
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一批一定价的货物price line
一批订价相的货物price line
一揽子保险合bouquet insurance treaty
一揽子分保合bouquet reinsurance treaty
一揽子采购合lump-sum purchase contract
一致assent and consent
三方合tripartite contract
上年corresponding period of the preceding year
上年期额amount of corresponding period last year
下属与subordinates and associates
企业管理合management contract
分包合项目subcontract items
分批交货合contract for the delivery of goods by installment
分期分批交货合contract for the delivery of goods by instalment
分期付款销售合installment sale contract
分期履行合installment contract
分期支付货款合contract for the payment of goods by installment
包工合contract for job
包工合预付款contract deposit paid
包工合预收款contract deposit received
包揽合contract for the entire management of...
包销证券合underwriting contract
各向性交换isotropic exchange
各种不的任务varying duty
上的争议contractual dispute
不存在non-existance of the contract
不涉及第三者原则指合同约束签约双方,不涉及第三方privity of contract
中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in contract
中的保留条款reservation in the contract
主要实质部分已履行contract substantial performance
义务contract obligations
义务contractual liability
义务burden of contract
义务treaty obligation
义务保证security of contract obligation
乙方party of the second part
仆役indentured servant
价格指买卖合同规定的价格striking price
保证treaty warranty
保证contractual engagement
保证金deposit of securities on contracts
保险contract insurance
保险单contract policy
英国出口信用部保险单contract policy
letter contract
修改amendment of contract
修正contract modification
债券contract bond
债务contract debt
内容treaty content
分保facultative obligatory reinsurance
删除部分erasure in contract
到期expiration of a contract
到期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
indenture system
contractual system
副本duplicate of contract
包干制lump-sum system of contracting
协议contractual agreement
双方关系mutuality of contract
受法律管辖contract shall be governed by the law
变动条款escalation clause
变更审定Contract Change Authorization
各方all parties to contract
各方当事人each of the parties to the contract
品质contractual quality
契约失效nullification of contract
失效invalidity of a contract
履行地法lex loci solutions
contractual worker
bound labor
indentured labour
工人contract worker
市场如谷物市场contract market
强制执行enforcement of contract
总价格full contract price
成本contract cost
成本法contract costing
所列的损害contractual damage
所定津贴contractual allowance
所附保证guarantee incidential to a contract
担保contractual guarantee
按约定履行due fulfillment of the contract
授权contract authority
支付条款payment terms of contract
收入contract revenue
数据需用表contractual data requirements list
文本deed of contract
方式格式form of treaty
明文规定expressly agreed terms of the contract
曲线contract line
更改请求contract change request
更新contract novation
月份contract month
有效期effective period of the contract
有效期period of contract
有效期period of the contract
有效期term of validity of contract
有效期life of contract
期前成本pre-contract cost
期限time limit of a contract
期限terms of contract
机会座谈会contract opportunity meeting
权利treaty right
条件terms and conditions of contract
条款contractual terms
条款provision in the contract
条款article of contract
船运条款articles of agreement
条款磋商negotiation of contract terms
构成主要内容construction of contract
标准格式model form of contract
标的物subject matter of contract
标的物的灭失destruction of subject matter
格式form of treaty
正式签定adoption of contract
正式通过adoption of contract
正本original of the treaty
law of treaties
law of the contract
满期日terminal of a contract
协议生效treaty valid
生效日期effective date of contract
甲方party of the first part
留置权lien of covenant
契约登记簿contract register
的可分割性sever ability of the contract
的坚定履行实施contract substantial performance
的废除abrogation of contract
的撤销revocability of contract
的法律效力legal effect of contract
的直接参与者principal to the contract
监督contract administration
确定contracting definition
磋商negotiation of contract
contracts section
签字费signature bonus
签订日期date of the conclusion of the contract
管理management by contract
管理处contract management office
约定contractual engagement
细节details of contract
条约细节details of the treaty
经纪人俗称两美元经纪人contract broker
继续有效条件condition subsequent
契约编号contract serial number
自动中止见合同自动解除词条automatic suspension of the contract
