
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
一个持久和平、共繁荣的和谐世界a harmonious world with lasting peace and prosperity for all
一致unanimously agreed
一贯致力于发展发展中国家议会的友好联系have always devoted itself to developing friendly contacts with legislatures in developing countries
inconsistent with
层次的法律laws promulgated at different levels
意见differing opinions
文明相互促进mutual enrichment between different cultures
方式管理varied control
的证据proof to the contrary
社会群体的特殊利益special interests of different groups in society
约定different stipulation
范围various circle
范围的群众various sections of the people
与他人共持有hold with any other person
与原具体行政行为基本相的具体行政行为concrete administrative action basically similar to the original one
与我国目前的经济发展进程相适应、与国际标准趋be compatible with the country's current state of economic development and international standard
专利实施许可合patent exploitation license contract
专有许可合exclusive license contract
专项集体合special collective contract
中介合brokerage contract
中华全国台湾胞联谊会All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots
《中国人民政治协商会议共纲领》the Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)
中国民主民盟Chinese Democratic League
主债权债务合principal claim-debt contract
主合principal contract
主合纠纷dispute over the principal contract
书面劳动合written labor contract
书面委托拍卖合written contract on trust auction
书面转让合written transfer contract
事先征得obtain approval in advance
互利合作、共繁荣mutually beneficial cooperation and common prosperity
享有男子平等的权利enjoy equal right with men
享有等的权利enjoy equal right
享有共有和共管理的权利enjoy the right of sharing and jointly managing
以合约定支付pay as agreed upon in the contract
以胡锦涛志为总书记的党中央the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China CPC with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary
conjunction with
collaboration with
使用权出让合contract for assigning the right to the use
供用电合contract for the supply and consumption of electricity
依法成立的合legally executed contract
促进各民族共团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展encourage all ethnic groups to join hands and work together for common prosperity and development
保持人民的密切联系keep in close touch with the people
保持原选举单位密切的联系maintain close contact with the electoral units which elected deputies
保管合contract of deposit
保险合纠纷insurance contract dispute
信守合honor the contract
债务合debt contract
健全不地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for promoting cooperation
健全不地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions
健全不地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制improve the market mechanism
法律充分体现人民群众的共意愿laws fully express the common wishes of the people
全社会共责任duty of the entire society
上级人民法院common people's court at the higher level
享有债权jointly enjoy the claims
享有所有权enjoy share the ownership jointly
侵权jointly infringe upon
侵权责任liability for joint infringement
共有common ownership
共有人joint owners
关心的国际和地区问题international and regional issues of mutual concern
关心的问题question of common concern
关心的问题questions of common interest
出资make joint investment
划定jointly designated
制定worked out jointly
努力make a concerted effort (to)
努力make concerted efforts
发展joint development
发展develop side by side
实施侵权行为jointly commit a tort
当事人joint party
心声common wish
心声common desire
心声common aspiration
所有jointly possess
投标jointly bid
投标协议agreement on joint bidding
推举jointly recommend
推进社会主义民主法制建设joint efforts to improve socialist democracy and the socialist legal system
收养adopt the child in concert
政治文件common political paper
权利义务common rights and obligations
海损分摊价值value for contribution under the general average
海损分摊的请求权claim with contribution in general average
海损特殊牺牲general average sacrifice
海损特殊费用general average expenses
犯罪joint crime
管理权利joint management rights
繁荣common prosperity
纲领common program
行使jointly exercise
被告joint defendants
诉讼joint action
请求common request
负担jointly paid
财产jointly possessed property
责任common responsibility
赔偿义务机关organ jointly responsible for compensation
过失犯罪joint negligent offense
过失犯罪coincident offense
过失犯罪joint negligence crime
过失犯罪negligent crime committed jointly
进行诉讼的当事人party who participates in a joint action
防止侵略common defence against aggression
共有和共管理的权利right to share and jointly manage
军事military alliance
