
Terms for subject Construction containing | all forms
电力时率diversity factor
两头构造相之物double ender
中标合款额accepted contract amount
中继自动步机relay selsyn
交错垂直场锯齿波步信号serrated vertical synchronizing signal
自动步机all synchro
全部步的all synchro
数据库用意向community view
功率电力自动步机power selsyn
动画片特技animation timing
位素成分组成isotopic content
质谱仪位素灵敏度abundance sensitivity
位素纯的isotopically pure
位素计算尺isotope handling calculator
位角exterior-interior angles
顺向,旋升滚削climb hobbing
向凝结作用orthokinetic coagulation
proper alignment
心二次曲线concentric conic
心圆柱体concentric cylinder
心量度规bearing gauge
固液成分熔点congruent melting point
族矿脉domestic vein
并行进位simultaneous carry
最大需用功率coincident demand power
时间阻滞synchronizing delays
与 M 协调in synchronism (with M)
步信号滤清器净化器sync signal purifier
步因数系数synchronization factor
步波形钳位synchronized clamping
步混频器homodyne mixer
步火花放电器synchronous spark-gap
步火花隙synchronous spark-gap
步状态in-step condition
步脉冲(时)钟脉冲放大器clock amplifier
步脉冲分离电路sync separator circuit
步脉冲源sync source
步选通闸门lock-following strobe
步采样器synchronous electronic sampler
步音fork tone
电视波道"百叶窗形"干扰Venetian blind interference
相似排列similar permutation
same phase
…相抵触impinge on
离子common ion
组试样companion specimens
gang tuning
转向磨法up-cut grinding
一列式全息图in-line hologram
同心线concentric line
联动调整gang adjustment
轴电缆去耦装置隔离装置coaxial-line isolator
轴线终端负载coaxial-line termination
轴联动多连电位器gang potentiometer
时感震线coseismal lines
multiple isomorphism
在一块金属板上多零件时化学腐蚀法gang milling
存储式长余辉步示波器memory scope
存储式长余辉步示波器memory synchroscope
开槽顶部有切口的步脉冲serrated pulse
强制集中系统general locking
数字位号digit synchronization
无触点步机的解算装置解算器magslip resolver
水平步信号后延时间back-back porch
用比重不的方法分离gravitational separation
由于比重不产生的压差gravity head
自动步传动装置selsyn train
自动步机differential synchro
基色信号选通电路colour gate
色彩的不层次色调gradations of colour
营造合杂志Contract Journal
电源line lock
受迫,集中步系统genlock equipment
计件合agreement by piece (契约)
负载synchronizing at load
起止start stop synchronism
连续调论singular homology theory
钢筋与混凝土共受力协同作用collaboration of steel and concrete
集中台从步设备genlock equipment
步锯齿波发生器free running sawtooth generator