自动解除即买卖合同中的不可抗力条款规定,如发生不可抗力事故,合同即自动解除automatic cancellation of the contract
落空frustration of the contract
裁定contract award
要点essence of a contract
要素essence of the contract
见证人attesting witness
规定provision in the contract
规定储备准备金contract reserve
规定的义务contractual liability
规定的付款约定付款contractual payment
规定的价格contractual value
规定的价格contract stipulated price
规定的债务偿付contractual debt service
规定的债权contractual claim
规定的准备金contractual reserve
规定的利率contracted interest rate
规定的劳务contractual service
规定的包装contractual packing
规定的工资约定工资contract wages
规定的承运人contracting carrier
规定的收益约定收益contractual income
规定的期限contractual limit of time
规定的权利contractual right
规定的津贴contractual allowance
规定的航次约定航次contract voyage
规定的货物goods of the specified description
规定的货物即合同规定,买方不能向其它供货人购买本合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
规定的远期汇率contracted forward rate
解除rescission of contract
解除dissolution of contract
计价日期contractual value date
认可contractual acknowledgement
语言contractual language
谈判contract bargaining
责任obligation of contract
责任的保证security of contract obligation
货币currency of contract
货物contract goods
贷款contractual loan
费率contract rate
资格报告contract status report
载明的说明书contractual specification
载明的货明contract goods
通知contract note
采购在一定时期按合同订货contract purchasing
重量contract weight
金额amount of the contract
销售contract sales
附件annex of contract
限额balance of contract
雇佣contractual service
项目item of contract
预收款项advance received on contract
合伙合contract of copartner
合作经营合cooperative venture contract
合法合legal contract
一产品统一市场价格的实行implementation of unified market prices for each kind of products
一商标blanket brand
一日期even date
一海域和同一国家same sea and country
一笔账编制的复式现金收入单据multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing
一系列uniform series
一费率freight all kind rate
一费率freight all kind
一项目连续收入continuing nature relating of the same item of income
业交易traders' transaction
业价traders' price
业公会guild shop
业公会horizontal union
业公会livery company
业公会trade organization
业公会branch association
业公会Board of Trade
商业业合并horizontal integration
业回扣fellow-trader discount
业存款vostro account
业工会horizontal labour union
业工会general union
工业业工会branch association
业往来账户trade current account
业欠款owing to banks
业比较分析cross section analysis
业比较分析cross sectional analysis
业竞争者competitor in business
业组织business leagues
业联合会horizontal trust
业规矩professional etiquette
业资金划拨interbank transfer of funds
业透支overdraft with banks
业透支overdraft on bank
中心说homocentric theory
co-worker accounter
余性质congruence property
余法congruential method
化于新环境assimilate into new environment
区票据交换local clearing
in the same direction
向方程仿真语言equation-oriented simulation language
型决算表common-size statement
型资产负债表common-size balance sheet
城银行或分行往来city-wide transfers between banks or branches of banks
域票据local bill
履交割日compensated value date
工同酬权利right to equal pay for equal work
度统计homograde statistics
态调节机制homeostatic mechanism
罢工损失sympathetic damage
情损失sympathetic damage
情的巨款bonanza of sympathy
all correct
all approval
hold with
in agreement with
未经谈判即同意对方制定的合同服从合同contract of adhesion
意与许可leave and license
意书letter of consent
意你方条件agree to your terms
保险意保费条款agreed amount clause
意加入的合同或称标准化合同,指企业将合同印刷成统一格式的契约, 同意合同条款,即可签约adhesive contract
意延期付款extension of time for payment
意承受条约约束consent to be bond by a treaty
意日期consent date
意此笔交易close with such a bargain
意缓期付款grant a respite of payment
意股利红利consent dividend
意证券assented securities
意请求grant a request
意调换的债券assented bands
意调换的股票assented stock
意调解consent settlement
意赊欠give credit
批货物不同标志various mark
收入相抵balance the receipts
same text words
文电telegram multiple
文电报multiple address telegram
方差性假设homoscedasticity assumption
方差性扰动homoscedastic disturbance
族专利patent family
族项目family of stock items
时事故simultaneous failure
时估计simultaneous estimate
时保险指对同一保险对象concurrent insurance
时共存simultaneous coexistence
时双向操作full duplex operation
时反馈simultaneous feedback
时反馈误差simultaneous feedback error
时反馈误差成分simultaneous feedback error component
时发生故障simultaneous failure
时租赁concurrent lease
时调查simultaneous survey
时运算concurrent processing
时验证simulation verification
equivalent period
管理management by synchronization
期不相关contemporaneous uncorrelation
