
Terms for subject Technology containing 合 同 | all forms | in specified order only
一批交货合同single delivery contract
一揽子合同contract package
一揽子合同lump-sum contract
一揽子合同blanket contract
一揽子交易合同package deal contract
一方合同unilateral contract
不动产合同real estate contract
不动产出售合同real property sales contract
不包括在合同not in contract
不受约束合同uncommitted contract
不可分合同entire contract
不同材料的组合combination of different materials
不同来源的能源混合使用energy mix
不同构造体系复合部位compounding area of various tectonic systems
不同组合various combination
不定型合同formless contract
不履行合同not keeping contract
不履行合同back-out of the contract
不履行合同的补偿compensation for non-fulfillment of contract
不符合同工程non-conforming work
不附加条件的合同absolute contract
不附条件合同bare contract
与……订合同enter into a contract with
专用合同条款special conditions of contract
业主与承包人合同owner-contractor agreement
业务合同service contract
业务合同business contract
严格遵守合同条款keep strictly to the terms of the contract
严重违背合同serious breach of contract
严重违背合同material breach
中华人民共和国经济合同Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
中央合同委员会Central Committee for Contacts
中断租让合同annul a concession agreement
中标合同contract gained
中标合同contract awarded
中止合同suspension of contract
主要合同master agreement
主要合同prime contract
主要合同master contract
主要合同major contract
企业管理合同business management contract
企业组建合同contract of establishment
企业经营合同management contract
优先购买合同option to purchase contract
传动同步接合transmission synchromesh
传动同步配合transmission synchromesh
借用合同contract for borrowings
光船租船合同bare pole charter
光船租船合同charter party by demise
光船租船合同bare-hull charter
光船租船合同bare boat charter
合同separate contract
合同partial contract
分保险合同agreement on reinsurance
分包合同工程subcontracted work
分包合同条款clastic in subcontract
分期交货的买卖合同contract for delivery of goods by installment
分期付款售货合同instalment contract
分期付款合同hire purchase contract
分期付款的买卖合同contract for the payment of goods by instalment
分期付款的买卖合同contract for delivery of goods by installment
分期付款购货合同放款loan under hire purchase agreement
分期付款销售合同instalment sales contract
分期付款销货合同instalment sales contract
分期分批履行的合同instalment contract
分期分批的销售合同instalment sales contract
分期履行的合同instalment contract
分类合同separate contract
分项招标合同separate contract
包工合同contract labour agreement
包工合同construction contract
包工合同contract labor agreement
包干合同stated sum contract
化合物对同位素分馏compound pair isotope fractionation
医疗合同hospital service contract
半启钥匙合同semi-turnkey contract
协作合同contract of cooperation
协商合同negotiated contract
协议的合同negotiated contract
合同stipulation (条款)
合同三方当事人the three parties of the contract
合同上诉suit for contract
合同与履行的证明proof of performance
合同主方或其代理人awarding agency
合同主要条款main contract clauses
合同义务contractual engagement
合同contract documents
合同contract document
合同letting of contract
合同contract agreement
合同交货contractual delivery
合同付款payment of contract
合同付款保证书contract payment bond
合同stipulated price (格)
合同contract price (格)
合同价格的充分性sufficiency of contract price
合同低价contract underrun
合同保证金deposite on contracts
合同保证金contract bond
合同修订contract modification
合同分包farm out
合同分类账contract ledgers
合同利率contract rate of interest
合同前已订货货物long lead item
合同加工服务contract processing service
合同医院assigned hospital
合同单价表schedule of contract rates
合同变更contract renewal
合同contract No.
