
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
三方合tripartite treaty
上下步送布top&drop feed
唛头纤维包零星货物job lot
商标的单件服装组合switch co-ordination
宽度的缝份graded seam allowance
密度平针织plain stitch with different stitch density
布料制成的鞋combination shoes
意仲裁员的论点dissenting opinion
时保险non-current insurance
港口时费差价port differential
纱的股线plied yarn of different nature of strand
行业different trade industry
不动产投资共基金real estate pool
不履行合的补偿费compensation for non-fulfillment of contract
不履行合risk of non-performance
不提货照付款合take-or-pay contract
不遵守合non-observance contract
与众不的款式kinky look
与众不风格eccentric style
与合符合conform to the contract
专卖合monopoly contract
专有技术合know-how contract
专门合specific contract
两面相的图案turn-over figure
两面组织不的织物imbalanced weave
主合master contract
主合master agreement
主合key contract
书面consent in writing
书面合contract in writing
书面复式合specialty contract
书面许可合written license contract
买卖合buy-sell contract
买卖合trading agreement
买卖合selling agreement
买卖合punitive and sale contract
买卖合buy-sell agreement
买方信贷合buyer's credit agreement
买进期货合long position
伦敦银行业往来贷款利率London inter-bank offered rate
伦敦银行业拆息率London inter-bank offered rate
伦敦银行业拆放贷款利率London inter-bank offered rate
作为共海损得到补偿的损失damage made good as general average
作为共海损的补偿loss allowed as general average
借贷合loan agreement
借贷合contract of loan
全国羊毛业协会National Wool Trade Association
全国鞋袜、皮革及业联合会National Union of Footwear, Leather and Allied Trades
公司合company contract
公司货物买卖合merchandise trade contract
公证合authenticating contract
公路运输合contract of carriage by highway
义务common obligation
事务common service
体产业community industry
体优惠community preference
体优惠制community preference system
体进口监视制度,共有进口监督制度community surveillance system for imports
债务community debt
债务mutual debts
债务common obligation
储备单位composite reserve unit
储蓄mutual saving
关税率Common Customs Tariff
关税税则Common Customs Tariff
利润common benefit
利益common account
利益mutual interest
利益collective interests
协商collective negotiation
协定collective agreement
协议mutual agreement
占有unity of possession
印花alongside printing
危险common perils
卸货点overland common points
商讨common bargaining
市场common market
性指标coincidence indicator
成本分摊allocation of common costs
所有权unity of title
所有权common ownership
投资joint investment
投资mutual investment
投资joint venture investment
投资joint venture
投资collective investment
指标coincident indicator
放款participating loan
海损G.= A general average
海损不保free of general average
海损不赔条款free of general average
海损估计人general average adjuster
海损保证general average bond
海损分担contribution to general average
海损分担average contribution
海损分摊额contribution to general average
海损协议书general average bond
海损协议书average agreement
海损及救助费用general average and salvage
海损承付保证书average bond
海损担保书letter of general average guarantee
海损、救助及特别费用general average, salvage and special charges
海损无限制保证书unlimited general average guarantee
海损时限time limit of general average
海损条款general average clause
海损理算人GA adjuster
海损货物分摊额,按货物比例分摊共同海损cargo's proportion of general average
海损除外的事故的所有赔款all claims each accident excluding general average
筹款joint funding
管理collective management
管理joint management
管理joint administration
营业common operation
行动concerted action
设施common facility
负债joint obligation in debt
负债joint and several liability
财产community of goods
责任joint and several liability
责任corporation responsibility
账户分保reinsurance of joint account
购买joint purchase
购买cooperative purchase
贷款participation loan
贸易政策common commercial policy
费用common expenses
资本joint capital
资本joint stock
资本communal capital
通货账户mutual currency account
需求joint demand
需要common needs
分保合reinsurance contract
分保合reinsurance agreement
分成合sharing contract
列入共海损的补偿allowance charged to general average
到期合matured contract
制衣业及业工人兄弟会Brotherhood of Shoe and Allied Craftsmen
