
Terms for subject Commerce containing 合理 的 | all forms | in specified order only
不参与管理的合伙人silent partner
买方是否利用检验货物的合理机会或放弃其检验权利Whether the buyer avails himself of the reasonable opportunity of examining the goods or waives his right of examination is for him to decide
代理合同确定了双方的权利与义务,代理人的权限范围和报酬The contract of agency settles the rights and duties of the two parties, the scope of authority granted to agent and the remuneration due to him
以一切合理的努力去获取所需的许可证A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
如发生当事人不能控制的意外事件,应对交货时间给予合理延长In case of events beyond the control of the parties, a reasonable extension of the time of delivery should be granted
我们要说你方的要求是不合理的We would observe that your request is unreasonable
我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的数量We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
我方已从你方竞争对手接到更为合理的报盘We've received more reasonable offers from your business rivals
改革不合理的规章制度change irrational rules and regulations
改革旧的不合理规章制度reform outdated and irrational rules and regulations
认为合理的价格justified price
认为要求买主在装船日期前一个月开立信用证是合理的consider it reasonable to ask a buyer to establish L/C a month before the date of shipment