
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
上海银行业拆人利率Shanghai inter-bank bid rate
上海银行业拆放利率Shanghai inter-bank offered rate
政治制度different political systems
不定值保险合unvalued insurance contract
不履行合default on a contract
专项资金借贷合contract of loans for special funds
东京银行业拆人利率Tokyo inter-bank bid rate
东京银行业拆放利率Tokyo inter-bank offered rate
6个月为期的伦敦银行业拆息利率six-month LIBOR
《中华人民共和国台湾胞投资保护法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Protection of Investment by Compatriots from Taiwan
《中华人民共和国涉外经济合法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest
《中华人民共和国经济合法》Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
中国业拆借市场利率China inter-bank offered rate
中部非洲国家经济共Economic Community of Central African States (成立于1985年1月,成员包括非洲中部的13个国家,总秘书处设在利伯维尔)
中部非洲经济与货币共Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale (非洲中部赤道几内亚、刚果(布)、加蓬、喀麦隆、乍得、中非共和国等6个法语国家为加强区域经济合作而建立的政府间金融合作机构,1999年6月25日正式启动,其前身是"中部非洲关税和经济联盟",共同体委员会(前身为执行秘书处)设在中非首都班吉)
代码:XAF中非金融合作法郎// 中非金融合作法郎法语原文是"franc de la Coopération Financière en Afrique Centrale"是中非关税和经济Customer and Economic Union Of Central Africa 6 个成员国喀麦隆、中非、刚果、加蓬、赤道几内亚与乍得共同使用的官方货币,也是法国和中非6国之间金融和经济合作的重要工具,辅币为 centime (分),1 XAF =100 centimesCentral African CFA franc BEAC
为共利益而办理的分保reinsurance cover for common account
亏损合loss contract
互利共赢、共发展的原则principle of mutual benefit and common development
互相意注销条款mutual cancellation
帐户common account
人寿保险商业业公会Life Insurance Association
仝国银行业拆借中心National Inter-bank Funding Center
价格决定的共因素co-determinants of price
价格合price contract
伦敦业银行拆放利率London interbank offered rate
伦敦银行业平均利率London inter-bank mean rate (指伦敦银行同业存款利率与伦敦银行同业拆借利率的平均利率)
伦敦银行业拆人利率London inter-bank bid rate
伦敦银行业拆借利率London Inter-bank offered rate (LIBOR是英国银行同业之间短期资金借贷款的成本,也是全世界最重要的美元、日元、英镑等多种货币金融产品的利率参考基准,据测算全球有350万亿美元以上的利率衍生品、贷款产品等的价格是根据 LIBOR 设定的。LIBOR 设定的方法:根据英国银行家协会 (British Banker's Association) 选定的20家银行在伦敦时间每天上午11点左右提交的自己认为可以从银行间市场借得无抵押贷款的利率,经一定的技术处理后,去掉最高5个和最低5个报价后进行平均,由此计算出每日最终的 LIB0R。所以,每家银行报出的利率水平,都可能影响到 LIBOR 这个关乎全球市场的参考值)
伦敦银行业拆借利率London Inter-bank offered rate (LIBOR 是英国银行同业交易市场上商业银行对存于非美国银行的美元进行交易时所涉及的利率,常常被作为商业贷款、抵押、发行债务利率的基准,据测算全球有350万亿美元以上的利率衍生品、贷款产品等的价格是根据 LIBOR 设定的。 LIBOR 设定的方法:根据英国银行家协会 (British Banker's Association)选定的 20 家银行在伦敦时间每天上午11点左右提交的自己认为可以从银行间市场借得无抵押贷款的利率,经一定的技术处理后,去掉最高5个和最低5个报价后进行平均,由此计算岀每日最终的 LIBOR。 所以,每家银行报出的利率水平,都可能影响到 LIBOR 这个关乎全球市场的参考值)
伦敦银行业拆借利率LIBOR (LIBOR 是英国银行同业交易市场上商业银行对存于非美国银行的美元进行交易时所涉及的利率,常常被作为商业贷款、抵押、发行债务利率的基准,据测算全球有350万亿美元以上的利率衍生品、贷款产品等的价格是根据 LIBOR 设定的。 LIBOR 设定的方法:根据英国银行家协会 (British Banker's Association)选定的 20 家银行在伦敦时间每天上午11点左右提交的自己认为可以从银行间市场借得无抵押贷款的利率,经一定的技术处理后,去掉最高5个和最低5个报价后进行平均,由此计算岀每日最终的 LIBOR。 所以,每家银行报出的利率水平,都可能影响到 LIBOR 这个关乎全球市场的参考值)
伦敦银行业拆借利率操纵丑闻LIBOR-rigging scandal (由于 LIBOR 设定机制的缺陷,导致它很容易被一小部分人操控。从2010年底起,美国监管机构开始对包括美国的花旗集团、摩根大通,德国的德意志银行,英国的巴克莱集团、汇丰集团、皇家苏格兰银行在内的16家机构进行调查,此后欧洲、加拿大、日本等监管机构也陆续展开了调査。2012年6月27日,美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC)宣布,因巴克莱集团在2005年至2009年期间试图操纵和虚假汇报 LIBOR 和欧洲银行同业欧元拆借利率 (Euribor),对其处以2亿美元罚款,LIBOR 操纵丑闻由此爆发,不仅多家大型跨国银行因深陷丑闻泥潭而信誉遭损,而且英国的金融监管机构也遭到了来自各方的质疑和诟病。2013年7月9日,英国政府的一个委员会和纽约泛欧交易所集团宣布,LIBOR 将被作价1美元出售给纽约泛欧交易所集团。该集团将于2014年初正式接管 LIBOR,并在英国建立一个新的法人实体来负责 LIBOR 的管理)
