
Terms containing 合同商 | all forms | in specified order only
textile不同商标的单件服装组合switch co-ordination
econ.与合同条款相符,供货商必须在7月前交货The supplier, coincident with the stipulations of the contract, has to deliver the goods before July
commer.保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract
hydroel.st.协商合同negotiation contract
tech.协商合同negotiated contract
econ.双方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier
avia.合同供应商代码contract supplier code
el.合同制造商contract manufacturer
avia.合同更改商讨contract change negotiation
busin.合同条款磋商negotiation of contract terms
el.合同电子产品制造商contract electronics manufacturer
commer.合同磋商contract negotiation
busin.合同磋商negotiation of contract
econ.合同规定的商品价格contract value
adv.同价格不同商品组合销售mix-and-match sale
busin.启钥合同方式商品出口commodity export by turnkey contract
auto.商业销售合同dealer contract
busin.商业贸易合同business contract
tech.商业代理合同commission contract
textile商业合同business contract
textile商业合同merchant contract
textile商业合同trading contract
busin.商业合同commercial contract
textile商务合同trade contract
busin.商务合同commercial contract
textile商务合同范本model of business contract
busin.商品出口合同commodity export contract
textile商品出口经销合同commodity export distribution contract
textile商品出口销售合同commodity export distribution contract
fin.商品房产买卖合同contract for the sales of commercial estate
fin.商品房租赁合同contract for the rent of commercial housing
fin.商品房购销合同contract for the sales of commercial housing
busin.商品期货合同commodity futures contract
securit.商品期货合同交易trading in commodity futures contract
busin.商品期货汇兑合同commodity futures foreign exchange contract
commer.商品检验合同contract of goods inspection
textile商品进口代理合同commodity import agency contract
textile商品进口合同commodity import contract
textile商品销售合同merchandise sale contract
commer.商标使用许可合同trade mark licensing contract
China, law商标使用许可合同trademark licensing contract
busin.商订合同negotiate a contract
textile国际买卖合同洽商international negotiation of contract
textile国际合同价格谈判,国际合约价格磋商international negotiation of contract price
textile国际合同条款谈判,国际合约条款磋商international negotiation of contract terms
textile国际合同条款谈判,国际合约条款磋商international negotiation of contract clauses
busin.国际商务仲裁合同contract of international arbitration of business
textile国际商务仲裁合同,国际商事仲裁契约contract of international arbitration of business
textile国际商务合同签订international trade contracting
textile国际商品买卖契约,国际货物买卖合同international contract of sale of goods
textile国际商品贸易合同contract of international trade of commodity
textile国际商品贸易合同contract for international commodity trade
busin.国际商品贸易合同contract of international commodity trade
econ.在该商号的全部转包合同中都插入了这样一些材料Such insertions were included in all the subcontracts of the firm
econ.如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost
eng.geol.定期合同承包商term contractor
commer.已检验符合商品交易所期货合同规定品质的存货certificated stock
econ.当经销商与另一经销商合并时,本合同将终止This contract shall terminate when the distributor consolidates with another
hydroel.st.承包商带资承包合同contractor-financed contract
econ.承包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement
econ.承包商聘任王先生作为与本合同有关的中介人The contractor engages Mr. Wang as his mediator in connection with the contract
fin.承销商合同underwriter's contract
econ.本合同禁止把商品转卖到日本The contract forbids resale of the goods to Japan
econ.根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
anim.husb.欧洲共同市场动物蛋白进口商联合会Euromarker Federation of Animal Protein Importers
econ.海商保险合同marine insurance contract
econ.由本合同引起的纠纷应由双方协商解决Disputes arising by virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties
econ.由本合同引起的纠纷应由双方协商解决Disputes arising in virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties
busin.磋商合同条款negotiation of contract terms
busin.磋商成交合同negotiated contract
interntl.trade.磋商成交的合同negotiated contract
econ.磋商成交的合同a negotiated contract
busin.经销商合同distributor contract
econ.缔约双方同意一俟条件符合,该商行便立即成立Both parties agree that the firm shall be set up forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions
UN, account.联合国供应商共同数据库United Nations Common Supplier Database
hydroel.st.议标合同,协商合同negotiation contract
tech.证明商品符合合同中的规格的证书certificate of conformity
interntl.trade.证明商品符合合同规格证书certificate of conformity
busin.买方在卖方限定期内购买卖方指定商品的合同requirement contract
econ.这位商家确信,我方产品可以同别家产品公平合理地竞争The dealer is certain that our products are in competition with rival ones openly and fairly
fin.远期商品合同forward commodity contract
tech.通过磋商成交的合同negotiated contract
econ.非商业合同noncommercial contract
busin.非商业性合同non-commercial contract
interntl.trade.非商事合同noncommercial contracts
econ.非商事合同non-commercial contract
tech.非商事合同non-commercial contracts
econ.非商务合同non-commercial contracts