
Terms for subject Securities containing 合法 | all forms | in specified order only
合法的原件unlawful original document
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
侵犯合法权利infringe lawful rights
保护中小股东合法权益protect legal rights and interests of small and medium shareholders
保护投资者合法权益protect the legal rights of the investor
保护股东合法权益protect lawful rights and interests of shareholder
公司架构的合法legality of the structures
加强国际证券合作法International Securities Cooperation Act
单一复合增长办法single compound growth method
合乎法规compliance with laws
合格、合法的股息eligible dividend
合格法人qualified corporation
合法业务statutory business
合法业务场所legitimate place of business
合法交易eligible transaction
合法产权legal title
合法债券legal bond
合法公司de jure corporation
合法公司指符合公司法一切要求而成立的公司corporation de jure
合法兼并statutory merger
合法利率legal rate of interest
合法团体statutory body
合法审计legal audit
合法工具指证券、票据、合同等statutory instrument
合法息票率qualifying coupon rate
合法所有权just title
合法所有权直接转移outright transfer of legal title
合法投票权de jure voting control
合法投资eligible investment
合法投资清单legal list
合法抵消权legal right of set-off
合法担保warranty of legality
合法持有的财产titular possession
合法收人qualifying income
合法收费statutory charge
合法效用投资者最多可从股利中拿出750美元购买股票从而可以延迟纳税,此为合法效用qualifying utility
合法权利lawful authority
合法权益clear title
合法理由lawful excuse
合法的拒付、拒绝承兑汇票的证书authenticated protest
合法票据美国联邦储备银行接受的再兑现的票据eligible bill
合法红利qualified dividend
合法组织statutory body
合法股东qualifying shareholder
合法证券approved security
合法财产legal estate
合法财产清算人legal liquidator
合法质押legal pledge
合法资产legal assets
合法转移legal transfer
合法转让legal transfer
合法转让legal assignment
合法验资机构statutory capital verification institution
国际证券执行合作法美国 SEC于1998年6月向美国国会提交International Securities Enforcement Cooperation Act
塞勒一凯弗尔反合并法案该法案限制通过收购资产削弱竞争性的合并celler-kefauver Antimerger Act
年数合计折旧法sum-of-the-years-digits method
抵押品合法collateral eligibility
无法执行的合同unenforceable contract
模拟投资组合方法mimicking portfolio approach
混合会计法hybrid accounting method
现金收付法合计cash method of accounting
税法规定可按合伙企业课税的公司subchapter S corporation
符合外国法律的实体entities formed under foreign law
统一合伙法令Uniform Partnership Act
股息分配的合法legality of dividends
解除合同的法定权力statutory right of recision
账目综合基本算法basis of consolidation
资产组合方法portfolio approach
限定的投资组合红利计算方法limited portfolio method of dividend calculation
非法合同unlawful contract