
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
一致unanimous consent
成员国境内的货币separate currencies within a member's territories
与伦敦业市场拆放利率的差价spread over LIBOR
业绩合management contract
业绩合development contract
业绩合performance contract
业绩合performance-related contract
东非共East African Community
东非和南部非洲共市场Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
中美洲共市场Central American Common Market
中非关税与经济Central African Customs and Economic Union
中非国家经济共Economic Community of Central African States
中非经济与货币共Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa
中非经济与货币共Central African Economic and Monetary Community
产出步化output synchronization
产量分享合production sharing contract
伦敦业市场拆入利率London Interbank Bid Rate
伦敦业市场拆放利率London interbank offered rate
伦敦业平均利率London Interbank Mean Rate
债券共基金bond mutual fund
价格法common price method
农业政策common agricultural policy
基金mutual fund
基金open-end investment company
基金open-end investment fund
基金open-end investment trust
基金unit trust
基金open-end mutual fund
干预concerted intervention
干预coordinated intramarginal intervention
干预joint intervention
干预intra-marginal intervention
货币区Common Monetary Area
货币区currency area
货币区currency zone
货币区common currency area
货币区common currency zone
货币安排cooperative arrangement
货币安排common monetary arrangement
货币安排common arrangement
货币安排cooperative monetary arrangement monetary policy
关税tariff union
关税customs union
其他条件 情形都相all other things being equal
加勒比共Caribbean Common Market
加勒比共Caribbean Community
加勒比共市场Caribbean Common Market
加勒比共市场Caribbean Community
南美共市场Southern Common Market
南部非洲关税Southern African Customs Union
南部非洲关税South African Customs Union
发展合performance contract
发展合development contract
发展合management contract
发展合performance-related contract
可转让的合transferable contracts
债务contracted debt
储蓄机构contractual savings institutions
规定的期限contractual maturity
业利率interbank rate
业利率interbank offered rate
业支付清算系统clearing house interbank payments system
侪压力peer pressure
侪检查group review
侪检查peer review Publications
意期限period of consent IMF quota increase
意退出exit consent debt restructuring
步指标coincidental indicator
步指标coincident indicator
在其他条件相的情况下all other things being equal
在所有其他条件 其他各点都相的情况下all other things being equal
外汇合exchange contract
太平洋金融共Pacific Financial Community
拉丁语如果其他条件都相ceteris paribus
实绩合performance contract
实绩合management contract
实绩合development contract
实绩合performance-related contract
开放型共基金unit trust
开放型共基金open-end investment trust
开放型共基金open-end investment fund
开放型共基金open-end investment company
开放型共基金mutual fund
开放型共基金open-end mutual fund
成员国concurrence of the member
或有合,相机合同,应变合同contingent contract
持不意见的债权人dissident creditor
持不意见的债权人holdout creditor
持不意见的债权人hold-out creditor SDRM, bankruptcy
新加坡业拆借利率Singapore interbank offered rate
期权合的价格striking price
期权合的价格strike price
期权合的价格contract price
期权合的价格exercise price options
未决合总额open interest futures
欧洲共体委员会European Commission
欧洲共体委员会Commission of the European Communities
欧洲共体统计处Statistical Office of the European Communities
欧洲煤钢共European Coal and Steel Community
欧洲经济共European Economic Community
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排same-day borrowing/repayment of SDRs
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排same-day loan and repayment in SDRs
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排SDR Facility
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排same-day loan facility review of quotas
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排SDR loan arrangement
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排same-day, no cost SDR loan
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排SDR same-day facility
没有成本的日借还特别提款权的安排SDR loan facility
离岸银行业市场offshore interbank market
管理合management contract
管理合development contract
管理合performance contract
管理合performance-related contract
美洲进步盟委员会Inter-American Committee on the Alliance for Progress
股票指数期权合stock index option contract
表示act of consent IMF quotas
西非国家经济共Economic Community of West African States
西非经济共West African Economic Community
货币市场共基金的份额MMMF shares
货币市场共基金的份额money market mutual fund shares
贷款合中的限制性条款debt covenant
标准Maastricht criteria
标准Maastricht goals
标准convergence goals
标准convergence criteria
跨币种利率掉期合interest and cross-currency swap
跨币种利率掉期合cross-currency interest rate swap
远期合forward-type contract
远期合forward contract
远期合forward financial derivative contract
远期外汇合forward foreign exchange contract
通货膨胀走势趋convergence in inflation performance EC, G7, monetary policy
银行业市场拆放利率interbank rate
银行业市场拆放利率interbank offered rate
银行业拆借市场interbank money market
阿拉伯共市场Arab Common Market
非洲共市场African Common Market
非洲金融共African Financial Community