
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
上海作组织Shanghai Cooperation Organization
规购买noncomplying purchase
不符实施标准的拨付noncomplying disbursement
不符实施标准的购买noncomplying purchase
不需有配拨款的财政补贴nonmatching grant public finance
与某一趋势相拟fit a trend econometrics
世界劳工联World Confederation of Labour
世界银行和基金组织理事会年会事宜联特别委员会Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
世界银行-基金组织联图书馆Joint Bank Library
世界银行-基金组织联图书馆Joint Bank-Fund Library
业绩performance contract
业绩management contract
业绩development contract
业绩performance-related contract
中亚地区经济作计划Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation Program
中国-国际货币基金组织联培训项目Joint China-IMF Training Program
为符减贫与增长贷款资格的成员国设立战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Instrument to Establish the Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible Members
乌拉圭回Uruguay Round GATT, of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
亚太经济作理事会APEC Council
亚太经济作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太经济作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太经济作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太经济作理事会APEC Forum
亚太经济作理事会Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
亚太经济作组织APEC Council
亚太经济作组织APEC Forum
亚太经济作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Forum
亚太经济作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太经济作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太经济作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
产量分享production sharing contract
会议程序联委员会Joint Procedures Committee IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings
依赖援助综aid-dependence syndrome
信用作社credit cooperative
债券组holdings of bonds
债券组bond portfolio
全球global consolidation
关于加强作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Madrid Declaration
关于加强作促进全球经济扩张的宣言Declaration on Cooperation to Strengthen the Global Expansion Interim Committee
减贫与增长贷款格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-Conflict Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account for PRGF-eligible members
减贫与增长贷款格国家的战乱后紧急援助补贴账户Post-conflict and Natural Disaster Emergency Assistance Subsidy Account
千年回Millennium Round
千年回Millennium Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
南亚区域作联盟South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
印度-基金组织联培训项目India Training Center
印度-基金组织联培训项目Joint India-IMF Training Program
发展management contract
发展performance contract
发展development contract
发展performance-related contract
可交易证券集投资计划Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities
可转让的transferable contracts
作储蓄协会cooperative savings association
作储蓄协会credit union
维持币值的作安排cooperative arrangements IMF, exchange arrangements for maintenance of value of currencies
作检验cooperation test
作货币安排cooperative arrangement
作货币安排common arrangement
作货币安排common monetary arrangement
作货币安排cooperative monetary arrangement monetary policy
作部门cooperative sector
同债务contracted debt
同储蓄机构contractual savings institutions
同规定的期限contractual maturity
并与收购mergers and acquisitions
并资产负债表consolidation of balance sheets
并资产负债表consolidated balance sheet
并资产负债表balance sheet consolidation
成头寸synthetic position
格的多数qualified majority
格的多数special majority
格的多数投票qualified majority voting
格票eligible vote
格票据eligible bills
格负债eligible debt Paris Club
格资产eligible asset banking
理价格market value
理价格fair market price
理价格sale value
理价格fair price
理价格fair market value
理市价market value
理市价fair market price
理市价sale value
理市价fair price
理市价fair market value
理泡沫rational bubbles
理预期rational expectations
规检验compliance testing
规检验compliance audit testing
规管理职能compliance function Basle Committee
计实际国民生产总值aggregate real GNP
计实际国民生产总值aggregate real gross national product
资企业joint enterprise
资企业joint venture
向最不发达国家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综框架Integrated Framework
向最不发达国家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的综框架Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries
向最不发达国家提供贸易技术援助的强化综框架Enhanced IF
向最不发达国家提供贸易技术援助的强化综框架Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to least-developed countries
国际会计师联International Federation of Accountants
国际会议译员联International Association of Conference Interpreters