农村每一代表所代表的人口数镇或者企业事业组织职工每一代表所代表的人口数之比the ratio between the number of people represented by a rural deputy and the number of people represented by a town deputy or a deputy of an enterprise or institution
决定外国缔结的条约和重要协定的批准和废除decide on the ratification or abrogation of treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
出让合contract on transfer
出让合granting contract
分摊共海损contribution to general average
列席常委会会议的non-voting participants in meetings held by the Standing Committee
利益共benefit community
制种合contract production of hybrid seeds
劳务合contract of employment of labor
劳务合work contract
劳动合关系labor contract relationship
劳动合制度labor contract system
劳动合履行地place where the labor contract is performed
劳动合必备条款requisite terms of a labor contract
劳动合文本copy of a labor contract
劳动合期限term of a labor contract
劳动合the Law on Labor Contracts
劳动合the Labor Contract Law
劳动合法草案the draft Law on Labor Contracts
劳动合的履行performance of the labor contract
包价旅游合package tourism contract
区域性集体合region-wide collective contract
应急coordinated response to emergency
行为concerted conduct
单方解除劳动合revoke a labor contract unilaterally
原劳动合original labour contract
原承包合剩余的期限remaining period of the original contract
反映各国人民的共利益与愿望reflect the common interests and aspirations of people across the globe
发展各国的外交关系develop diplomatic relations with other countries
发展和加强发达国家立法机构议会的关系cultivate and strengen contacts with legislatures in developed countries
受到与会各方普遍赞receive widespread approval from the participants
变更劳动合modification of a labor contract
变更合内容modify the content of the contract
台湾Taiwan compatriots
台湾胞投资investment of Taiwan compatriots
台湾胞投资企业enterprise with investment of Taiwan compatriots
台湾海峡两岸the compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits
台湾省籍台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots
台湾省籍台湾同胞compatriots originating from Taiwan Province
written agreement
内容content of the contract
凭证evidence of a contract
履行地place where the contract is performed
当事人party to a contract
性质nature of the contract
成立contract comes into being
所赋予的权利rights which flow from the contract
效力validity of the contract
期限term of the contract
条件conditions of the contract
the Contract Law
的权利和义务rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
约定agree upon in the charter
约定的义务contractual obligations
能源管理contracted control of energy
规定的义务obligations imposed by the contract
解除权right to rescind a contract
合作企业合contractual joint venture contract
合作开发合cooperative development contract
合营企业合joint venture contract
一事实和理由same fact and reason
一事项same matter
一份行李票same baggage check
一作业区same operation area
一保险事故same insured incident
一保险人same insurer
一保险利益same insurance interest
一保险标的same subject matter
一债权same claim
一切犯罪行为作斗争fight against all criminal acts
一动产上on the same piece of the movable
一土地same piece of land
一开采范围mine in the same area
一损害same harm
一救助作业same salvage operation
一机关one and same organ
一机关制定enacted by the same agency
一权利same right
一法律关系same nexus of legal relationship
一种类same category
一船舶所有人的船舶ship of the same owner
一行为same act
一财产same property
一违法行为same unlawful conduct
一顺序继承人successors in the same order
世界各国人民一道致力于be dedicated to working with all nations
世界各国和睦相处maintain friendly relations with other countries
业协会trade association
业拆借interbank lending
业拆借市场inter-bank lending market
live with
公诉人互相辩论debate with the public prosecutor
外国缔结的条约treaty concluded with a foreign state
外国缔结的条约和重要协定treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
140 多个国家的立法机构议会建立了联系establish ties with legislatures in over 140 countries
宪法和法律相抵触contravene the Constitution or any national law
宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触contravene the Constitution, the laws and the administrative regulations
宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触contravene the Constitution or other state laws and administrative regulations
宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触be in contravention of the Constitution or laws or administrative regulations
宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触violate the Constitution or other state laws and administrative regulations
宪法、法律和行政法规相抵触contradict the Constitution, the laws and the administrative regulations
