Interbank Offered Rate
伦敦银行业往来贷款利率London Interbank Offered Rate
伦敦银行业拆放利率London Interbank Offered Rate
作为共海损予以补偿的损失loss made good as general average
作为共海损得到的补偿loss allowed as general average
作为共海损得到补偿的损失damage made good a general average
作为共海损得到补偿的灭失、损害和费用loss made good as general average
作为共海损的损失loss allowed as general average
作为共海损的补偿allowances charged to general average
作为共海损补偿的损失allow make good a loss as general average
作为共海损补偿的金额amount to be made good as general average
假定的共海损assumed general average
光船租船合demise charter party
光船租船合demise charter
光船租赁合bareboat charter
全球性分保合world-wide treaty
全球银行业金融电讯协会Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
分保合reinsurance treaty
分包合sub-contract award
分批交货的买卖合contract for the delivery of goods by installments
分期付款的买卖合contract for the payment of goods by installments
分期付款购买合hire purchase agreement
分期分批履行的合installment contract
分期分批的买卖合installment sales contract
分项合separate contract
列入共海损的费用cost allowed in general average
初期合initial treaty
到货合to arrive contract
到货合目的地交货合同arrival contract
包租合charter contract
包运合contract of affreightment
包销合exclusive sales contract
北大西洋共North Atlantic Community
半统包合semi-turnkey contract
状况team environment
单价制合unit-price contract, schedule of rate contract
单务合unilateral contracts
单方面制定合内容unilateral fixing of the terms of the contract
单方面合unilateral contract
卖与sell to the trade
卖出的期货合short position
卖方不履行合seller's failure to perform
各项相加总计不一定相符details may not add to totals due to round
不存在non-existence of the contract
中止条款劳资合同中规定一方在某种条件下有权提出提前中止合同severability clause
义务的保障security of contract obligations
产生效力日期date of contract coming into force
价格contract of price
规定的价格contract price
保证统一规则uniform rules for contract guarantees
关系不涉及第三人原则privity of contract
关系不涉及第三者原则privity of contract
内容treaty contents
分保treaty reinsurance
协议书contract agreement
单位contract unit
受挫supervening impossibility
品级contract grade
安排contractual arrangement
履行地法lex loci solutionis
contract labourer
contract labor
工资contract wages
已履行的证明proof of performance
市场contract market
废止avoidance of the contract
式投资信托contractual type investment trust
引起的损害contractual damage
当事人contracting parties
当事人指定的合同适用的法律prescriptive designation (by the parties to a contract of the law applicable to their contract)
性投资contractual investment
总价contract sum
惯例contractual practice
惯例contractual usage
成立地国家的法律lex loci contractus
所列的货物contract goods
执行情况通知书advice of deal
授权contract authorization
摘要treaty particulars
效力validity of treaty
效力validity of contract
文件document of contract
文本treaty wording
方式form of treaty
暂定总价tentative contract value
有充分的对价sufficiency of consideration
有效期限contract life
期限contract period
机会座谈会美国小企业与政府商会,制造业公司等合作举行的会议contract opportunity meeting
条件treaty conditions
条件说明书contractual specifications
条款contractual terms and conditions
条款tenns of the contract
条款treaty articles
条款contract terms
标的object of the contract
样本contract form
格式contract form
正本original of the contract
contract law
滑动条款escalation clause
生效日期contract effective date
的主要实质部分contract substantial performance
的主要实质部分业已履行contract substantial performance
的保留条款reservation in the contract
的准据法the proper law of the contract
的可分割性severability of the contract
的失效invalidity of a contract
的履行implementation of contract
的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
的明文规定express terms of the contract
的直接规定direct contract stipulations
的确当履行due fulfillment of the contract
的落空履行不可能frustration of contract
的解除rescission of contract
的起始日期contract starting date
租金contract rent
签订日期contract award date
细节details of treaty
细节details of the treaty
终止termination of the contract
终止contract termination
续订contract renewal
缔结地法lex loci contractus
编号contract serial number
自由原则freedom of contract
落实无法履行frustration of contract
规定contract stipulations
规定contractual specifications
规定contract provisions
规定价格contract stipulated price
规定利率contracted interest rate
规定利率contract rate of interest
规定的一揽子交易package covered by the contract
