
Terms for subject Finances containing 合用 | all forms | in specified order only
信用合作社世界理事会World Council of Credit Unions (世界性的信用合作社同业协会及服务组织,是国际信用合作社体系的最高组织)
信用合作组织credit cooperation organization
信用组合credit union
信用证合法持证人bona fide holder
储蓄及信用合作社thrift and credit union
农业与合作信用银行agriculture and cooperative credit bank
合会储蓄放款协会,信用合作社saving-and-Ioan association
合并资金来源与运用表consolidated statement of source and use of funds
合理运用货币政策工具rationally use monetary policy tools
废损废弃及不合用准备reserve for wear tear obsolescence and inadequacy
成本加费用合同cost plus contract
混合率用于折旧的摊提或负荷的分配composite rate
混合费用compound expenses
用地合同contract for the use of land
综合运用价格和数量工具utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner
综合运用多种货币政策工具employ a full range of monetary policy tools
酉己合收入与费用matching revenues and expenses