包工合contract for work
包装合packing contract
包销合exclusive sale contract
管理cooperative management
卖给sell to the trade
各向强的isotropic strength
各向性型非织造布multi-direction type
各向性纤维isotropic carbon fiber
上的权益contractual revenue
in contract
中止条款severability clause
主要条款main terms of contract
义务contract duty
乙方party B
memorandum in writing
contract note
余额contract balance
保留条款reservation in the contract
保证金deposit on contracts
关系contractual relationship
内容content of contract
到期expiration of the contract
system of contract
contract sheet
单价unit contract price
变更variation of contract
变更申请contract change request
展期renewal of contract
展期extension of a contract
履行期限,履约期限implementation period of the contract
已履行证明proof of performance
幅本copy of contract
当事人关系privity of contract
总额contract amount
技术要求contractual technical requirement
担保contract bond
撤销contract cancellation
收益contractual revenue
文本text of the contract
更改change of contract
更改通知contract change notification
更改通知contract change notice
更正revision of contract
有效期validity of contract
有效期duration of the contract
期满expiration of the contract
期满contract termination
期限contract duration
条件item of contract
条件contract item
条款item of contract
条款terms of contract
条款contract item
标准化standardization of contract
样式model of contract
汇编treaty series
满期run out a contract
生效treaty valid
甲方party A
的履行implementation of the contract
的履行execution of contract
的订立conclusion of the contract
盖章sealing of contract
确定阶段contract definition phase
移交contract transfer
签发日程contract award date
管理management of contracts
终止日期close date
结构construction of contract
编号contract number
自行终止automatic suspension of the contract
范本model contract
草书letter of intent
解释interpretation of contract
责任contract duty
附表schedule to an agreement
附表schedule to a contract
合伙合partnership contract
一花形大小重复型印花图案sister print
一运费率freight all kinds rate
一颜色的不同深浅变化ton sur ton
same industry
same trade
fellow trader
业买卖trade sale
业买卖汇率interbank rate
业公会horizontal association
业公会trading organization
业分会trading association
业折扣trade discount
业汇率trade rate
业竞销trade sale
业透支overdraft on banks
price line
价货物price line
其他货物合运with other goods
色泽化效应assimilation effect
向加捻twist on twist
向复捻twist on twist
和纺tonghe taffeta
城结算intra-city settlement
城贸易intra-city trade
心中空喷丝板concentric hollow jet spinneret
心式皮芯双组分纤维centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
心皮芯纤维concentric sheath-core fiber
心结truelove knot
意仲裁裁决的通知,愿执行仲裁裁决的通知notice of compliance with the award
意留置书lien letter
self material
self fabric
料串带管self-fabric tubing
料同色的一套西服ditto suit
料同色的一套西服a suit of ditto
料纽扣self-covered button
料腰带用服装同料制成的腰带self-covered belt
族色调配family color coordination
时加工simultaneous processing
时拉伸变形丝simtex yarn
时缝纫simultaneous sewing
步上送料synchronized top feed
步传动带synchroindented synchronous belt
步喂入unison feed
步定价lock-step pricing
步市场经营synchro marketing
步成圈jacquard timing
步拉伸变形simultaneously draw-textured
步摆针bight synchronized
步横针bight synchronized
步牵伸传动装置synchro-draft drive
步状态instep condition
步皮带timing belt
步营销synchro marketing
步行销synchro marketing
步进料unison feed
步送料滚边器feed-synchronized binder
步配合synchronized timing
浆印花combination printing
浴染色apposition dyeing
浴铬媒染法metachrome dyeing process
相自捻纱serf-twist yarn in phase
种纤维混纺纱self-blended yarn
种色similar color
等银行清单par list
类产品homogeneous product
类产品标新立异product differentiation
类织物kindred fabric
类色similar colour
类色similar color
类色配色similar color scheme
类货物goods of similar class
系色调和family color coordination
系配色指同一色相不同色调的配色tone on tone
系配色tone on tone
Tong sheep
self colored
色不同色度的等合色two-tone color
色但深浅搭配不同的服装tone on tone
色套装款式monotone style
色异谱差metameric difference
色异谱色metameric color
色异谱色metameric colors
色浓淡图案duotonic pattern
色深浅效应camayeux effect
色深浅印花tone-on-tone print
