
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
七水硫酸锌zinc vitriol
三废综利用multi-purpose use of three types of wastes
三废综利用multiple—purpose use of the three wastes
不可降解有机化non-degradable organic compounds
不适饮用水impotable water
乔灌草复土地arbor-shrub-grass compound land
乙炔水acetylene hydration
乙炔聚acetylene polymer
乙酸盐酸混acetic hydrochloric acid
买卖business contract
交错延伸聚酶链反应overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
优化农艺技术组optimized combination of agronomic technique
低水lower hydrate
保护大自然及生物资源国际联International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Living Resources
作用特征photosynthetic characteristic
充氧photosynthetic oxygenation
-光响应photosynthesis-light response
强度photosynthetic intensity
循环photosynthetic cycle
效率photosynthetic efficiency
特性photosynthesis characteristic
生理photosynthetic physiology
生理特性photosynthetic and physiological characteristic
转化效率photosynthetic conversion efficiency
速率rate of photosynthesis
速率photosynthesis rate
全面规划理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout
八氢番茄红素成酶phytoene synthase
关键措施与组key measure and combination
内结强度internal bond strength
再循环气体混recycled gas mixing method
农业综开发agricultural integrated development
农林复生态系统agroforestry ecosystem
农林复生态系统agro-forest ecosystem
农林复生态经济系统agroforestry economic system
农林复经营agroforestry management
农林复结构agroforestry structure
农果复生态系统agro-fruit ecosystem
冷却调mixing water
净光速率net photosynthetic rate (Pn)
准结quasi-bound state
分子结molecular combination
分段拟sectioned curve fitting
化学结效应chemical binding effect
化学螯chelating agent
北海联计划波谱joint north sea wave project JONSWAP spectrum
区域资源综考察integrated survey of regional resources
区域资源综评价comprehensive evaluation of regional resources
区域资源综评价法method for comprehensive evaluation of regional resources
半闭式循环semi-closed cycle
危机综crises syndrome
厂内综治理integrated control in plant
反转录聚酶链反应reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
可再生能源和能源效率作项目Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program
可燃混fuel mixture
可生物降解的聚biodegradable polymer
可用酸降解的聚物泥浆acid degradable polymer mud
可逆离reversing clutch
叶绿素生物chlorophyll biosynthesis
乎环境要求标记environmental seal of approval
乎环境要求的ecologically sound
乎环境要求的environmentally sound
乎环境要求的可持久发展environmentally sustainable development
乎环境要求的工艺environmental sound technology
乎环境要求的替代品environmentally acceptable substitute
并单位combined unit
成孔径雷达图像模拟simulation synthetic aperture radar SAR image
成孔径雷达影像仿真simulation synthetic aperture radar SAR image
成洗涤剂废水synthetic detergent waste water
成纤维制造废水synthetic fibre manufacture waste water
格设施处理危险或其他废物的approved facility
流下水道系统combined sewerage system
流下水道系统combined sewage system
流制下水道系统combined sewerage system
流系统雨污水combined system
理使用能源奖励制度incentive system for rational energy utilization
理区域rational geographical
理捕鱼rational fishing
理生态水位rational ecological water level
理结构rational structure
理载畜量的草地面积单位reasonable carrying capacity of grassland area units
理采样数appropriate sampling quantity
吸收性复absorptive complex
吸附化adsorption compound
噪声污染综防治integrated control of noise pollution
国际作贸易委员会Committee of International Cooperative Trade
国际山地综开发中心International Center for Integrated Mountain Development
土壤有机矿质复soil organo-mineral complex
土壤污染综指数comprehensive pollution index of soil
土石混介质soil stone mixture
城市环境综整治integrated control of urban environment
壳聚糖金属配chitosan metal complex
型污染compound pollution
改性compound modification
数据synthetic data
月巴compound fertilizer
材料wood-fiberglass panel
模式composite mode
氮肥增效剂compound nitrogen fertilizer synergist
污染指数combined pollutant index
计算模型multiple calculating model
高分子hybrid polymer
多环芳燈 PAH指纹化PAH fingerprint compound
大型化工联企业large chemical complex
大气污染物综排放标准integrated emission standard for air pollutant
大气污染综防治integrated control of atmospheric pollution
天然药物资源综利用comprehensive utilization of natural medicine resources
天然药物资源综评价comprehensive evaluation of natural medicine resources
完全混complete mixing system
