
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一次性还本贷款合bullet contract
一致意的利率consensus rate
一致意的模式consensus model
三个月业拆放利率期货serial month Hibor futures
三月期香港银行业放款利率期货three-month HIBOR futures
三月期香港银行业放款利率期货合同three-month Hong Kong interbank offered rate futures contract
上市期权合listed option contract
上海期货业公会Shanghai Municipal Futures Industry Association
下一个期货合next futures contract
价格变化的分散化投资dissimilar price movement diversification
合约间的价差intercontract spreads
回报和风险的组合different combination of return and risk
待遇differential treatment
意回购债券的时间安排declining call schedule
的准人标准segmented access criteria
类别股转换sector switch
行业内同行的职工工会horizontal union
行业股转换sector switch
资产dissimilar asset
不减扣远期合non-deductible forward contracts
不动产/房地产投资共基金real estate pool
不合理的合unconscionable bargain
不能强制执行的合unenforceable contract
与上年期数字相比year-on-year comparison
与……同步增长grow in pace with
专门证券或期货合specified security or futures contract
东京银行业拆出利率/放款利率Tokyo interbank offered rate
东京银行业拆放利率Tokyo interbank offered rate
两个人共经营two-handed deal
两地步上市simultaneous dual listing
两地步上市安排cross-listing arrangement
两证券商共完成分销two-handed deal
个月期香港银行业拆借利率期货one-month HIBOR futures 1
个月期香港银行业拆借利率期货合同one-month HIBOR futures contract 1
中国业拆出利率China inter-bank offered rate
中国银行业拆放利率China interbank offered rate
中止履行合义务suspend performance of obligations
中止执行合suspending performance
临时合interim deed
主导期货合lead futures contract
买方全责合hell-or-water contract
事先prior agreement
互换合swap contract
交易共trading community
交易商业交易价格interdealer price
交易商业的政府债券市场interdealer market for government bond
伦敦银行业借款利率London interbank bid rate
伦敦银行业平均利率London interbank mean rate
伦敦银行业拆人利率London interbank bid rate
伦敦银行业拆人或储蓄利率London interbank bid or deposit rate
伦敦银行业拆借中间利率London interbank mean
伦敦银行业拆出利率London interbank offered rate
伦敦银行业放款利率London interbank offered rate
俄罗斯全国证券市场业公会National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR, Russia)
债券共基金经理bond mutual fund manager
债权人与债务人混merger of obligee and obligor
债权人与债务人混confusion of oblige and debtor
免佣金共基金no load mutual fund
全国银行业拆借中心National Interbank Funding Centre China
全球共基金global mutual fund
公众共基金public mutual fund
公共事业税共基金tax-managed utility mutual fund
公司业交易intercompany transaction
公司业贷款intercompany loan
公司业贷款市场intercompany loan market
公司注册前的合/协议pre-incorporation contract/agreement
买卖证券的活动joint securities trading activity
证券交易joint transaction
交易平台common trading platform
代理人common nominee
代理人股票common nominee share certificate
保护joint protection
保证人joint guarantor
信托community trust
信托契约common trust deed
信贷mutual credit facilities
债务joint obligation in debt
债务人joint debtor
债项joint debt
储备collective reserve
出售权tag along right
出售权co-sale right
出资go partners
利益团体interest group
参与放贷participation loan
及个别的承付票joint and several note
及单独清算人joint and several liquidators
受益人joint beneficiary
商业语言common business language
回报joint return
基金信托mutual fund trust
基金信用级别mutual fund ratings
基金公司mutual fund company/corporation
基金分销渠道mutual fund distribution channel
基金分销途径mutual fund distribution channel
基金报价栏目mutual fund quotation
基金招募书mutual fund prospectus
基金招募说明书mutual fund prospectus
基金排行榜mutual fund scoreboard
基金现金与资产比率mutual fund cash to assets ratio
基金现金比率mutual fund cash ratio
基金理论mutual fund theorem
基金管理人mutual fund custodian
基金经理mutual fund manager
基金股份share of mutual fund
基金评级mutual fund ratings
基金评级mutual fund rating
愿望joint will
成本joint cost
所有人joint proprietor
所有权ownership in common
所有权协议joint ownership
承担原则pooling principle