伦敦银行业拆借利率设定程序LIBOR-setting process
促进世界持久和平与共繁荣advance durable peace and common prosperity of the world
促进共利益promote shared interests
保留意见一一除不观点外qualified opinion - except for disagreement
保险合生效年year of policy acceptance
信托合contract of commission
信托合纠纷案件controversy over a fiduciary contract
信托型共基金trust-type mutual fund
信托贷款合contract of loan on trust
借款合loan agreement
借贷合contract of debit and credit
借贷合纠纷案件controversy over a loan contract
债券合trust indenture
债券合deed of trust
充分考虑各国不国情take into full account the different national circumstances of various members
全球经济以不速度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
全额共保险full coinsurance
体优先community preference
促进国际社会的努力jointly promote efforts of the international community
保险免赔额co-insurance deductible
保险条款co-insurance clause
信托基金mutual trust fund
债务joint bond
债务人joint debtors
农业政策common agricultural policy (该政策旨在稳定欧洲农产品市场,确保市场在合理的价格下供应正常,同时保证农民收人水平)
努力work together
努力建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系work together to build a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit
及个别承兑票据joint-and-several promissory note
及连带责任joint and several liabilities
基金投资mutual fund investment
基金流动率mutual fund liquidity ratio
基金流量mutual fund flows
客户common client
建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系work together to build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership
成本joint cost (common cost)
成本common cost (joint cost)
承兑人joint acceptor
抵押common mortgage
抵押品管理系统common collateral management system
提振市场信心jointly boost market confidence
支票制度common check system
放款participation loan
救助基金common rescue fund
比例分担债务share concurrently and ratably
浮动joint afloat
海损gross average
海损不赔free from general average
海损分担条款average clause
海损分摊general average contribution
海损分摊数额general average apportionment
海损分配general average apportionment
海损理算书statement of general average adjustment
海损理算评定书general average statement
的交易平台uniform dealing platform
票据joint note
租赁tenancy in common
经济治理common economic governance
结算joint account
继承遗产common heritage
融资joint financing
计算joint account
负债joint and several liabilities
负担joint burden
货币会计common dollar accounting
货币财务报表common dollar financial statement
费用common expanse
费用common cost (joint cost)
资金common purse
风险管理系统common risk management system
关税盟论theory of customs union
具有共保障的债券jointly-guaranteed bonds
再保险合reinsurance contract
再保险合展期renewal of reinsurance contract
再保险合形成的或有事项contingencies formed by reinsurance contracts
农业协金融集团NongHyup Financial Group (韩国著名的金融集团之一,在美国财经类杂志《全球金融>2010年发布的"亚洲十大最安全银行"榜单中名列第9位,其核心资本规模在2013年英国《银行家》杂志全球1000家大银行排行榜中名列第83位)
分期付款买卖合contract for the payment of goods by installment
分配共成本allocated corporate costs
创建一个共的储备库create a joint pool of reserves
加勒比共体和共同市场Caribbean Community and Common Market (地区性国际经济合作组织,1973年由加勒比自由贸易协会 (CARFTA)改组而成,总部设在圭亚那首都乔治敦)
加勒比共体多边清算组织Caribbean Community Multilateral Clearing Facility (地区性政府间金融合作机构)