完全混uniformly-mixed system
定量耦关系quantitative coupling relationship
害虫综治理integrated pest management
容许混permitted mixing area
小流域综治理catchment management
小流域综管理comprehensive management of small catchment
小聚度清漆short oil varnish
层组layer society
巢式聚酶链反应nested polymerase chain reaction (nested PCR)
1990年关于石油污染的防备、应付和作的国际公约International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC)
废物综利用comprehensive utilization of waste materials
建筑流污水管combined building sewer
微生物有机复organic compound-fertilizer
快速混flash-mix tank
快速混絮凝池rapid mix and flocculation basin
成熟子胚mature zygotic embryo
mixing bunker
mixing method
混凝土mixed concrete
物可灌注性placeability of mix
装置mixing unit
挥发性有机化物排放物清单VOC emission inventory
挥发性有机化物控制技术VOC control technology
放射性化radioactive compound
无机氟化inorganic fluorine compounds
普通复common compound fertilizer
最大混层浓度maximum depth of mixed layer
有害混hazardous mixture
有机成农药organic pesticide
有机无机复organic mineral complex
有机汞化organomercurous compound
有机矿质复organo-mineral complex
有机络态铝organically complexed aluminum
木塑复材料wood plastic composite
木塑复材料plastic alloy/wood fiber composite
木材-二氧化硅气凝胶复wood-SiO₂ aerogel composite
木材纳米结构复nanostructure composite
未成熟子胚immature zygotic embryo
极化成孔径雷达polarimetric synthetic aperture radar
柏油结tar bound surface
根土复root-soil composite
格林大气污染综指数Green Comprehensive Air Pollution Index
森林火险综指数forest fire integrated index
植物资源综利用comprehensive utilization of plant resources
植物资源综评价integrative evaluation of plant resources
橡胶胶rubber bond
欧洲空气污染物长程飘移监测和评价作方案或污染物远距离飘移监测和评价方案Co-operation Program for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe (EMEP)
欧洲空气污染物长程飘移监测和评价作方案指导机构EMEP Steering Body
欧洲空气污染物长程飘移监测和评价作方案监测站EMEP monitoring station
气体混装置gas mixing device
气象组织和环境规划署作的臭氧科学会议Ozone Science Meeting (WMO, UNEP)
氟化碳氢化fluorinated hydrocarbon
氯氟碳化物制冷剂CFC refrigerant
氯氟碳化物制冷液CFC refrigeration fluid
氯氟碳化物的排放速度CFC release rate
物淡化法hydrate formation process for desalination
金属离子hydrated metallic ion
水密接木工water-tight joint
水月巴耦water and fertilizer coupling
水污染综防治integrated control of water pollution
水污染综防治comprehensive water pollution control
水热耦moisture and temperature couple
水肥耦coupling of water and fertilizer
水质综污染指数water quality comprehensive pollution index of water quality
水资源理配置water resource rational allocation
水资源综利用multi-purpose water utilization
水资源联调节association coordinate for water resource
汞化mercuric compound
河川流域综开发river-basin development
泥砂混sediment mixture
流固耦fluid-structure interaction
浓缩化enriched compound
海水混seawater intrusion
海水综利用seawater comprehensive utilization
海水综利用comprehensive utilization of seawater
海洋污染科学问题联专家组group of experts on scientific aspects of marine pollution
深海组abyssal association
催化剂mixed catalyst
填充柱mixed packing column
床单元mixed-bed unit
床设备mixed-bed installation
废水combined waste water
废水combined wastewater
废物样本composite waste sample
废纸mixed paper
所有制mixed ownership
所有制diversified ownership
排放combined discharge
普列里群落mixed prairie
mixing chamber
污染composite pollution
浮游生物mixed plankton
液悬浮固体mixed liquor suspended solids
深度interacting depth
用地area of mixed usage
用途区area of mixed usage
能源energy mix
acid mixture
灌草复型草地composite shrub-grassland
热水溶性碳水化hot water-extractable carbohydrate
煤气化联循环发电integrated gasification combined-cycle
燃料空气混fuel mixture
环境成物environmental complex
环境格标记environmental seal of approval
环境保护对外作中心Foreign Economic Cooperation Office
环境综comprehensive environment value
生境集habitat grouping
生态复ecological complex
生态环境综评价ecological environmental synthetic evaluation
生态组environmental association
生态组biotic province
生态综ecological complex
生态螯作用ecology chelation
生态集ecological assemblage
生物化学联insurance for compensation liability caused by integrated biological chemical process
生物污染综防治integrated control of biological pollution
甲醇methanol synthesis
电感耦等离子体inductively coupled plasma
电感耦等离子体原子发射光谱法inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy
