
Terms for subject Commerce containing 合作 | all forms | in specified order only
专利合作条约Patent Cooperation Treaty
东北亚经济合作Northeast Asian economic cooperation
东南亚区域合作组织South-East Asia Regional Cooperation
东南亚区域合作联盟South East Asian Association of Regional Cooperation
中外合作经营企业Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises
亚洲合作部长理事会Council of Ministers for Asian-Cooperation (1968)
亚非经济合作组织Afro-Asian for Economic Cooperation
你方的违约显然违背了商业合作的精神Your breach of the contract is obviously contrary to the spirit of business cooperation
供销合作marketing cooperative
信贷合作银行Creditanstalt-Bankverien (Wien, 维也纳)
关税合作理事会1952Customs Cooperation Council
劳务合作cooperation of labour services
劳务合作cooperation in labour services
双方合作协调compatibility of both parties
发展中国家间经济合作economic cooperation among developing countries
合作strike up partnership
合作strike up partnership
合作企业cooperation enterprise
合作企业cooperative enterprises
合作cooperative society
合作管理cooperative management
合作经营项目cooperative business operation project
合同即告作废The contract is consequently avoided as from the date when the frustration occurs
合同的作废avoidance of a contract
国际合作理事会International Cooperation Council
国际公司合作international consortium
国际经济合作和发展委员会Council for International Economic Cooperation and Development
地区合作regional cooperation
多国经济合作multieconomic cooperation
契约式合作经营contractual joint venture (与 equity joint venture 合资经营有区别)
密切合作将有助于双方的业务Close cooperation will help forward the business between our two parties
密切合作是发展双方业务的关键Close cooperation is the key to the development of business between the two parties
密切合作有助于促进贸易的发展Close cooperation is conducive to the promotion of business
对合同条文作出说明offer clarification on the provisions of the contract
工业合作计划Industry Cooperative Programme
工作合同task contract
德意志合作银行Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank (Frankfurt am Main, 法兰克福)
德意志合作银行Deutsche Genossenschafts Bank
我们希望你方与我方协调一致地予以合作We hope you'll cooperate with us in perfect harmony
我们希望在推销这一新行业商品方面你方将密切与我方合作We hope you'll closely cooperate with us in promoting this new line
我们期待贵方继续友好合作We look forward to your continued friendly cooperation
我方非常感激你方在这方面的合作I'm greatly indebted to you for your cooperation in this respect
技术合作委员会Technical Cooperation Committee
技术合作协议technical cooperation agreement
技术经济合作techno-economic cooperation
有关科技合作的协议agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation
欧洲合作总署European Cooperative Administration
欧洲合作集团European Cooperation Grouping
欧洲合作集团1979 European Cooperation Group (缩为 ECG)
欧洲货币合作基金Fonds Europeen de Cooperation Monetaire
海关合作理事会协调体系Harmonized System of the Customs Cooperation Council
消费合作consumers'cooperative society
消费合作consumers cooperative
消费合作consumers' cooperative
特别适合作圣诞节礼物的商品articles particularly appropriate for Christmas gifts
经济合作与发展组织Organisation de Cooperation et de Developement Economique
经济合作与发展组织组织原则DECD Guideline
亚太理事会经济合作中心Economic Cooperation Centre
经济合作体制Framework for Economic Cooperation
美国经济合作总署Economic Cooperation Administration
美国经济合作Economic Cooperation Act
美国经济合作法案Economic Cooperation Act
美国经济合作组织Economic Cooperation Organization
给予技术合作grant technical cooperation
美国国际开发合作United States International Development Cooperation Agency (缩为 IDCA)
美洲经济合作组织Organización Interamericana de Cooperación Economica
联合国工业合作组织United Nations Industrial Cooperative Organization
自动合作voluntary cooperation
英联邦技术合作基金Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation
要求有关当事人合作A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
解决这一争议的关键在于密切合作The key to the settlement of the dispute lies in close cooperation
请与我方合作并迅速装船Please cooperate with us and ship expeditiously so as to safeguard us against loss of market
联合国贸易合作组织Organization for Trade Cooperation
贸易发展在于平等互利基础上的合作The development of business consists in cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit
贸易的巨大发展归功于你方的密切合作The great development of business is creditable to your close cooperation
贸易谈判将使我们有机会巩固我们之间的友好合作The business negotiation will afford us an opportunity to consolidate the friendly cooperation between us
部门合作departmental cooperation
银行合作consortium of banks