期不相关变量contemporaneously uncorrelated variable
期不相关变量contemporaneous uncorrelated variable
期相关变量contemporaneously correlated variable
期相关变量contemporaneous correlated variable
本位货币convention money
权证同待遇same paper, same treatment
极键联homopolar bind
构不变量isomorphism invariation
构合作对策isomorphic cooperative games
构图isomorphic graphs
构集isomorphic sets
样情况same case
样抽样组成中选择selection with a uniform sampling fraction
样案例parallel case
次式homogeneous expression
步信号单元synchronization signal units
步化控制synchronization control
步发电机synchrotron generator
步指数coinciding index
步指标coinciding indicator
步操作图表simo chart
步现金流转synchronizing cash flow
步管理management through synchronization
步经济指数coincident economic indicators
步装配线synchro assembling line
步过程lock-step procedure
步通信卫星Synchronous Communications Satellite
步齿轮synchronized gear
水平贸易指经济发展水平大致相同的国家间贸易horizontal trade
源工业问题congeneric industrial problem
盟公约articles confederation
等关系congruence relations
等分店概念equal-store concept
等团体horizontal group
等层协定peer layer protocol
等性质congruence property
等效力both authentic
等效用原理principle of equal advantage
等概率选择方法equal probability selection method
等调整parity adjustment
产品homogeneous product
类专利patent family
类产品identical products
类危险allied peril
类危险allied hazard
类差异intra-class variance
类性生产homogeneous production
类样本identical samples
类相关系数intra-class correlation coefficient
类相关系数coefficient of infraclass correlation
类纤维allied fibre
类纤维allied fiber
类财产交换like-kind exchange
类连带关系solidarity by similitude
类项like term
fellow countryman
会计等co-worker accounter
行业历史先进成本historical best cost of the industry
行业放款递延利息deferred interest on trade credit
行借入款利息interest on loan from other bank
行支援罢工bumper strike
行比较horizontal comparison
行间的嫉妒professional jealousy
parity adjustment
调于homologous to
调元素homologous elements
调元素homologous elements
调点homologous points
调点homogeneous points
谱图cospectral graphs
谱有向图cospectral digraph
like quality
质不完全竞争homogeneous imperfect competition
质假设homogeneity postulate
质垄断homogeneous oligopoly
质型偏好homogeneous preference
质性检验test for homogeneity
质总体homogeneous population
质数据子群homogeneous subgroups of data
质方差homogeneity of variance
质检验homogeneity test
质社会homogeneous society
质社会群体homogeneous social group
质竞争homogeneous competition
质非货币商品homogeneous non-monetary commodity
转向磨削up-cut grinding
轴多角经营concentric diversification
轴电缆载波通信系统coaxial-cable carrier communication system
""门equality gate
阶层社会差距horizontal social distance
阶层社会流动性horizontal social mobility
面力uniplanar force
龄人生育率generation fertility
封闭式共基金closed-end mutual fund
师徒合master apprentice contract
师徒合contract of apprenticeship
开发银行及清算支付development bank and clearing and payment union
开口合指一定时期内随时要满足买方提出的各种产品需要的合同open-end contract
持不政见者dissident element
指数exponential homomorphism
样条件再买repeat on same terms
样条件重复repeat on same terms
按不期限摊提written off on different time schedule
按合by compact
按合CONT from contract
按合或契约by compact
按合付款保证金guarantee money paid on contract
买卖双方签订合同按合供货约定供货contract supplies
按合完成确认收入法completed contract method of revenue recognition
按合拨给的货物goods appropriated to the contract
按合支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
按合救助salvage by contract
按合条款办理comply with the terms of contract
按合规定牌价price of call
按照合as agreed
最不喜欢事因素least preferred coworker
最终产品亠标准规范End Item Uniform Specification
有偿合compensatory contract
有偿合compensatory contract system
The Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合统一法的公约海牙,1964年Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
有效合binding contract
有效合subsisting contract
有效合authentic contract
有条件合conditional contract
有选择权的合optional contract
有选择的合option contract
有陪包价旅游inclusive conducted tour
有陪的国内旅游domestic escorted tour
有陪的国外旅游foreign conducted tour
标准印刷格式合standard form contract
标准合general contract
标准杂货租船合即定程租船合同通用格式uniform general charter GENCON
清洁租船合此合同无佣金或折扣clean charter
清算即各国中央银行所结同盟进行票据交换业务clearing union
清算合clearing contract
看样品意后的报盘offer subject to sample approval
谈妥合fix up a contract
选择权买卖合optional contract
选择权买卖合option contract
销售合obligation sale
销售合sales contracts
销售合sales agreement
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