投资信托公司mutual investment trust
担保债券joint and several bond
拥有财产joint owned property
持有tenancy by the entirety
控制债券joint control bond
控股人concert party
控股人协议concert party agreement
控股实体joint controlling entity
控股股东co-controlling shareholders
收人总额joint total income
权益joint interest
权益tenancy in common (共同持有的权益,若一人故去,其权益保留,不转移到其他持有人名下)
权益common ownership
浮动制joint floating system
清算中心joint clearing house
清算人joint liquidator
牵头包销商co-lead underwriter
筹资joint financing
筹资协议co-financing agreement
结算common clearing
结算中心joint clearing house
背书joint endorsement
融资计划co-financing scheme
连带责任joint and several liability
集合红利common bonus pool
关键合material contract
具有约束力的合binding contract
内罗比共基金Nairobi common fund
分包合sub-underwriting contract
分包承销合sub-underwriting contract
利率期权合interest rate options contract
利率期货合interest rate futures
利益趋假说假设管理层的股票份额与公司市场价值之间存在正相关关系convergence of interests hypothesis
到期价格maturity convergence
前期合最快到期的期货和期权front contract
加价合条款up price clause
包含协与成本削减including synergies and cost cuts
区域型共基金regional mutual fimd< <->
价值value of synergy
效应integration synergy
效益价值synergy value
机会synergistic opportunity
系统服务collaboration system service
单边合unilateral contract
单项和整批合slice and package contract
单项投标合承包商对单一分项投标而不必对整个项目进行投标slice contract
卖期货合short futures contract
卢森堡银行业拆放利率Luxembourg interbank offered rate
中介contractual intermediary
乘数contract multiplier
交易市场contract market
价格contracted price
保证书contract bond
到期日contract expiration date
到期月contract month
单据印花税stamp duty on contract notes
印花税contract stamp duty
双方关系privity of contract
各方contracting party
失效日contract expiration date
定金earnest on contract
履行contract performance
式联合经营contractual joint venture
总额contract size
成交金额turnover of contract
成交额trading turnover of contract
报表contract statement
担保contract guarantee
期货有效期life of contract
格式formality of contract
清单contract sheet
生效日spot day
登记registration of contracts
的主要参与者principal to the contract
签署前的信息披露precontractual disclosure
索赔contractual claim
组合nexus of contract
细则term sheet
细则contract specifications
终值termination value of a contract
经纪人contract broker
要素essence of a contract
贷款contract financing
限制及需报告的持仓量contract limit and reportable open position
额度contract limit
合伙合articles of co-partnership
合并后的协作用merger synergy
吉尼美共基金Ginnie Mae mutual fund
一合约内套利intracontract spreads
一资产的摊还amortizing same asset
业售价trade price
业复查peer review
业存放due from banks
业存款利率depo rate
业对比分析horizontal analysis
业托拉斯horizontal trust
业贷款trade credit
业银行cooperative bank
业银行利差interbank spread
价对敲交易straddle trading
价权重指数用成分股相同市场比重方法编制的指数equal dollar weighted index
伴债券companion bonds
城支票city check
城票据local bill
城结算intracity settlement
域票据结算local clearing
意书consent letter
意函consent letter
意指令consent order
意更改的证券当企业发生重组或其他变更时,证券持有人认同在某些方面作出变化的证券assented security
意股可享受同意股息的优先股和参与公司超额利润分配的参与优先股consent stock
意释款书letter of release
日内跌幅股市intraday falls
日执行same day exercise
日资金替代same-day substitution
日资金结算same day funds settlement
日透支intraday overdraft
时、同市、同种证券交易获利kind arbitrage
期准备金会计contemporaneous reserve accounting
期所有权contemporary ownership
期斩仓marriage put
权条款equal coverage
步交割delivery versus delivery
步债券lockout bond
步向市场注人资金synchronising injections of funds into markets
步增长in gear
步定价和同步上市发行 A 股和 H 股simultaneous pricing and listing for issuing A and H shares
步战略债券lockout PAC bond
步披露simultaneous disclosure
步操作程序synchronized processing
步现金流synchronizing cash flow
步经济指标指数index of coincident economic indicator
