
Terms for subject Economy containing 合并的 | all forms | in specified order only
一种基金于另一种基金的合并amalgamation of a fund with another
下列承诺的一切优先购买权将继续有效,不因企业合并受到损害或有所更改All options granted below shall continue without impairment or alteration by the combination of businesses
不合并计算的投资the unconsolidated investment
为了进行上述合并,双方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
作为合并的结果,贵行成了本市最大的银行As a result of the merger n., your bank is the largest in this city
出租人与承租人兹同意遵照合同所规定的条件,由出租人出租并由承租人承租本合同中所述的房屋The lessor hereby leases to the lessee and the lessee hereby hires and takes by lease from the lessor the house described herein under the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement
合同必须由全权代表签字并附上该代表的职务称号The contract must be signed by an authorized representative with his designation
合并报表中的个体概念entity concept in consolidated statement
合并经营的经济节约economy of agglomeration
合资企业与其他经济组织的合并merger of the joint venture with other economic organization
国内的合并domestic consolidation
如果在合同中有明显的矛盾,我们应特别注意并加以消除If there is obvious contradiction in the contract, we shall pay special attention and remove it
并附上本项工程的第80号合同书一式两份,请签署后退回一份We enclose our contract No. 80 in duplicate for this project, please sign the counterpart and return
我们提出并公开发表一份终止我们之间的合伙关系的声明We filed and issued a statement of terminating our partnership
合并的附属公司unconsolidated subsidiaries
横的合并horizontal amalgamation
由于合并而获得的利润profit from amalgamation
经过几天友好的讨论,现已达成交易并签署了合同After a few days of friendly discussion we have now concluded business and signed a contract
鉴于你方违约使我们遭受重大损失,我们不得不撤销合同,并对蒙受的损失保留索赔权In view of the fact that we are incurring a heavy loss as a result of your default, we have to cancel this contract and reserve the right to claim for the loss sustained