色深浅印花tone on tone print
色深浅搭配服装tone on tone
色深浅效应染色tone-in-tone dyeing
色深浅效应的染色tone-on-tone dyeing
色深浅效果tone-on-tone effect
色深浅条纹tone-on-tone stripe
色深浅格纹tone-on-tone check
色的whole colored
色相配色one-colour coordination
色而深浅不同的服式monotone look
色调套装款式monotone look
色调效果tonal effect
芯式皮芯双组分纤维centric cover-core bicomponent fiber
行交易trade sale
行价trader's price
行价trade price
行批发价trade price
行透支overdraft on banks
谱同色isomeric colors
质产品homogeneous product
质同谱色isomeric colors
质毛homogeneous wool
边褶side pleat
parity income
面料男女装风格his and hers look
面斜纹even twill weave
面斜纹even twill
面织物double face fabric
否认合abandonment of contract
售货合contract for sale
商业业公会commercial association
商业合trading contract
商业合merchant contract
商业合business contract
商务合trade contract
商务合范本model of business contract
商品出口经销合commodity export distribution contract
商品出口销售合commodity export distribution contract
商品进口代理合commodity import agency contract
商品进口合commodity import contract
商品销售合merchandise sale contract
土木工程合civil engineering contract
在合上签名put one's signature to a contract
外贸合foreign trade contract
外销合export distribution contract
多边合multipartite contract
多边合polyangular treaty
多边合multilateral contracts
多边合multilateral contract
多边贸易合multitrade contract
datong brocaded poplin
da-tong brocaded rayon poplin
da tong brocaded rayon poplin
失效合stale contract
尚待考虑的合ad referendum contract
就业合employment agreement
展期合extended contract
展期合renewal contract
展期合continuous contract
履行合fulfil the contract
履行合execute contract
履行合条件execute contract conditions
履行合风险performance risk
总合master contract
总合prime contract
总合master agreement
成本加固定费用合cost plus fixed fee contract
所有者根据不条件补足保险owner's difference in conditions
按共海损补偿损失make good a loss as general average
按合ex contract
按照合by contract
按货物比例分摊共海损comprehensive general liability
搬运合removal bond
收付合take-or-pay contract
易货合barter contract
普通合general contract
有偿合onerous contract
有偿合contract with consideration
有偿合contract with compensation
有效合effective contract
有限制条款的合requirement contract
服务合service agreement
服务合contract of service
服装体态apparel spatial visualization test
服装设计师业公会美国Costume Designers Guild
服装针织和纺织业英国Apparel, knitting and Textile Alliance
期租合当事人time charter-party
期货合contract for future delivery
期货合future contract
期货合arrival contract
期货合卖方short end of a contract
未定数量合open-end contract
未履行合failure to perform
未履行的合unexecuted agreement
未经意的债券unasserted bond stock
标准合standard form contract
标准合model contract
标准合frame contract
标准合条款standard contract clauses
标准合格式standard form of contract
标准格式合standard form contract
正反面相的织物tamet woven
正式合sealed contract
正式合official contract
水险合marine insurance contract
港口租船合port charter
照付不议合take-or-pay contract
生产合production pact
生产合production contract
用不布料做成的套装unmatched suit
用不衣料制作的套装unmatched suit
电力自动步机power selsyn
男女款风格his and hers look
缝纫机业协会Sewing Machine Trade Association
联运合multitransport contract
联运合multimodal transport contract
航次租船合voyage charter party
航运shipping association
营销合marketing contract
衣身与袖子颜色不的短夹克two-tone jumper
补偿合indemnity contract
补偿贸易合compensation trade contract
补充合complement action contract
财产保险中的共保险条款coinsurance clause in property insurance
货币共浮动joint currency float
货物买卖合contract for sale of goods
货物进出口合contract for export and import of goods
货物销售合sale of goods contract
购货合contract of purchasing goods
购货合contract of purchasing
购货合contract for purchase
贸易trade block
贸易合trading contract
转包合函件subcontract letter
转包合更改通知subcontract change notice
转让合conveyance contract
选择权合option contract
通用合general contract
销售合selling contract
销售合sales contract
销货合selling contract
限制性合restrictive contract
意股票non-assented stock
意股票non-assented share
非合收益non-contractual income
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