
Terms for subject Securities containing 合理 | all forms | in specified order only
合理损失undue loss
合理的合同unconscionable bargain
合理的股票定价体系distorted stock pricing system
合理的认购期权irrational call option
合理的负担unduly burdensome
合理的风险undue risk
合理融资left-hand financing
不合情理的投资风险unreasonable risks
促进产权合理流动promote rational flow of property right
债券组合管理bond portfolio management
公司投资组合管理corporate portfolio management
公平合理just and equitable
公平合理的交易价格fair and reasonable transaction prices
单位证券组合管理基金unit portfolio management fund
合伙董事总经理美国投资银行中的高级职位partner managing director
合格境外投资者管理人QFII Custodians
合法理由lawful excuse
合理买人good buying
合理交易规则sound trading rules
合理价值just value
合理价值fair value
合理价格equitable price
合理估值fair valuation
合理保证reasonable assurance
合理化价格rationalize prices
合理化的市场监管规则rationalized market regulation
合理原则rational principle
合理尽职调查reasonable due diligence
合理投资rational investment
合理报酬率fair rate of return
合理权益equitable interest
合理注意义务reasonable care
合理滞后期rational lag
合理的市场价格sound market value
合理的市场规则rationalized market regulation
合理的相等价值reasonably equivalent value
合理的资产定价reasonable asset pricing
合理经营判断标准sound business judgement
合理解释reasonable excuse
合理调查reasonable investigation
合理谨慎人reasonably prudent person
合理费率equity rate
合理趋势rational trend
合资基金管理公司joint venture fund management firm
商业合理性和放款人的判断commercial reasonableness and lender's arbitrariness
国际组合投资经理international portfolio manager
市价下跌时买方的不合理索赔market claim
应用投资组合管理applied portfolio management
投资人的合理预期investors'reasonable anticipation
投资人的合理预期investors' reasonable anticipation
投资管理者合作声明Declarations of Cooperation on Investment Management Persons
投资组合管理人portfolio manager
投资组合经理investment portfolio manager
合理的条款on arm's length terms
支付合理报酬原则quantum merit
核心附合式证券组合管理core-plus portfolio management
现代证券组合理modem portfolio theory
现代证券组合理modern portfolio theory
理想资产组合ideal portfolio
管理投资组合风险managing portfolio risk
综合日常管理服务global custody
综合治理comprehensive governance
综合管理投资公司general management investment company
联合代理人joint agency /agent (JA)
联合代理处joint agency /agent (JA)
行为资产组合理behavioral portfolio theory
证券投资组合选择理论theory of portfolio selection
证券组合分离定理投资产品选择与对风险的认识相分离,只注重收益未意识到风险portfolio separation theorem
证券组合管理portfolio management
证券组合管理策略portfolio-management strategy
证券组合管理经理money manager
资产组合理portfolio theory
资本合理分配capital rationing
资本合理分配决策capitalization decision
资本合理分配决策capital rationing decision
金融资源配置不合理distorted allocation of financial resources
阿拉伯联合酋长国证券和商品管理局United Arab Emirates Securities and Commodities Authority
合理疑点beyond reasonable doubt