合同奖金contract letting
合同展期renew a contract
合同履行contract implementation
合同indenture labour
合同jobbing worker
合同indenture worker
合同indenture labor
合同工期contract time
合同工资contract wage
合同年度agreement year
合同当事人contracting party
合同形式form of contract
合同性协议contractual agreement (书)
合同性协议contract agreement (书)
合同执行contract implementation
合同执行保证书contract performance bond
合同执行完毕complete a contract
合同执行的监理contract administration
合同批准通知approval notice of the contract
合同承办人contractual personnel
合同承诺contractual commitment
合同承运人contract carrier
合同担保contract warranty
合同担保书contract bond
合同持有人holder of contract
合同指标target contract
合同授予bid awarding
合同接口contractual interface
合同操作contract operation
合同收入及有关成本分列表contract cost work sheet
合同收益benefit of the bargain
合同文件documents of contract
合同文件contract instruments
合同文件的优先次序priority of contract documents
合同文件的准备preparation of contract documents
合同文件目录list of documents
合同文本contract version
合同订立日期contract date
合同日记账contract journal
合同更改请求contract change request
合同更改建议contract change suggestion
合同有关方contracting party (面)
合同有效期duration of contract
合同有效期term of contract
合同有效期contract period of validity
合同有效期contract life (限)
合同有效期满expiry of a contract term
合同期满expiration of contract period
合同期满expiry of contract
合同期满run out a contract
合同期满contract expired
合同期满日terminal of an agreement
合同期间contract time
合同期限term of contract
合同期限contract time period
合同期限contract date
合同权利contractual right
合同条件treaty condition
合同条件contract terms
合同条例contractual regulation
合同条款contract provision
合同条款provisions of contract
合同条款contract particulars
合同条款contract condition
合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
合同条款及条件contractual terms and conditions
合同条款合同条件conditions of contract
合同条款的变更amendment of the agreement
合同标的contract objective
合同根基root of contract
合同格式form of contract
合同格式agreement form
合同案卷contract records
合同案卷contract file
合同检查contract supervision
合同检查contract control
合同正本original of contract
合同law of contract
合同洽订procedure for arranging a contract
合同生效entry of contract into force
合同生效日期date of agreement
合同的一般条件general condition of contract
合同的一般责任general contractual liabilities
合同的一部分contract unit
合同的不履行non-performance of contract
合同的不履行non-implementation of contract
合同的主要内容main content of contract
合同的主要内容principal content of contract
合同的主要内容construction of contract
合同的保密confidential nature of contract
合同的执行contract performance
合同的明文规定express terms of contract
合同的更改change of contract
合同的有效性validity of contract
合同的检查与支附contract measurement and payment
合同的特殊条件special conditions of contract
合同的生效日期starting date of contract
合同的生效日期effective date of contract
合同的直接规定direct contract stipulation
合同的编制方法construction of contract
合同的适当履行due fulfillment of the contract
合同的遵守compliance with the contract
合同监督contract supervision
合同监督contract control
合同tax on a contract
合同contract tax
合同签字方signatory of a contract
合同签定assignment of contract
合同签订contract award
合同签订assignment of contract
合同签订手续contract-awarding procedure
合同签订日期date of contract
合同管理contract supervision
合同管理人contracts manager
合同管理人contract manager
合同管理制contract management system
合同管理范围contract management range
合同类型type of contract
合同类型form of contract
合同约定价格firm price
合同细节contract particulars
合同终止expiry of contract
合同终止terminal of an agreement
合同终止期date of termination
合同终止条款severability clause
合同经理contract manager
合同结束termination of contact
合同结构structure of contract
合同维护contract maintenance
合同缔结conclusion of contract
合同罚款contract penalty
合同航速contracted speed
合同范围contract limit
合同草案draft contract