电感耦等离子体质谱inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
病虫综治理integrated pest management
盥洗室混龙头mixing valve of lavatory
矿产资源综利用comprehensive utilization of mineral resources
碎木胶shredded wood fibre board
碳族化carbon families
碳氢化物类似物hydrocarbon analogue
空气中的碳化物分airborne fraction of carbon
空气混aerating chamber
空气-燃气混total air-gas mixture
竹木复空心板hollow plank of bamboo-timber combination
纳米插层复nano intercalation compounding
线性混模型linear mixed model
线阵电荷耦器件linear charge coupled device (CCD)
烟囱collected stack
细乳液聚miniemulsion polymerization
经济作和发展组织简称经合组织,由发达国家组成的政府间国际组织。该组织1960年成立,总部设在巴黎。分别从不同角度研究各成员国政府的环境政策,并致力于全球和地区的可持续发展工作Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
态腐殖质combined humus
性余氯combined residual chlorine
产流模型integrated model of runoff generation
分区comprehensive zoning
利用multi-purpose utilization
利用comprehensive utilisation
处理废水integrated treatment
对策comprehensive countermeasure
废燃料检验设施multi-purpose spent fuel examination facility
性全球海洋服务系统管理integrated global ocean services system management
性经济环境核算integrated economic-environmental accounting
技术参数comprehensive technical parameter
指数和integration index sum method
指标comprehensive indicator
效益integral benefit
效益comprehensive benefit
效益评价evaluation of comprehensive benefit
效益评价comprehensive benefit evaluation
整治模式comprehensive realignment model
标准化integrated standardization
气象影响因子comprehensive meteorological affecting factor
水资源管理integrated water resources management
污染控制integrated pollution control
污染预防和控制integrated pollution prevention and control
治理integrated management
治理生态工程tackling the ecological engineering problem in a comprehensive way
灾度synthetic indicator
环境和经济核算体系accounting system of comprehensive environment and economics
生产力integrated productivity
生态效益compositive ecological benefit
能耗integrated energy consumption
评价synthetically appraise
评价synthetic evaluation
评价方法comprehensive evaluation method
评判comprehensive assessment
识另标志integrative identity symbol
费用total logging cost
重建comprehensive redevelopment
缓释复slow-release compound fertilizer
degree of association
点缺陷associated point defect
缺水类型组combination of water shortage type
群丛复association complex
群落综指数community synthetic index
作用coupled action
力矩coupling moment
国人类环境会议宣言Declaration of the United Nations Conference on Human Environment
国发展计划署United Nations Development Programme
国发展计划署United Nations Development Program
国教组织United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
国环境规划署United Nations Environment Program
国粮食及农业组织简称粮农组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
处理combined treatment
工会amalgamated union
循环电厂combined-cycle power plant
文丘里洗涤器combination Venturi scrubber
调度模型combined regulation model
调水water unite regulation
松香polymeric rosin
酶链反应检测试剂盒polymerase chain reaction diagnosis kit
股份作制stock cooperation
强度bonding strength
脂族化aliphatic compound
脂溶性化fat soluble compound
自然资源综考察integrated survey of natural resources
自身胶auto adhesion
臭氧成法ozone synthesis
致癌性碳氢化carcinogenic hydrocarbon
藻类光增氧系数photosynthetic oxygenation coefficient of algae
补充整supplement and combine
资源整resource integration
趋势面拟trend surface analysis
轻质麦秸复墙体wheat straw-based sandwich wallboard
的征象criterion of convergence
逆转录聚酶链反应reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
遇酸膨胀聚acid swellable polymer
施用combine application
选择combined selection
效应coincidence effect
重氮化diazo compound
鉴定verified qualification
铬化chromic compound
接头lock joint
接头管lock joint pipe
硅胶柱C₁₈-bonded silica gel column
随机扩增微卫星多态性聚酶链反应random amplified microsatellite-polymerase chain reaction
难溶性化insoluble compound
collecting chamber
雨污流制下水water borne sewerage
雨污水流下水管道combined sewer
雨污水流下水管道系统combined sewer system
非包膜缓释复uncoated slow-release compound fertilizer
非甲烷碳氢化non-methane hydrocarbon
面元拼graph consisting of plane element
高分子聚macromolecule polymer
高吸水性聚super absorbent polymer
高度活性碳氢化highly reactive hydrocarbons
高级复材料advanced composite materials
鼓式混drum mixer