
Terms for subject Technology containing 合理 的 | all forms | in specified order only
合理的勘探工程布置unreasonable arrangement of exploratory engineering
合理的工具变量illegitimate instrumental variable
合理的整地inadequate soil tillage
合理的规章制度unreasonable rules and regulation
勘探程度不合理的原因reason leading unreasonable exploratory degree
可以合理做到的最低水平as low as reasonably achievable
合同执行的监理contract administration
合理的估价fair valuation
合理的可比性reasonable comparability
合理的最小试样体积reasonable minimum volume of sample
合理的轧制制度rational rolling schedule
声响处理合适的会堂acoustically satisfactory auditorium
处理过的合金钢alloy treated steel
批准代理人签订的合同ratification of agent's contract
拟定合理的项目generate sound project
施工阶段一施工合同执行的管理construction phase-administration of the construction contract
合理的替代方案no reasonable alternatives (废物处置)
有机界的合理性organic fitness
水的不合理使用unreasonable use of water
热处理的合金钢heat-treated alloy steel
综合的材料处理integrated material handling
胶合板层间的纹理交叉cross core
自然界的合理性natural fitness
证明管理费的合理使用justify control cost
道路建设的经济和社会合理性economic and social justification for road development
集合的公理axiom of aggregation
雨水与污水的混合处理二元处理dual disposal