合同落空frustration of contract
合同补充书supplementary contract
合同补充书supplemental contract
合同补充条款additional contract clause
合同裁决contract award (书)
合同装卸工contract stevedore
合同见证人contract witness
合同规定contractual specification
合同规定contract specification
合同规定contract stipulation
合同规定contract provision
合同规定义务contractual liability
合同规定的一批或各单位package or units covered by the contract
合同规定的付款contractual payment
合同规定的股利contractual dividend
合同规定的责任contractual obligation
合同规定设备contract rig
合同规定货币currency of contract
合同解除termination of contract
合同解除release of contract
合同订立contract letting
合同语言contract language
合同说明remark on a contract
合同说明contract note
合同说明contract accounting
合同谈判talks under contracts
合同谈判negotiations under contract
合同责任contractual liability
合同责任contract responsibility
合同cost of contract
合同超价contract overrun
合同超期罚款contract overrun penalty
合同转让contractual transfer
合同运价contract rate
合同运费制system of contract
合同运费率contract rate
合同采购contractual purchase
合同金额amount of contract
合同金额分项明细表cost breakdown
合同金额的追加部分addition to the contract sum
合同销售contract sale
合同附件appendix to contract
合同项下的投入contractual input
合同项目contract particulars
合同项目contract item
合同项目材料单contract item material list
合同预付定金advance money on a contract
合同风险contractual risk
合同风险contract risk
合同验收证书acceptance certificate of contract
合同默契privity of contract
同业合并horizontal merger
同业合并horizontal integration
同业合并horizontal combination
同业联合horizontal integration
同伦正合序列homotopy exact sequence
同位素混合一交换平衡模式model of isotopes mixed-exchanged equilibriums
同位素混合一交换总模式general model of mixed-exchanged isotopes
同位素混合交换模式model of mixed-exchanged isotopes
同位素混合作用isotope mixing
同位素混合模式model of mixing isotopes
同意加入合同contract of adhesion
同意换用合格approved equal
同时复合制动simultaneous combined braking
同晶化合物isomorphous compounds
同晶型混合物isomorphous mixture
同晶型聚合物isomorphous polymer
同极聚合物homopolar polymer
同步啮合副轴式变速器synchronized countershaft transmission
同步啮合变速器synchromesh type transmission
同步啮合齿轮synchromesh gear
同步啮合齿轮式变速箱synchromesh type transmission
同步器啮合套synchronizer sleeve
同步离合器timing clutch
同步离合器synchronizing clutch
同步耦合synchronous tie
同步自脱离合器synchro-self-shifting clutch
同步配合变速器synchromesh type transmission
同步配合穿孔机synchro-mating punch
同步配合齿轮机构synchromesh gear
同步齿轮离合器synchromesh clutch gear
同源组合consanguineous association
同粒度混合料single-size mixture
同粒度混合料one-size mixture
同系聚合物polymeric homologue
同系聚合物polymer-homologous series
同素还化合物homocyclic compound
同调正合序列homology exact sequence
同轴固定定向耦合器coaxial fixed direction-coupler
同轴测辐射热组合coaxial bolometer unit
同轴混合器coaxial hybrid
否定合同repudiate a contract
商业代理合同commission contract
土木工程合同construction contract
土木工程施工合同条件conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction
合同上签字execute a contract
在建工程合同construction contract in process
处理合同争议handle contractual disputes
合同信号mixed syncs
合同步信号composite synchronizing signal
复合彩色同步信号composite colour sync
复合彩色同步信号composite color sync
大包合同prime contract
大宗交易折扣合同quantity discount agreement
大宗销售合同bulk sale contract
小批合同job lot contract
尚待完成的合同outstanding contract
尚待履行的合同executory contract
带有总额和单价的合同contract with lump-sum and unit prices
开发合同development contract
开口合同opened contract
开口合同open contract
开口租船合同open charter
弱混合自同构weakly mixing automorphism
强混合性自同构strongly mixing automorphism
合同main contract
额承合同lump-sum contract
承包合同general contract
总付合同lump-sum contract
总价不变合同fixed-price contract
总体合同all-in contract
总包合同single contract
总包合同all-in contract
总包单价付款合同combined lumpsum and unit contract
总承包合同prime contract
总承包合同original contract