规定的一揽子或各单位package or units covered by the contract
规定的不定期航行contractual tramping
规定的义务contractual obligation
规定的付款contractual payments
规定的利息contract interest
规定的担保contractual guarantee
规定的时间限制contractual limits of time
规定的管辖法院contractual forum
规定的航次contractual voyage
规定的航次contract voyage
规定的航线contractual route
规定的责任contractual liability
规定的还债额contractual debt service
订货contract purchasing
设备contract equipment
诉讼委员会contract appeals board
责任contractual obligation
责任contract obligation
货币contract currency
contract fee
起效日期contract effectiveness date
运费制contract system
运输人contract carrier
适用的法律law of the contract
附加条款additional clause to an agreement
附带的保证guarantee incidental to a contract
合伙合written contract association
合伙合articles of partnership
一系列商品采用的一商标blanket brand
一日期same date
一水平的劳动力流动性horizontal labor mobility
一费率freight all kinds FAK rate
一黄金值same gold value
the same profession
业交易trader’s transaction
业交易trader's transaction
业价traders price
业价trader's price
业公会trade guild (organization)
业公会trade association
业商会trade union
业存款due to bank
业工会staple products guild
业工会craft union
业竞争horizontal competition
... 定约enter into engagement with
工同酬equal pay for equal work
工同酬的权利right to equal pay for equal work
情赔偿损害sympathetic damage
agreed upon
意交割延期take in
意你方的条件agree to your terms
意延期agreed to extend
意法consensus method
意股利consent dividend
意赔款agree to make compensation
意量表agreement scale
意降价agree to reduce the price
文照会identical note
en attendant
时保险concurrent insurance
时期equivalent period
时检核simultaneous verification
时检证simultaneous verification
两国以上协约的本位货币convention money
pari passu
盟船公司participating carrier
盟货物conference cargo
盟费率表conference tariff
盟运价conference rate
盟运价表conference tariff
盟运费率conference rate
种类货物homogeneous cargoes
等学历 ad eundem gradum
等权利pari cause
idem genus
类货品goods of similar class
舟共株follow the fortunes
the same profession
fellow trader
rival firms
行买卖trade sale
行价格trade price
行折扣trade discount
行间的规矩professional etiquette
质货物homogeneous cargoes
名义合价格nominal contract price
否认合有效repudiate a contract
启钥合turnkey contract
启钥合方式出口export by turnkey contract
,周期运动的期性synchronization of cyclical movements
售后租回合sell and leaseback agreement
售货合sales contract
在其他条件相的情况下Caeteris paribus
在执行中的合contracts in process
外埠业存款out-port banks deposit
外埠业透支overdraft, by out-port banks
外埠业透支overdrafts, by out-port banks
外埠业透支overdrafts by foreign or correspondents
外埠业透支overdraft by foreign or correspondents
外汇合exchange contracts
外汇合确认书exchange contract confirmation
多头合long contract
多式联运合MT contract
大宗销货合bulk sales contract
大西洋共体拉美开发团投资公司Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company
必须使用契据形式的合contract by deed
契约、合、契据、章程、承包contract cont
奖惩合bonus penalty contract
奖惩合bonus-penalty contract
套头交易平衡交易hedging contract
存放due from banks
尚待执行的合outstanding contract
尚未完成的合pending contract
履行合execution of contract
履行合performance of contract
履行合performance of a contract
履行合perform a contract
履行合discharge of contract
履行合义务obligation of contract
进出口的履行合保证人performance guarantee
进出口的履行合的风险performance risk
开口合open-end contract
开放open conference
具文toothless jawboning
总包合制度lump-sum system of contracting
总承包合general contract
总承包合prime contract award
恢复执行合recovery of the performance
成数分保合quota share reinsurance treaty
成本加一个百分数酬金合cost plus a percentage fee contracts
成本加固定数目酬金合cost plus a fixed fee contract
成本加固定费用合cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
成本加奖金合cost plus an award fee contracts
成本加比例报酬合cost plus percentage fee contract
成本加比例报酬合cost-plus-percentage-fee contract
托管财产条款terms of trust
执行销售合中的非欺骗的缺点non-fraudulent defects in performance of sales contract
持不意见的仲裁员的论点dissenting opinion (of one of three arbitrators)
一产品按不同牌号或包装和/或按不同销售途径分别订价split pricing
样条件再卖repeat on same terms
按合by contract
按合供应设备turnkey plant
按合规定的牌价price of option
按合规定的牌价price of call
按日租船合daily charter
按照合as agreed (contracted)
按租船合装运ship under a charter party
按预算成本规定奖惩取费细则合target estimate with penalty and incentive-fee contract
搭卖合tying contract
