
Terms for subject Electronics containing 同位素 | all forms | in specified order only
分子激光同位素分离molecular laser isotope separation
原子蒸汽激光同位素分离atomic vapor laser isotope separation
可过滤掉的同位素filtratable isotope
可过滤掉的同位素filterable isotope
同位素丰度isotope abundance
同位素作用isotope effect
同位素分析isotope analysis
同位素分离isotope separation
同位素医用咨询委员会Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes
同位素密封容器isotope capsule
同位素排气小室isotope exhaust cabinet
同位素效果isotope effect
同位素放射性活度isotope specific activity
同位素水位计isotope water-level gauge
同位素污染isotopic contamination
同位素激发器光源isotope exciter light source
同位素激活截面isotopic activation cross section
质谱仪同位素灵敏度abundance sensitivity
同位素瑞利散射isotopic Rayleigh scattering
同位素生产反应radioisotope production reactor
同位素电源isotope electric power source
同位素相关保障技术isotopic correlation safeguards technique
同位素示踪仪isotopic tracer
同位素稀释分析isotope dilution analysis
同位素组成isotopic composition
同位素衰变热isotopic heat
同位素转移isotope shift
同位素运输容器isotope carrier
吸收同位素absorbing isotope
大型放射性同位素热源盒large radioisotope heat source capsule
天然放射性同位素natural radioactive nuclide
惰性气体同位素noble gas isotope
а放射性同位素alpha-emitting isotope
放射性同位素radioactive isotope
放射性同位素厚度计thickness meter (ionizing radiation)
放射性同位素反射密度计back-scatter density meter (ionizing radiation)
放射性同位素含量仪content meter of ionizing radiation
放射性同位素土壤湿度计soil moisture meter (ionizing radiation)
放射性同位素接近程度指示器proximity indicator
放射性同位素浸没式发动机radioisotope submersible engine
放射性同位素烟雾报警器radioisotope smoke alarm
放射性同位素煤中灰分含量仪coal ash content meter (ionizing radiation)
放射性同位素碳氢化合物中硫含量仪sulphur content meter for hydrocarbons (ionizing radiation)
放射性同位素稀释radio isotope dilution
放射性同位素蓄电池radioisotope battery
放射性氟同位素radioactive krypton isotope
放射性氤同位素radioactive xenon isotope
放射性碘同位素elemental radioiodine
未裂变同位素unfissioned isotope
某种同位素减少的材料depleted material
同位素料位计nuclear level meter
水下放射性同位素电源undersea radioisotope power supply
溶剂同位素效应solvent isotope effect
激光同位素分离laser isotope separation
电磁同位素分离法electromagnetic isotope separation
短寿命同位素short lived isotope
短寿命惰性气体同位素核素short lived noble gas isotope
同位素boron isotope
稳定同位素stable isotope
同位素strontium isotope
裂变产物同位素fission product isotope
超钵同位素transplutonium isotope
同位素编号code for heavy isotopes
钢CSAcCt针同位素actinium C'
长寿命同位素long lived isotope
同位素cerium isotope