加强联合国在发展领域的协调和合作intensify coordination and cooperation with the United Nations on development
包揽承建合turnkey contract
包购合standby agreement
体系co-ordinated system
刺激coordinating stimulus measures
南方共市场MERCOSUR ("MERCOSUR" 为西班牙文"Mercado Comun del Sur"的简写,英译为"Southern Common Market")
即期交易合spot trade contract
原保险合direct insurance contracts
双联合trust indenture
双联合deed of trust
发扬舟共济、合作共赢的精神promote solidarity, cooperation and win-win spirit
发扬舟共济、合作共赢的精神demonstrate the spirit of standing together in times of adversity and pursuing win-win cooperation
可撤销合voidable contract
上的收益contractual revenue
争议contract dispute
价格target price
保证保险contract guarantee insurance
储蓄机构contractual saving institutions
-增加-营运contract-add-operate CAO (这是从 BOT 项目融资模式 (build-operate-transfer)衍生出来的一种变通形式。"增加"意指项目发起人租用东道国的基础设施,再增加一些设施)
执行标明contract execution marked
技术提案technical proposal for contracts
条件contract conditions
纠纷contract dispute
远期汇差contract forward spread
金额contract fee
销售sale on approval a/c
合资合joint venture contract
业会费professional dues
业借项due from banks
业借项入欠,应收银行款due from banks
业公会会费association dues
业存款due to banks
业存款inter-bank deposit
业往来trade current account
业放款inter-bank loan
业放款due from banks
业贷项due to banks
业贷项欠入due to bank
业间折扣trade discount (trade allowance)
事帐户mate account
普通式决算表即百分率决算表使不同时期或不同企业可以比较common size statements
in favour of
期用户concurrent users
步交易simultaneous transaction
步指标coincident indicators
步指标coincidence indicators
步贷款spontaneous lending
比变动率year-on-year rate
比增长11.7%be increased 11.7 per cent year-on-year
比降至7.7%drop to 7.7 per cent year on year
现金cash equivalents
等权益pari passu
行借入款利息interest on loans from other bank
商品房产买卖合contract for the sales of commercial estate
商品房租赁合contract for the rent of commercial housing
商品房购销合contract for the sales of commercial housing
固定汇率预购合fixed rate forward purchase contract
国内行业历史先进成本historical best cost of the domestic industry
国际借款合contract for international loans
坚持共但有区别的责任原则stick to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
坚持共但有区别的责任原则follow the principles of common but differentiated responsibilities
外国业透支overdraft by foreign correspondents
外埠业透支overdrafts by foreign or corespondents
外埠业透支overdraft by out-port banks
外埠业透支overdrafts by out-port banks
外埠业透支overdraft by foreign or corespondents
外汇借款合contract for foreign exchange loans
多头价对敲long straddle
多头高位价对敲long top straddle
套头交易合hedging contract
套头交易合hedge contract
委托blind pool
存放国外业总帐nostro ledger
存放国外的业账户nostro account
存款保管合deposit administration contract
完成合的应得资金assets due from completed contracts
定值保险合valued insurance contract
实现共发展繁荣achieve common development and prosperity
对价合consideration contract
对冲式共基金hedge mutual fund
履行合risk of performance of contract
阿塞拜疆巴库银行业货币交换所Baku Inter-bank Currency Exchange
巴黎银行业拆借利率Paris Inter-bank Offered Rate
平滑异移动平均线moving average convergence and divergence
广泛的共利益和交汇利益wide range of common and overlapping interests
应付业账款due to banks
应对共关切address shared concerns
应对共关切address common concerns
应收业账款due from banks
应收分保合准备金reserve for reinsurance contract receivable