国际清算银行的并银行业统计BIS consolidated banking statistics
国际自由工会联International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
在全球范围内融的金融市场globally integrated financial markets
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联文件AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联文件joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document
基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联执行委员Joint Implementation Committee
基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联执行委员Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
基金组织和世界银行联代表团Fund-Bank mission
基金组织驻联国办事处Fund Office in the United Nations
货币composite of currencies
货币currency composite
外汇exchange contract
多哈回development round trade
多边贸易谈判乌拉圭回Uruguay Round GATT, of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
多边贸易谈判千年回Millennium Round
多边贸易谈判千年回Millennium Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
太平洋经济作理事会Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
实绩management contract
实绩development contract
实绩performance contract
实绩performance-related contract
宣布为不declaration of noncooperation
工作人员联评估Joint Staff Assessment
2015年后联国发展议程Post-2015 Agenda
2015年后联国发展议程Post-2015 UN Development Agenda
开发与国际经济作总干事办公室Office of the Director General for Development and International Economic Co-operation
强化作解决拖欠的战略arrears strategy
强化作解决拖欠的战略enhanced cooperative approach
强化作解决拖欠的战略enhanced cooperative strategy
强化作解决拖欠的战略strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations
强化作解决拖欠的战略strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears
强化作解决拖欠的战略strengthened cooperative strategy
强化作解决拖欠的战略intensified cooperative strategy
强化作解决拖欠的战略intensified cooperative approach
强化的作方式、战略intensified cooperative strategy
强化的作方式、战略enhanced cooperative approach
强化的作方式、战略enhanced cooperative strategy
强化的作方式、战略strengthened cooperative strategy on overdue financial obligations
强化的作方式、战略strengthened cooperative strategy on arrears
强化的作方式、战略arrears strategy
强化的作方式、战略strengthened cooperative strategy
强化的作方式、战略intensified cooperative approach
或有同,相机合同,应变合同contingent contract
承诺减少并最终取消不符标准的法律和措施rollback commitment
技术与综服务部Technology and General Services Department
投资组理论portfolio theory
投资组理论Modern Portfolio Theory
抵押品集制度collateral pooling system
优度检验goodness-of-fit test
良好性检定goodness of fit test
政府联活动joint governmental activity
政策组policy mix
有限伙人sleeping partner
有限伙人silent partner
有限伙人limited partner
有限伙公司limited liability partnership
有限伙公司limited partnership
期权同的价格contract price
期权同的价格striking price
期权同的价格strike price
期权同的价格exercise price options
期货futures contract
未决同总额open interest futures
欧洲联浮动幅度安排European common margins arrangement
欧洲货币作基金European Monetary Cooperation Fund
欧盟理事会提出的两项旨在加强欧元区经济监管与作的法案two pack European Union
毛值gross up
流动性资产组liquid asset portfolio
流动性资产组liquidity portfolio
流动性较强的资产组liquid asset portfolio
流动性较强的资产组liquidity portfolio
海关作理事会Customs Co-operation Council
《海关作理事会税目》Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs
《海关作理事会税目》Brussels Tariff Nomenclature
《海关作理事会税目》Brussels Nomenclature
《海关作理事会税目》Customs Co-operation Council Nomenclature
海湾作理事会Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾作理事会Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾作理事会Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
海湾阿拉伯国家作理事会Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯国家作理事会Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
海湾阿拉伯国家作理事会Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
兼并conglomerate merger
GDP混助推器GDP blend booster
GDP变量blended GDP variable
GDP混变量GDP blend
型企业mixed enterprise
型企业parapublic enterprise
型企业semipublic enterprise
型经济mixed economy
GDP混补调机制GDP blend booster
证券hybrid security
证券hybrid instrument
接受贷款的国家blend country
资源blending of resources
独立国家联Commonwealth of Independent States
用于强化作解决债务的信贷credit enhancement
用于强化作解决债务的信贷enhanced credit
用于强化作解决债务的官方资金enhancement money debt restructuring
石油数据联倡议Joint Oil Data Initiative
私人和公共部门作伙伴public-private partnership
积极调整资产组active portfolio rebalancing
管理performance contract
管理management contract
管理development contract
管理performance-related contract
级联委员会Joint Development Committee
级联委员会Development Committee