比年度分析common-base-year analysis
汇网remittance network
等保证金equal coverage
等债务debts of equal degree
等地位equal dignity
等强度的牛市和熊市技术分析equal strength of bulls and bears
等权利pari passu
等权益债券parity bond
等权益债务parity debt
等标准like with like
等法人equivalent corporation
等物quick pro quo
等级债务debt of equal degree
等速度pari passu
类互换like-kind exchange
类公司业绩peer-group performance
类公司比较peer-company comparison
类股转换sector rotation
类证券组合universe of securities
类诉讼一人代表集体出庭class action
类财产like kind assets
级别债务debts of equal degree
股同权同利same shares carrying same rights and same benefits
行业一致性horizontal consistency
行业收购horizontal acquisition
行信贷trade credit
行审查peer review
行对同行P to P (Peer to Peer)
行投资trade investment
名义合效应nominal contract effects
业变卖子公司股份horizontal divestiture
售出价对敲期权sell straddle
商品期货合交易trading in commodity futures contract
场外交易合型权证OTC contract-based warrants
场外交易衍生工具合off-exchange traded derivative contract
外币合contract in foreign currency
外币远期合foreign currency forward contract
外汇期权合exchange option contract
外汇期货合forward foreign exchange contract
外汇期货合foreign currency futures contract
多方共所有multiple ownership
契约合contract for deed
契约型共基金contractual mutual fund
套期保值互换合hedging with swap contract
套期合hedging contract
套期合保证金hedged position margin
子弹式合bullet contract
存在国外银行业的钱款金额amount due from banks abroad
存在银行业的钱款金额amount due from banks
守合abide by contract
完全相的要约identical offer
定期合period contract
定期购买递延合periodic purchase deferred contract
定率承包价奖励合fixed price incentive FPI contract
实际共控股股东actual co-controlling shareholder
客户合client's agreement
客户合client contract
小批合job lot
履行合satisfy a debt (or a creditor)
履行合义务burden of contract
布达佩斯银行业拆借利率Budapest interbank offer rate
布达佩斯银行业拆放利率匈牙利Budapest interbank offer rate
布鲁塞尔银行业拆借利率Brussels interbank offered rate (BIBOR)
布鲁塞尔银行业拆放利率Brussels interbank offered rate
平衡式共基金balanced mutual fund
应税货币市场共基金taxable money market mutual fund
开仓合opening contract
期货开口合open contract
开放式共基金open end mutual fund
开放式合open-end contract
弹性共基金flexible mutual fund
征得意进行核实/审核verification by consent
征求少于半数的股东提出征求公司同意的意见,希望公司重视他们的意见采纳他们的建议consent solicitation
总合total contract price
总括合blanket contract
恒生指数期货合Hang Seng Index Futures Contract
意向性合offer sheet
或有共放款人contingent co-lender
战略协strategic synergy
执行合meet one's engagement
投标合保险tender to contract cover
投资业比较investment peer comparison
投赞approval voting
抵补价对敲在持有基础资本时实行上述策略covered straddle
持不意见的董事dissident director
损失赔偿合contract of indemnity
掉期合swap contract
搭卖合tie-in contract
撤销交易合reversal contract
收人共基金income mutual fund
收益协作用revenue synergy
政府机构债券及类债券government agency bond & similar issues
整个公司共成本common firm-wide cost
新加坡银行业放款利率Singapore interbank offered rate
晨星共基金等级Morningstar mutual fund ranking
暗示implied consent
暗示合implied contract
有偿合considerable contract
有福共享有难share joys and sorrows
期权共基金option mutual fund
期权合option contract
期权长仓合long options contract
期货交易合future contract (FC)
期货合乘数futures contract multiple
期货合交易dealing in futures contract
期货合价值futures contract value
期货合套期保值hedging with futures contract
期货合市场paper market
期货合期权option on futures
期限相equivalent life
未交割合unsettled contract
未到期的远期合unmatured forward contract
未平仓合open contract
未平仓合open interest
未平仓合open commitment
未平仓的衍生工具合outstanding derivative contract
未平短仓合short open contract
未经意的证券公司想改变,但尚未取得股东们同意的股票或债券unassented securities
未经全体股东一致意的修改协议amending agreements without all shareholders' consents
未结清的合unsettled position
未结清的衍生工具合outstanding derivative contract
未结算的长仓合long open interest
