
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
中英联联络小组Sino-British joint liaison group
main contract
仓储保管warehousing contract
供用电power supply contract
借贷borrow and loan contract
农村发展和综农业项目rural development & integrated agricultural project
加工承揽work assuming contract
包工lump-sum contract
包干lump-sum contract
发展中国家间技术作工作组Working Group on Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
伙公司partnership firm
作项目cooperated projects
同实施implementation of contract
同条件conditions of contract
同条件condition of contract
同签订awards of contracts
同纠纷仲裁arbitration of contract dispute
同联席会议joint contracts tribunal
并限制zoning constraint
成药synthetic medicine
格货源国the eligible source countries
理化建议和技术改进奖励award for rationalization proposal and technological improvement
理化问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on Rationalization
营公司joint association
营公司joint venture
固定价fixed lump sum contract
国家对经济同的管理state supervision of economic contracts
国家标准化协会国际联international federation of the national standardization association (ISA)
国际经济作宣言问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on the Questions of A Declaration on International Economic Cooperation
国际经济联公司international economic association
与折扣表compounding and discounting tables
外国营者foreign participants
审查联国行政和预算程序工作小组Working Group on the Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary Procedures of the United Nations
对外经济技术economic & technical cooperation with foreign countries
工业发展作咨询委员会advisory committee on cooperation in industrial development
工程同原理the elements of engineering contracts
工程师联amalgamated society of engineers
建设工程承包construction project contract
总额制lump-sum contract
投资顾问investment adviser contract
指定的分nominated sub-contracts
政府工程使用的同条件general conditions of government contracts
欧洲经济作组织Organization for European Economic Co-operation
海上碳氢化物回收off shore hydrocarbon recovery
特殊的同条款special conditions
电子综控制设备packaged-electronic-controller equipment
短期伙公司joint association
短期伙公司joint venture
科技contract for a scientific and technological research project
科技交流scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation
科技协作agreement on scientific and technological cooperation
签发placing of contract
经济作和发展组织the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济同法law of economic contracts
咨询comprehensive consultancy
性项目multi-discipline projects
total energy
能系统integrated energy system
计划comprehensive program
美国综承包行业协会The Associated General Contractors of America
合同格式joint contracts tribunal
咨询委员会National Joint Consultative Committee
国人口活动基金会United Nations Fund for Population Activities
国善后救济总署United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
国国民核算制度United Nations system of National Accounts
国开发论坛UN development forum
国方案和预算机构工作组Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budget Machinery
国方案和预算机构特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on United Nations Programme and Budgetary Machinery
国环境计划署United Nations Environment Programme
国自愿救灾基金United Nations Voluntary Disaster Fund
声明joint declaration
工业发展规划scheme for joint industrial development
效果combined effect
机修车间united maintenance shop
热电站combined heat electrical power generation
顾问小组joint agency advisory group
询瓷联企业pottery/glazed files
读判并签订contract negotiation and making agreement
财产保险property insurance contract
财产租赁property leasing contract
货物运输freight transport contract
采购和签订procurement and contracting
钢铁联企业iron and steel complex