级联委员会Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
组织Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information
组织全球税收透明度与信息交换论坛Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
组织的公司治理原则OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
经济作与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济作组织Economic Cooperation Organization
免税期blanket tax holiday
多边监督报告Consolidated Multilateral Surveillance Report
市场利率combined market rate
市场利率combined market interest rate
性调查multipurpose survey
性银行multiservice bank
性银行all-purpose bank
性银行universal bank
性银行multiple bank
性银行multipurpose bank
服务处General Services Division
框架comprehensive framework
框架Integrated Framework
框架Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries
贸易Omnibus Trade Law
溢出效应报告Consolidated Spillover Report
经济账户integrated economic accounts
通讯系统Integrated Correspondence System
美国劳工联盟及产业工会联American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
主任Associate Director
企业joint enterprise
企业joint venture
发展委员会Joint Development Committee
发展委员会Development Committee
发展委员会Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries
发展委员会执行秘书处Office of Executive Secretary, Joint Development Committee
国人口活动基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities
国儿童基金会United Nations Children's Fund
国发展集团United Nations Development Group
国国际人口与发展会议United Nations International Conference on Population and Development
国国际贸易法委员会United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
国工业发展组织United Nations Industrial Development Organization
国开发计划署United Nations Development Programme
国教科文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
国教育、科学及文化组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
国最不发达国家问题会议United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
国环发大会Earth Summit
国环发大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
国环境与发展大会Earth Summit
国环境与发展大会United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
国粮食及农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
国货币与金融会议Bretton Woods Conference
国货币与金融会议United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
国贸发会议United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
国跨国公司中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
国附属机构UN-related organization
外债数据中心Joint External Debt Hub
定价制度combined pricing system
干预concerted intervention
干预joint intervention
干预coordinated intramarginal intervention
干预intra-marginal intervention
执行委员会Joint Implementation Committee
执行委员会Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
浮动joint float
牵头行co-lead manager
牵头行co-manager syndicated loans
秘书处Joint Secretariat IMF-IBRD Annual Meetings
维也纳学院Joint Vienna Institute
融资信托账户cofinancing trust account
融资安排cofinancing arrangement
贷款joint loan
贷款component loan
非洲学院Joint Africa Institute IMF-INS, AfDB, IBRD
股本资产组equity portfolio
股票指数期权stock index option contract
多边贸易谈判的肯尼迪回Kennedy Round GATT, of Multilateral Trade Negotiations
设在巴西的拉美联区域培训中心Brazil Training Center
设在巴西的拉美联区域培训中心Joint Regional Training Center for Latin America in Brazil
证券组的变动情况portfolio reshuffling
证券组的变动情况portfolio switching
证券组的变动情况portfolio shift
贷款同中的限制性条款debt covenant
贷款组loan mix
贷款资产组loan portfolio
资产组理论portfolio choice theory
跨币种利率掉期interest and cross-currency swap
跨币种利率掉期cross-currency interest rate swap
远期forward-type contract
远期forward contract
远期forward financial derivative contract
远期外汇forward foreign exchange contract
追溯格的国家retroactive country cases
追溯格的国家retroactive country
适任和fit and proper bank resolution
重新调整资产组portfolio rebalancing
重新调整资产组rebalancing of portfolio
阿拉伯海湾作理事会Arab Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉伯海湾作理事会Gulf Cooperation Council
阿拉伯海湾作理事会Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf
阿拉伯科学研究理事会联Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils
隐名伙人silent partner
隐名伙人sleeping partner
隐名伙人limited partner
set mathematics
条款aggregation clause
资金的安排pooling arrangement
需有配拨款的财政补贴matching grant public finance
非洲预算改革作倡议Collaborative Africa Budget Reform Initiative
驻联国办事处主任兼特别代表Director and Special Representative to the United Nations
"骆驼"综评级系统capital, assets, management, earnings, liquidity
"骆驼"综评级系统CAMELS composite rating