
Terms for subject Securities containing 合金 | all forms
中型股混合基金mid-cap blend fund
保证金标准投资组合分祈standard portfolio analysis of margin
保证金集合margin pooling
养老基金证券组合pension fund portfolios
冲基金投资组合估值valuation of hedge fund portfolio
单位证券组合管理基金unit portfolio management fund
合伙人奖金bonus to partners
合伙基金pool fund
合伙的资金partnership money
合同定金earnest on contract
合同成交金额turnover of contract
合并偿债基金consolidated sinking fund
合并现金流量表consolidated cash flow statement
合并股东资金consolidated shareholders funds
合成指数基金synthetic index fund
合格基金qualifying fund
合资基金管理公司joint venture fund management firm
基金投资合并表combined schedule of investment by fund
多种发行人资金组合multiple issuer pools
大盘混合基金一种共同基金large-cap blend
套期合同保证金hedged position margin
对冲合同押金hedged position margin
小公司混合基金small-cap blend fund
巨额资金集合jumbo pool
延期组合年金合同deferred group annuity contract
弹性组合基金flexible portfolio fund
收益混合型基金income-mixed fund
有限合伙资金成本cost of limited partner capital
标准资产组合风险分析保证金SPAR 是 Standardized Portfolio Analysis of Risk 的缩写SPAR margin
深圳金属和联合期货交易所Shenzhen Metal and United Futures Stock Exchange
混合型基金commingled fund
混合基金blend fund
混合年金既有固定年金特点又有浮动年金特点的年金combination annuity
混合房地产基金commingled real estate fund
现金收付法合计cash method of accounting
现金结算合同cash settlement contracts
由股票和债券主导的养老金基金组合stock-and-bond-dominated pension fund portfolios
符合规定的保证金eligible margin
纯现金匹配特别组合pure cash matched dedicated portfolio
经过批准的集合式投资基金approved pooled investment fund
综合性金融企业financial conglomerate
综合股东资金consolidated shareholders funds
联合交易所赔偿基金United Exchange Compensation Fund
联合交易所赔偿基金Unified Exchange Compensation Fund
联合投资基金collective investment fund
联合返还首次抵押偿债基金债券consolidated refunding first mortgage sinking fund bonds
资金组合系数pool factor
适合列为本金的项目items applicable to principal (or to income)
配合基金match fund
金融新闻综合指数financial news composite index
金融资产的组合portfolio of financial assets
金融资源配置不合理distorted allocation of financial resources
隐形合作基金blind pool fund
集合基金collective funds
集合资金中介人pooled fund media
集合退休基金pooled retirement fund
香港交易所组合风险押金系统portfolio risk margining system of HKEX
高级混合基金large-cap blend