支付payments unions
支付payment unions
攻守offensive and defensive alliance
救助合salvage contract
救助合standard form salvage agreement
明确地认定为履行合的货物goods clearly identified to the contract
明示express consent
有保证最高限额按单价结算方式的合guaranteed maximum unit-price contract
有效合valid or enforceable contract
有效的合valid contract
有期合terminable contract
有约束力的合binding contract
有选择权的合option contract
期汇合exchange contracts
期租time charter party
期货合futures contract
期货合有效期life of contract
期货外汇合forward exchange contract
期货外汇的买卖合exchange contract
期货标准合basis contract
期货汇兑合forward exchange contracts
期限拖长的合stretch-out contract
未参加海运盟的航运业者non-conference operator
未完成合uncompleted contract
未履行合failure of performance
未履行合罚款penalty for nonperformance of contract
未注明货种及卸货港的租船合open charter
未符合规定履行义务defective performance
未结清期货合open position
标准合standard contract
标准合model contracts
标准合form contract
标准合格式standard contract form
标准合规定standard contract provision
标准合规定standard contract provisions
标准定期租船合uniform time charter (BAL Time)
标准杂货租船合金康uniform general charter Gen Con
标准的印就合standard form contract
标准租船合格式standard charter party forms
核数师业审査peer review
根据合的债权contractual claim
根据合的债权claim in contract
根据合的诉讼action ex contractu
根据定期合规定的牌价price for account
欧洲共市场European Common Market
欧洲共市场的对外统一关税Common External Tariff
欧洲共European Communities
欧洲关税盟研究团European Customs Union Study Group
欧洲协concert of Europe
欧洲支付European Payment Union
欧洲支付Europe Payment Union
欧洲支付European Payments Union
欧洲经济与货币European Economic & Monetary Union
欧洲经济与货币European Economic and Monetary Union
欧洲经济共European Economic Community EEC (Common Market)
欧洲经济共体关于司法管辖权和承认及执行判决的公约Convention relating to Judicial Jurisdiction and Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements of the EEC
欧洲经济货币European Economic and Monetary Union
欧洲货币European Monetary Union
正式合written contract
正式合formal contract
正式拨归合的货物goods duly appropriated to the contract
汇兑合exchange contract
清算clearing union
港至港合port-to-port contract
火灾共保险fire coinsurance
版权合copyright contracts
由于合ex contractu
申请废除合的诉讼action for annulment of contract
男女工人工同酬的公约同酬公约Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value Equal Remuneration Convention
示范合model contracts
票据交换所意券clearing house agree ticket
程租合voyage charter party
税收fiscal union
符合合的货物goods conforming with the contract
符合合规定的货物goods of the contract description
第一溢额分保合first surplus reinsurance treaty
合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
第三方所开的货物符合合证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
第二溢额分保合second surplus reinsurance treaty
等于取消合tantamount to the cancellation of contract
联合国国际销售货物合公约United Nations Convention on Contract for the International Sales of Goods
联合国欧洲经济委员会买卖一般条件和标准合格式General Conditions of Sale and Standard Forms of Contract of the ECE
联邦合检査局office of federal contract compliance
船主与水手所订的合ship's articles
葡非共Luso-African community
蜡封合contract under seal
补偿损失的合contract of indemnity
补充合supplementary contract
负有不的举证责任with variation as to the burden of proof
货港未定租船合open charter
货物搬运合removal bond
货物符合合规定conformity of the goods
货物符合合第三者证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
购销合purchases and sales contract
购销合purchase and sales contract
贸易业公会会费membership dues to trade association
贸易合commercial contract
赊销合credit sale agreement
赔偿合contract of indemnity
转分保合retrocession treaty
转卖合resale contract
透支overdrafts on banks
透支overdraft on banks
递延补偿合deferred compensation contracts
销售合seller's contract
销售合sale contract
销售合contract of sale
销售或购货合sales or purchase contract
销货合sales contract
附加合accessory contract
附有条件的合以同时购买其他物品为条件的买卖合同tying contract
附有条件的销售合conditional sales contract
附条件的销售合conditional sale contract
陆路共地点overland common points
降低价格Price Reduction League
业合并conglomerate merger
意债券non-assented bond
意股non-assented stock
批到货different shipment
盟定期船non-conference line vessel
非商事合noncommercial contracts
非洲金融共体法郎African Financial Community Franc (CFA Franc)
马格里布共市场Maghreb Common Market
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