
Terms for subject Space containing 合作 | all forms | in specified order only
亚太空间合作组织Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization
亚太空间多边合作组织Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space
亚太空间技术和应用多边合作组织Asia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology & Applications
亚太经济合作组织Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
作战指挥员综合指挥控制系统combatant commanders integrated command and control center system (美国反导和空间对抗综合指挥系统的)
合作用能力photosynthetic capacity
光学合作目标optical cooperative target
光学合作目标optical cooperation target
光测合作目标optical tracking cooperative target
军民合作civil military cooperation
初步合同工作分解结构preliminary contract WBS
加拿大合作应用卫星Canadian cooperative applications satellite (加拿大通信部与美国国家航空航天局合作)
合作synergistic action
卖方作出的转包合同vendor make subcontract
卫星系统合作研究中心Cooperative Research Center for Satellite Systems (CRCSS, 澳大利亚)
印度洋海事合作Indian Ocean marine affairs cooperation (programme, 计划)
反潜综合作战系统ASW integrated combat system
合作优化collaborative optimization
合作对策cooperative game
合作应用卫星 Acooperative application satellite A (法国与美国合作研制)
合作应用卫星cooperative application satellite (法国与美国合作研制)
合作式时间传递coordinated time transfer
合作式目标cooperative target
合作情报网系统cooperative intelligence network system
合作智能网络系统cooperative intelligence network system
合作测站coordinated station
合作跟踪系统cooperative tracking system
合同工作分解结构contract work breakdown structure
合成作战战区synthetic theater of war
合理化、标准化、互操作性rationalization, standardization, interoperability
活门吸合动作时间closing response time
国际合作国设施international partners facility
天体物理和技术合作卫星cooperative astrophysics and technology satellite (美国新罕布什尔州立大学和英国莱斯特大学联合研制的科学小卫星)
对联合作战的情报支持intelligence support to combined operations
导弹部队综合操作missile force integrated operation
工业界/大学合作研究中心Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers
技术合作协定technical collaboration agreement
技术合作Office of Technical Cooperation (联合国)
抽象结合操作abstract bind operation
操作软件维护综合设备operational software maintenance complex
整合[集成]和作战演示integration and operational demonstration
日地研究合作计划collaborative solar terrestrial research programme (美国与日本合作)
最终合同工作分解结构final contract WBS
欧洲安全与合作组织Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
欧洲联合作战通信网joint European operations communications network (北约组织)
欧洲航天空间标准化合作组织European Corporation for Space Standardization
气象卫星研究合作协会Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
海湾合作委员会Gulf Cooperation Council (合作研制国际海事卫星)
混合工作方式mixed mode
混合操作子程序hybrid operation subroutine
竞争性合作协议competitive cooperative agreement
合作战情报系统integrated operation intelligence system
合作战管理integrated combat management
综合业务工作组integrated service working group
综合航天操作中心consolidated space operation center (美国军方)
综合轨道操作模拟设施integrated orbital operation simulation facility
美国非常规作战联合特遣部队司令Commander, United States Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force
合作combined operations
合作joint warfare
合作joint operation
合作战仿真joint warfare simulation
合作战信息终端joint combat information terminal
合作战分析中心Joint Warfare Analysis Center
合作战区域joint operation area
合作战区域joint zone
合作战区域joint area of operations
合作战司令部combined operations headquarters
合作战情报中心Combined Operations Intelligence Center (美国海军)
合作战指令joint force command
合作战指挥command of combined operation
合作战方案joint operating concepts
合作战演习系统joint wargaming system
合作战空间joint warfighting space (美国航天联合作战研发计划,后演变为作战响应空间计划)
合作战能力评估joint warfare/warfighting capability assessment
合作战规划系统joint operational planning system
联合合成作战空间joint synthetic battlespace
联合后勤、作战与情报中心Joint Logistics, Operations and Intelligence Center (北约组织)
联合情报作战中心Combined Intelligence Operations Center
联合战术作战训练系统joint tactical combat training system
联合战术、技术和作业程序joint tactics, techniques and procedures
联合指挥控制作战中心Joint C Warfare Center
联合操作接口计划joint operations interface plan
联合数据系统协作局Allied Data-System Interoperability Agency
联合空中作战中心Joint Air Operations Center
联合空军作战指挥中心Combined Air Operation Center (美国空军)
联合空间作战中心Joint Space Operations Center (美国空军)
联合空间作战环境仿真joint space combat environment simulation
联合空间操作中心consolidated space operations center (美国)
联合诸元工作方式joint data operational mode
联合防空作战中心Joint Antiaircraft Operation Center (北约组织)
自动聚合作auto-polymerization (化学的)
表面敏化聚合作surface-activated polymerization
诸兵种联合作combat of combined arms
诸兵种联合作combat combined arms
通用综合操作系统general comprehensive operating system
陆空联合作combined air-ground operations
陆空联合作战系统joint air-ground operations system
合作交会能力non-cooperative rendezvous capability
合作卫星non-cooperative satellite
合作发射机non-cooperative transmitter
合作对策noncooperative game
合作式发射源non-cooperative emitter
合作式雷达non-cooperative radar
合作目标non-cooperative target
合作目标non-cooperating target
合作目标敏感器non-cooperative target sensor
合作目标识别non-cooperative target recognition
合作目标识别non-cooperative target identification
合作adhesive action