杠杆式外汇合leveraged foreign exchange contract
来自国外银行业的存款amount due to banks abroad
核准的共基金authorized mutual fund
根据合的诉讼action ex contractu
根据相比例pari passu
格林斯潘仁咨询公司原美联储主席格林斯潘退休后成立的公司Greenspan Associates
欧元区银行业拆借利率Euro interbank offered rate
欧洲日元东京银行业拆息期货Euroyen Tibor Futures
欧洲日元存款利率期货合Euroyen futures contract
款券时交付delivery versus delivery
汇款步结算payment vs payment
清仓合closing contract
溢额合surplus treaty
激进型增长共基金aggressive growth mutual fund
特定共基金specialized mutual fund
环球银行业金融通讯系统society for worldwide interbank financial telecom
现金结算合cash settlement contracts
瑞士银行业清算中心Swiss Interbank Clearing
生效合treaty valid
电子合单据electronic contract notes
看涨价买卖出票bull straddle writing
社会意识共基金socially conscious mutual fund
社会良知型共基金不投资于有害于社会环境产业的基金social consciousness mutual fund
税收管理共基金tax-managed mutual fund
空头期权合short option contract
第三方客户合third party client contracts
第三者指令和赞third party orders and consents
普通股common stock equivalent
签订分包合make a subcontract
签订期货合enter into a futures contract
纽约银行业拆人利率或拆进利率New York interbank bid rate
纽约银行业拆人利率New York interbank bid rate
纽约银行业拆放利率或拆出利率New York interbank offer rate
纽约银行业拆放利率New York interbank offered rate
纽约银行业相互补偿规则New York interbank compensation rules
网上市场行情步系统computerized market timing system
网上网下时认购simultaneous online and off-line subscription
美元隔夜行拆借利率overnight interbank dollar rates
联合合joint contract
联邦基金业交易Federal intrafund transaction
股东时拥有原则contemporaneous ownership rule
A 股和 H 股步上市发行simultaneous issuance and listing of A and H shares
股本权益合equity contract
股权关联合equity-related contract
股票和债务共基金stock and debt mutual fund
股票指数期货合stock index futures contract
股票期权合stock options contract
艺术家共信托"以物(作品)代币"为交换基础的投资项目Artist Pension Trust
草签合referendum contract
草签合ad referendum contract
获得第三方obtaining third party consents
虚股交易合when-issued contract
表现胜于其它outperformed the peers
被视为to be deemed to consent
债券assented bond
的股票assented stock
证券assented security
认可的共基金authorized mutual fund
认购意向登记册共管理人joint book runners
认购期权合call contract
财务上的协作用financial synergy
货币互换合currency swap contract
货币市场共基金money market mutual fund
货币市场共基金股份/份额monetary market mutual fund shares
货币期货合currency futures contract
资产分类共基金assets class mutual funds
资产配置共基金assets allocation mutual fund
资本充足比率趋capital convergence
资本总额期构成的比率capital composition ratio
资本收益最大化共基金maximum capital gains mutual fund
资本赎回合capital redemption contract
赊购合credit contract
赎回费用共基金contingent deferred sales charge (back-end loan fund)
假说convergence hypothesis
形态convergent pattern
趋势convergent trend
预测consensus forecast
转包合sub-underwriting contract
长期期货合back contract
长期趋/变异long-term convergence/divergence
期权长腿合long leg
附加合supervening contract
附合合contract of adhesion
附意合contract of adhesion
限额共基金closed-end mutual fund
非法合unlawful contract
非认债券non-assented security
非赞股票non-assented stock
频繁日出单frequent intra-day orders
香港业隔夜拆出利率overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate (HIBOR)
香港银行业拆借利率Hong Kong Inter bank Offered Rate
香港银行业拆借港元利率期货叠做期权HIBOR futures strip
香港银行业拆借港元利率期货合同HIBOR futures contract
香港银行业拆放利率Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate
香港银行业拆放市场Hong Kong Interbank Market
香港银行业结算有限公司Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
香港银行业隔夜拆息率overnight Hong Kong interbank offered rate (HIBOR)
马德里银行业拆人利率Madrid interbank bid rate
马德里银行业拆人利率马德里银行Madrid interbank bid rate
马德里银行业拆出利率Madrid interbank offered rate
马德里银行业拆放利率Madrid interbank offered rate (表示该银行愿意放贷的利率)
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