工同酬的权利right of equal pay for equal work
应选人数相等equal the number of vacancies
意书consent document
时废止repeal simultaneously
时建立劳动关系concurrently establish a labor relationship
时抵押mortgage at the same time
时设计design at the same time
本委员会有关relate to the special committee
本法有不同规定differ from provisions of this law
本法相抵触contravene this law
样性质的权利right of the same nature
步规划synchronized planning
步运行synchronized operation
法律规定相抵触contravene the provisions of the law
犯罪行为作斗争fight against criminal offense
男子平等的权利equal right with a man
..... 矛盾in contradiction to
种类same class
等作准equally authentic
等学力equivalent educational level
等效力same force
等法律地位equal legal status
等的权利义务equal rights and obligations
等责任same liability
类检疫合格动物animal of the same kind which pass quarantine
级工会trade union at the corresponding level
经济发展水平相适应的compatible with the level of economic development
群动物in-contact animals
same generation
级人民法院提出抗诉present a protest to the people's court at the same level against the judgment or order
咨询合consultation contract
商标使用许可合trademark licensing contract
因共海损提起的诉讼lawsuit brought for general average
团结广大台湾unite with Taiwan compatriots
固定期限劳动合fixed-term labor contract
国有土地使用权出让合contract on transfer of the right to use of state-owned land
国际间共防止侵略的条约international treaty obligations concerning common defence against aggression
法规宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下the laws and the administrative regulations
法规宪法、法律、行政法规相抵触的前提下provided that such regulations do not contradict the Constitution
级党委的领导下under the leadership of their respective Party committees
在以胡锦涛志为总书记的党中央领导下under the leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary
在全社会树立中国特色社会主义的共理想foster the common ideal of Chinese socialism among all groups in society
在各方面的共努力下with the concerted efforts of everyone involved
在合期间during the charter period
在少数民族聚居或者多民族共居住的地区in the areas where ethnic minorities live in compact communities
在少数民族聚居或者多民族共居住的地区in an area where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together
地役权合contract for easement
坚持公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共发展的基本经济制度uphold the basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
多民族共居住inhabited by several ethnic groups
多民族共居住several nationalities living together
多种所有制经济共发展the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
多种所有制经济共发展have the economic sectors of diverse forms of ownership develop side by side
多种经济成分共发展common development of multi-economic sectors
夫妻共财产jointly possessed by the husband and wife
委托合entrustment contract
委托合authorization contract
委托开发合commissioned development contract
定金合deposit contract
实施许可合license contract for exploitation
实现世界的持久和平与共繁荣bring about lasting peace and common prosperity for the whole world
对于公布的选民名单有不意见have an objection to the roll of voters
对外贸易合foreign trade contract
对法律草案中涉及的重大问题和不看法,采取慎重的态度adopt a cautious attitude in considering the major issues involved in the drafts and the different views on those issues
就双边关系和共关心的国际和地区问题交换意见exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of mutual concern
居间合intermediation contract
履行合fulfill the contract
履行合义务perform the obligation under the contract
履行集体合implementation of a collective contract
巩固和深化周边国家立法机构议会的交流与合作consolidate and deepen exchanges and cooperation with legislatures in neighboring countries
建立商品共基金协定Agreement Establishing the Common Fund for Commodities
建设工程合construction project contract
开展外国议会和议会国际组织的交流与合作develop exchanges and cooperation with foreign legislatures and international legislative organizations
征得obtain consent
得票tie (with)
得票数的候选人candidates to resolve the tie
必须履行国际间共防御侵略条约的义务in fulfillment of international treaty obligations concerning common defense against aggression
批准和废除外国缔结的条约和重要协定ratify or abrogate treaties and important agreements concluded with foreign states
承包合约定的用途purpose of use as agreed upon in the contract
承担等责任bear the same liability
承揽合work contract
技术中介合technology brokerage contract
技术咨询合technical consultation contract
技术培训合technical training contract
技术开发合technological development contract
技术秘密转让合technical know-how transfer contract