应收销售合sales contract receivable
延迟交割合delayed-delivery contract
成本值点使用期useful period of same value point at cost
成本等差equal difference in cost
成本加利润合cost plus contract
成本加固定手续费合cost plus fixed fee contract
成本加成合straight cost-plus contract
成本加费用合cost plus contract
成本协效益cost synergy
成本合cost contracts
房产抵押合contract of house mortgage
房地产转让合contract for transfer of real property
扩大共利益expand mutual interest
扩大共利益broaden common interests
承诺与其他国家共努力pledge to work together with other countries
承销合underwriting contract
承销商合underwriter's contract
担保借款合contract of loan on security
拆放call loan to banks
拥有共利益have a common interest
按合付保证金guarantee money paid on contract
按揭合mortgage contract
推动共发展promote common development
推动共增长promote common growth
推动建设持久和平、共繁荣的和谐世界promote the building of lasting peace and common prosperity and harmonious world
操纵伦敦银行间业拆借利率rig Libor
改革共原则common principles for reform
新加坡银行业拆放利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
新加坡银行间业拆人利率Singapore inter-bank bid rate
新加坡银行间业拆放利率Singapore inter-bank offered rate
无交割合open contract
无条件合unconditional contract
期货合契约forward contract
期货外汇合futures foreign exchange contract
期货外汇合futures exchange contract
未分股的共产权tenant in common
未经意的债券股份unassented bond stock
未经意的股份unassented stock
权益合equity contract
欧亚经济共Euro-Asian economic community
欧元伦敦银行业拆借利率Euro LIBOR
欧元银行业拆放利率Euro inter-bank offered rate (欧元的货币市场基准利率)
欧元银行业拆放利率EURIBOR (欧元的货币市场基准利率)
欧元银行业隔夜拆息Euro overnight index average (欧元隔夜拆借利率的基准)
欧洲共European Community (1965年4月8日,法国、意大利、德国、荷国、比利时、卢森堡6国签订了《布鲁塞尔条约》(1967年7月1日生效),决定将欧洲煤钢共同体、欧洲原子能共同体和欧洲经济共同体统一起来,统称为"欧洲共同体",总部设在比利时首都布鲁塞尔)
欧洲共债券common European bond
欧洲共浮动幅度安排European common margins arrangement
欧洲市政信贷共European Municipal Credit Community
欧洲日元东京银行业拆息利率期货Euroyen Tibor Futures
欧洲清算European Clearing Union
欧洲经济共体合作储蓄和信贷机构协会Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲银行业利率Euro-bank offered rate
汇丰银行股票期货合futures contract on HSBC stock
汇兑兑价与票额相同,外汇平价par of exchange
注册会计师业审查certified public accountant peer review
消费借贷合contract of lending for consumption
涉外合contract concerning foreign interests
成本bunched cost
环球业银行金融电信协会Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunication (国际银行间非营利性国际合作组织,成立于1973年5月,总部设在比利时的布鲁塞尔)
用地合contract for the use of land
币值美元same sized dollar
短期行拆借call loan
票据合contract of commercial paper
票据合contract of bill
科威特银行业拆人利率Kuwait inter-bank bid rate
科威特银行业拆放利率Kuwait inter-bank offered rate
空头价对敲short straddle
第一合金额first contract amount
第二合金额second contract amount
法团equivalent corporation
纳斯达克全国市场共基金NASDAQ National Market Mutual Funds
纽约银行业拆借利率New York inter-bank offered rate
经济合system of economic contracts
经首席保险人as agreed by the leading underwriter
经首席保险人as agreed L/U
结算合contract of settling accounts
美元伦敦银行业拆息率USD LIBOR
莫斯科银行业货币交换所Moscow Inter-bank Currency Exchange
融资租赁合financing lease contract
融资租赁合contract for financial leasing
补偿贸易借款合contract of loans in compensation trade
西非共体发展基金会West African Community Development Fund
西非国家经济共体基金会Economic Community of West African States Fund