总承包合同all-in contract
总额合同lump-sum contract
成本合同prime cost contract
成本价格合同cost-value contract
成本保利合同cost-plus contract
成本加利润合同cost-plus-profit contract
成本加奖金合同cost-plus incentive fee contract
成本加成本百分率合同cost-plus percentage-of-cost contracts
成本加比例报酬合同cost-plus-percentage contract
成本加浮动酬金合同cost-plus fluctuating fee contract
成本加百分比合同cost-and-percentage contracts
成本加费合同cost-and-fee contracts
成本加费用合同cost-plus-fee contact
成本加酬契约加酬合同cost-plus contract
成本加酬金合同cost-plus contract
成本加酬金合同cost-plus-fee contact
成本加酬金合同cost reimbursement-and-fee contracts
成本加酬金合同cost-plus award fees contracts
成本加附加合同cost-plus-a-fixed contract
成本固定附加费合同cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
成本浮动加酬合同cost-plus fluctuating fee contract
成本浮动酬金合同cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
成本目标合同cost target contracts
成本结算方式合同cost-reimbursable contract
成本补偿合同cost reimbursement contract
房地产合同real estate contract
房地产转让分期付款合同land contract
指定合同negotiated contract
指定分包合同special appointment contract
指定分包合同nominated sub-contract
指定承包合同special appointment contract
合同on agreement
合同规定的维修contract-performed maintenance
按总价百分比收费合同percentage contract
按照合同as contracted
按百分比收费合同percentage contract
按租船合同规定as per charter party
支付合同payment contractor
支付合同contract of payment
放款合同loan contract
明示合同express contract
最终合同报告final contract report
最高限价担保合同guaranteed maximum cost contract
有付款条件的合同deed money escrow
有效合同enforceable contract
有条件的合同conditional contract
有约束力合同binding contract
有限制条件的销售合同conditional sales contract
有限期合同terminable contract
期待物权合同catching bargain
期货交易合同futures contract
期货汇兑合同futures foreign exchange contract
期货汇兑合同forward exchange contract
期货的远期合同option forward contract
未完成合同uncompleted contract
合同present contract
机构间分包合同inter-agency subcontract
杂同立构聚合物heterotactic polymer
标准合同条款standard contract provisions
标准光船租赁合同standard bareboat charter
标准承包合同条款general conditions of contract
标准租船合同type charter party
标准租船合同standard charter party
民间工程合同private work contract
合同分异构hydration isomerism
汇兑合同确认书exchange contract confirmation
流域合同条约river basin contracts and treaties
清洁租船合同clean charter
片面合同unilateral contract
甲方合同代表contracting officer
研究合同contract research
破坏合同break contract
税收合同revenue bond
第一益额分保合同first surplus reinsurance treaty
等同接合连接器sexless connector
等同接合连接器hermaphroditic connector
索赔合同contract of indemnity
累积成本合同cost-plus contract
船员雇用合同shipping contract
船员雇用合同crew employment contract
范本合同model contract
草拟合同draw up a contract
草签合同sign a referendum contract
草签合同initial a contract
调值总价合同total and adjustable price contract
调整合同总价adjusted total price of contract
谈判合同条款negotiation of contract terms
财产租赁合同contract of lease of property
货-港未定的租船合同open charter
货物未定租船合同open charter
货物运输合同goods transport contract
货运合同cargo shipping contract
质量合同quality agreement
质量水平鉴定合同quality level certification agreement
购买合同余额balance of buying contract
购销合同purchase and sale contract
贸易合同trade contract
费用加利合同cost-plus contract
费用加固定手续费合同cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
费用加浮动酬金合同cost-plus fluctuating fee contract
费用补偿合同cost reimbursement contract
通用合同条款general conditions of contract
通过磋商成交的合同negotiated contract
销售合同定约销售contract of sales
销售合同应收账款sales contract receivable
附从合同adhesion contract
附属合同dependent contract
附属合同collateral contract
附意合同adhesion contract
附有条件的合同tying contract
附有条件的合同conditional contract
附有限制条款的合同requirement contract
附条件的合同tying contract
限制营业合同contract in restraint of trade
限额循环周转信贷合同revolving credit agreement
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