
Terms containing 合营 企 业 | all forms | in specified order only
fin.《中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures
econ.《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of ChinaRules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
fin.《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税法》Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures
busin.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
commer.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures (1979)
securit.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
econ.中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法Procedures of the People's Republic of China for the Registration and Administration of Chinese Foreign Joint Ventures
fin.中外合营企业Sino-foreign joint venture
securit.中外合营企业sino-foreign equity joint venture
China, polit.中外合作经营企业Sino-foreign contract joint ventures
busin.中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign enterprise with cooperative business operations
fin.中外合作经营企业Sino-foreign co-operative joint venture
fin.中外合作经营企业Sino-foreign contractual joint venture enterprise
China, polit.中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
oil中外合作经营企业Chinese foreign cooperative venture
China, law中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture
econ.中外合作经营企业the Chinese-foreign cooperative venture
econ.中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign co-operative venture
commer.中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises
busin.中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise
China, polit.中外合作经营企业法the Law on Sino- Foreign Contract Joint Ventures
China, polit.中外合作经营企业法the Law on Sino-Foreign Contract Joint Ventures
busin.中外合资经营企业joint venture using Chinese and foreign investment
busin.中外合资经营企业joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investment
fin.中外合资经营企业joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment
fin.中外合资经营企业Sino-foreign equity joint venture
busin.中外合资经营企业joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment
busin.中外合资经营企业enterprise run with Chinese and foreign capital
bridg.constr.中外合资经营企业Chinese foreign joint business
oil中外合资经营企业Chinese foreign equity-joint venture
econ., int. law.中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign joint venture
econ.中外合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint venture
busin.中外合资经营企业Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
securit.中外合资经营企业会计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
commer.中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
busin.中外合资经营企业所得税income tax on Chinese-foreign joint ventures
busin.中外合资经营企业所得税income tax concerning joint venture with Chinese and foreign investments
China, polit.中外合资经营企业法the law on Joint Ventures with Chinese and Foreign Investment
commer.中外合资经营企业登记管理法Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
China, law中外合资经营的企业Chinese-foreign joint venture
commer.中外契约式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures
commer.中外股权式合资经营企业Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures
fin.中证民营企业综合指数CSI POEs Composite Index
busin.企业合理规模经营appropriate scale of enterprise operation
tech.企业经营合同management contract
busin.企业综合经营comprehensive management of enterprise
busin.公私合营企业state-private joint company
busin.公私合营企业joint state-private enterprises
busin.公私合营企业semi-public enterprise
econ.公私合营企业state _private enterprise
proj.manag.公私合营企业joint state and private enterprise
interntl.trade.公私合营企业joint state private enterprise
interntl.trade.公私合营企业state-private joint enterprise
interntl.trade.公私合营企业state-private enterprise
tech.公私合营企业joint state-private enterprise
econ.公私合营企业中的私股private share in a joint state-private enterprise
econ.公私合营企业体制mixed enterprise system
commer.再投资于合资经营企业reinvest profits in joint ventures
busin.区域性协会和合营企业章程规范model rules of regional associations and joint ventures
textile合作经营企业joint operating enterprise
proj.manag.合约式联营企业contractual joint venture
tech.合股经营企业joint equity venture
econ.合营联合企业joint enterprises
tech.合营企业joint enterprise
tech.合营企业partnership business
interntl.trade.合营企业joint venture
met.合营企业joint-operative enterprise
textile合营企业joint operating enterprise
econ.合营企业joint adventure
busin.合营企业companionship enterprise
fin.合营企业corporate joint venture
busin.合营企业joint stock enterprise
securit.合营企业cooperative joint venture
busin.合营企业亏损loss from joint venture
proj.manag.合营企业协议joint venture agreement
commer.合营企业各方parties to a joint venture
interntl.trade.合营企业合伙"joint-venture" partnership
busin.合营企业合伙joint venture partnership
China, law合营企业合同joint venture contract
econ., int. law.合营企业所得税joint venture income tax
interntl.trade.合营企业投资joint venture investment
busin.合营企业收益income from joint venture
corp.gov.合营企业最高权力机构highest authority of joint venture
oil合营企业清算liquidation of a joint venture
China, law合营企业章程articles of association
econ.合营企业经批准和登记后可凭执照营业The joint venture cart start operation under license after it is authorized and registered
commer.合营企业解散dissolution of joint venture
proj.manag.合营企业解散后、各项账册及文件应当由原中国合营者保存After a joint venture is dissolved, its account books and documents shall be kept by the Chinese party to the original joint venture
interntl.trade.合营企业账户joint venture account
busin.合资经营企业enterprise of joint investment
securit.合资经营企业joint venture enterprise
econ., int. law.合资经营企业合营企业,合资承包joint venture
commer.合资经营企业中止termination of the joint venture
econ.合资经营企业的终止和解散the termination and dissolution of the joint venture
commer.中外合资经营企业的规章条例regulation for joint venture
textile国际合营企业international joint venture
interntl.trade.国际联合大企业的经营者international conglomerate
busin.工业合营企业协议industrial joint-venture agreement
busin.巨型联营生产综合企业giant interlocking production complex
econ.想在中国投资的外国人可査阅《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记管理办法》Foreigners who want to invest capital in China can refer to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
econ.我们是合资企业,经营这些商品的进出口业务We are a joint venture handling such commodities in both import and export business
busin.海外合营企业joint overseas ventures
busin.海外合营企业joint overseas venture
busin.混合企业经营mixed enterprise operation
econ.短期合营企业joint venture
proj.manag.股份式合营企业equity joint venture
oil股权制合营企业equity joint venture
busin.航运合营企业joint shipping venture
shipb.菲律宾造船企业克佩尔菲律宾合营船舶公司Keppel Philippines Marine Incorporated
busin.部分采购、部分集合经营的企业合并part purchase and part pooling, treatment of business combination
econ.非经营性联合企业nonoperated joint ventures