技术转让合technological transfer contract
抵押合生效时at the time when the mortgage contract becomes valid
担保合guaranty contract
拍卖合contract on auction
持不意见hold differing opinion
按照合约定as specified by the contract
按照合约定支付租金pay the hire as stipulated in the charter
收费权合contract for highway toll rights
救助合contract for salvage operation
旅游合tourism contract
无固定期限劳动合open-ended labor contract
无效劳动合invalid labor contract
等的诉讼权利和义务enjoy the same procedural rights and duties
有偿合non-gratuitous contract
未得到without the consent of
未按照合约定支付租金fail to pay the hire as agreed upon
本国工人与外国工人关于事故赔偿的等待遇公约Convention Concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as Regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents
树立共理想foster the common ideal (of)
根据不实际情况in light of the specific circumstances
根据不情节according to the circumstances of the case
格式合standard contracts
存异seek common ground while put aside differences
没有不约定in the absence of different provisions
海上拖航合contract of sea towage
海上拖航合的请求权claims with sea towage
海上旅客运输合contract of carriage of passengers by sea
海上货物运输合contract of carriage of goods by sea
涉外合foreign-related contract
深入开展外国议会的交流合作carry out extensive exchange and cooperation activities with other parliaments and congresses
现阶段群众的共利益current common interests of the people
男女工同酬equal pay for equal work to men and women
产品same products
产品same commodities
产品identical products
数额uniform amount
相互促进,共发展stimulate one another for common development
签订劳动聘用conclude labor or employment contract
紧密团结在以胡锦涛志为总书记的党中央周围unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary
紧密团结在以胡锦涛志为总书记的党中央周围rally closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary
终止劳动合terminate labor contracts
经主席团upon approval by the Presidium
经主席团be subject to the approval of the Presidium
经济合约定的agreed upon in the economic contract
经联组会议或者全体会议subject to the approval of the joint meeting or the plenary meeting
经联组会议或者全体会议provided with the consent of a joint group meeting or a plenary meeting
经被保险人obtain the consent of the insurant
经证券交易所审核subjected to the examination and approval of the Stock Exchange
经选举委员会批准with the approval of the election committee
经预约保险合保险的insured under the open cover
统筹兼顾最广大人民的根本利益、现阶段群众的共利益和不同群体的特殊利益give due consideration to the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the current common interests of the people and the special interests of different groups in society
续订劳动合renew the labor contract
维护世界和平,促进共发展safeguard world peace and promote common development
维护世界和平,促进共发展maintain world peace and promote common development
联合共承包joint contracting
联合办学合contract for the joint establishment and running of a school
联合国国际货物销售合公约United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
联合或者协行为association or cooperation
联合运输合纠纷dispute over a combined transport contract
自愿订立合enter into a contract on one's own free will
致力于建设持久和平与共繁荣的和谐世界devote itself to building a harmonious world marked by sustained peace and common prosperity
航次租船合的出租人shipowner under voyage charter party
船员劳务合maritime contract of employment of crew
虚构保险合fabricate an insurance contract
行业性集体合industry-wide collective contract
行纪合brokerage contract
补签合retroactive contract
解除劳动合revoke a labor contract
解除劳动合have one's labor contract revoked
解除合terminate the contract
订立保险合enter into conclude an insurance contract
订立劳动合conclude a labor contract
订立合sign a contract
订立和解除劳动合conclusion or revocation of a labor contract
认真贯彻胡锦涛志的重要论述strictly follow the important guidelines of Comrade Hu Jintao (on)
许可使用合contract of licensing
许可合licensing contract
调整劳务合govern the contract of employment
货物运输保险合cargo transportation insurance contract
质押合pledge contract
in favor of
agree with
赠与合contract of gift
赠与合donation contract
转让合transfer contract
转让合的权利和义务assign the rights and obligations stipulated in the charter
转让收费权合contract for the assignment of highway toll right
运输工具航程保险合voyage insurance contract for a means of transport
违反合breach a contract
重要的不意见major dissenting views
银行期存款利息the interest rate of the bank at the corresponding period of time
集体合草案draft collective contract
非共海损损失non general average loss
非共海损的诉讼action of non general average
预售合presale contract
预约保险合open cover