西非经济共体团结与经济开发基金West African Economic Community Fund for Solidarity and Economic Development
西非经济共体开发基金West African Economic Community Development Fund
已付deemed paid
订立合to strike a bargain
认购合subscription contract
证券包销合underwriting contract
财产保险合contract of property insurance
财政及经济政策方面的协fiscal and economic policy co-ordination
货币市场共基金money market mutual funds
质押合contract of pledge
转分保合sub-reinsurance contract
进货合应付款帐户purchase contract payable a/c
远期买人合forward buying contract
远期买进合forward purchasing contract
远期出售合forward sale contract
远期合成交率forward contract rate
远期商品合forward commodity contract
远期外汇合exchange forward contract
远期外汇合折价discount on forward exchange contract
远期外汇合溢价premium on forward exchange contract
违背良心的合unconscionable contract
透支合contract for overdraft
金融机构业存款financial institution's deposit
银行业交易inter-bank dealing
银行业信贷inter-bank credit
银行业借人款利息interest on loan from other banks
银行业债券市场inter-bank bond market
银行业债务inter-bank indebtedness
银行业债务inter-bank debt
银行业债权inter-bank claim
银行业协议inter-bank agreement
银行业外汇市场inter-bank foreign exchange market
银行业存放inter-bank placement
银行业存放due to placements with banks and other financial institutions
银行业存放市场inter-bank placement market
银行业存放款inter-bank deposit and lending
银行业市场inter-bank market
银行业市场拆人利率inter-bank market bid rate
银行业市场拆放利率inter-bank market offered rate
银行业市场的投资者inter-bank investors
银行业往来inter-bank transactions
银行业往来账户inter-bank account
银行业拆人利率inter-bank bid rate
银行业拆借inter-bank borrowing
银行业拆借bank's call loan
银行业拆借利率inter-bank borrowing rate
银行业拆息期货合约futures contract in inter-bank interest rate
银行业拆放inter-bank lending
银行业拆放inter-bank offer
银行业拆放bank's call loan
银行业拆放利率inter-bank rate
银行业拆放市场inter-bank lending market
银行业拆放市场inter-bank market
银行业支付系统interbank payment system
银行业汇率inter-bank exchange rate
银行业流动资金inter-bank liquidity
银行业清算inter-bank clearing
银行业结算inter-bank settlement
银行业结算系统inter-bank settlement system
银行业英镑市场inter-bank sterling market
银行业融资票据inter-bank financing bills
银行业调研组织inter-bank research organization
银行业货币市场inter-bank money market
银行业贷款inter-bank loan
银行业资金inter-bank funds
银行业资金转拨系统inter-bank funds transfer system
银行业转账inter-bank transfer
银行业转账服务inter-bank transfer service
银行业黄金交易inter-bank gold trading
银行业黄金市场inter-bank gold market
长期合完工会计法completed job method of accounting for longterm contracts
长期石油供应合long-term oil supply contracts
阿拉伯共市场Arab Common Market (阿拉伯国家地区性国际经济合作组织,成立于1965年1月)
附条件合tying contract
意证券non-assented securities
代码: XOF非洲金融共体法郎African Financial Community franc (简称"西非法郎 (CFA franc)",法语原文是 "Communaute financiere africaine franc",是西非货币联盟 (Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine) 8 个成员国(贝宁、布基纳法索、科特迪瓦、几内亚比绍、马里、尼日尔、塞内加尔及多哥)共同使用的官方货币,也是法国和西非8国之间金融、经济合作的重要工具,辅币为 centime (分),1 XOF = 100 centimes (分))
面临共挑战face common challenges
香港证券业学会Hong Kong Securities Professionals Alumni Association
香港银行业拆放利率Hong Kong inter-bank offered rate (香港银行间互相拆放港元资金所收取的银行息率)
香港银行业结算有限公司Hong Kong Inter-bank Clearing Limited
香港银行业隔夜拆放利率overnight Hong Kong Inter-bank Offered Rate
马德里银行业拆放利率Maderial inter-bank offered rate
高位价对敲top straddle