
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 合作 | all forms | in specified order only
世界科学工作者联合会World Federation of Scientific Workers
东加勒比海地区合作调查作业计划Eastern Caribbean Cooperative Reconnaissance Operation
东南亚区域合作组织South East Asia Regional Cooperation
东南亚科学合作联合国South East Asia Science Cooperation Office
东部热带太平洋合作调查Cooperative Survey of the Eastern Tropical Pacific
东部热带太平洋海洋学合作调查计划Cooperative Effort Toward Understanding of the Oceanography of the Eastern Tropical Pacific
中东大西洋北部合作调查Cooperative Investigations of the Northern Part of the Eastern Central Atlantic
中东部地区可靠性合作协议East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
亚洲国际合作机构Asian International Cooperation Agency
亚洲科学合作协会Association for Science Cooperation in Asia
亚洲经济合作Asian Economic Cooperation
亚洲经济合作组织Organization of Asian Economic Cooperation
住房建筑合作housing society
作物-荒地混合区crop/heath-region combinations
供水与环境卫生合作委员会Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council
全国土壤合作勘查National Cooperative Soil Survey
全新世合作填图计划Cooperative Holocene Mapping Project
农业合作collectivization of agriculture
加勒比海和邻近水域合作研究计划调查月份CICAR survey months
加勒比海和邻近水域合作调查研究Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent Region
加勒比海和邻近水域合作调査研究资料目录Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions Data Inventory
匈牙利国际科学合作Hungary's International Scientific Cooperation Bureau
〔美国〕化学工作者联合会Chemical Workers Union
北印度洋与中西印度洋合作调査Cooperative Investigations in the North and Central Western Indian Ocean
北太平洋合作调查Cooperative Survey of the Northern Pacific
北欧夏季中层大气合作研究计划Middle Atmosphere Cooperation/Summer in Northern Europe
区域性开发合作由伊朗、巴基斯坦和土耳其组成的经济组织regional cooperation development
南地中海合作研究Cooperative Study of the Southern Mediterranean
南太平洋合作组织Cooperation of South Pacific
南极冰流线合作计划Ice Streamline Cooperative Antarctic Project
南极洲合作常设工作组国际海道测量组织Permanent Working Group on Cooperation in Antarctica
印度化学家和化学工程师合作组织India Chemists and Chemical Engineers Club
印度洋海洋事务合作委员会Indian Ocean Marine Affairs Cooperation
发展中国家经济合作economic cooperation of developing countries
合作燃料研究委员会Cooperative Fuel Research Committee
合作观测周cooperative observation week
合作计划program of cooperation
合作计划中心Corporate Program Center
合作资源委员会Cooperative Resources Committee
国外贸易和经济合作ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation
国际合作发展协会International Cooperative Development Association
国际合作基金会Foundation for International Cooperation
国际合作委员会International Cooperation Council
国际合作贸易机构International Cooperative Trading Agency
国际加勒比海及相邻水域合作调查协调小组International Coordination Group for the Cooperative Investigation of the Caribbean and Adjacent Regions
国际化学工作者联合会International Chemical Worker's Union
国际化学工作者联合会International Chemical Workers Union
国际土地测量工作者联合会International Federation of Land Surveyors
国际地质技术合作组织International Organization for Technical Cooperation in Geology
国际大陆反射剖面合作协议consortium for continental reflection profiling
国际技术合作协会日本Kokusai Gijutsu Kyoryoku Kyokai Nippon
国际技术合作基金Fund for International Technical Cooperation
国际操作工程师联合会International Union of Operating Engineers
国际海洋事务合作计划Cooperative International Marine Affairs Program
国际热带大西洋合作研究计划International Cooperative Study of the Tropical Atlantic
国际电气、无线电及机械工作者联合会International Union of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers
国际石油合作同盟International Petroleum Cooperative Alliance
国际石油工作者联合会Oil Workers International Union
国际社会经济发展合作组织International Cooperation for Socio-Economic Development
国际科学合作International Scientific Cooperative Service
国际管理与合作委员会International Management and Cooperation Committee
国际经济合作银行International Bank of Economic Cooperation
国际规划和开发合作公司Planning and Development Collaborative International
地中海地区合作调査、cooperative investigation of the mediterranean
地球深部合作研究Cooperative Studies of the Earth's Deep Interior
地球物理联合会间合作科学委员会Scientific Committee for Inter-Union Cooperation in Geophysics
大气-海洋相互作用联合委员会Joint Committee on Air-Sea Interaction
大气科学合作研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
大陆反射剖面合作集团consortium for continental reflection profiling
太平洋地区经济合作委员会Pacific Basin Economic Co-operative Committee
太平洋海气相互作用综合研究Integrated Pacific Air-Sea Study
太阳活动区域合作研究cooperative study of solar activity regions
工作体系合同contract of wwk system
技术合作与研究局Office of Technical Cooperation and Research
技术合作中心亚洲及太平洋地区理事会Technical Cooperation Center
技术合作委员会欧洲经济合作和开发组织Technical Cooperation Committee OECD
技术合作联合国Office of Technical Cooperation
技术合作Technical Cooperation Administration
技术与经济合作泰国Department of Technical & Economic Co-operation
拉丁美洲科学合作Latin American Science Cooperation Office
景观演变和矿产勘查合作研究中心Cooperative Research Centre for Landscape Evolution and Mineral Exploration
有限构型相互作用-分子轨道-原子轨道线性组合〔法〕limited configuration interaction-molecular orbital-linear combination of atomic orbital
欧洲合作与开发组织环境委员会OECD /Environment Committee
欧洲合作协会European Association for Cooperation
欧洲合作和开发组织Organization for European Cooperation & Development
欧洲合作和开发组织核能机构OECD-nuclear energy agency
欧洲空间环境合作委员会European Cooperation Space Environment Committee
欧洲经济合作和发展组织核能机构nuclear energy agencyOECD
欧洲经济合作组织European Organization for Economic Cooperation
欧洲经济合作组织European Economic Cooperation Organization
欧洲经济合作联盟European League for Economic Corporation
氧的光合作oxygenic photosynthesis
波斯湾国家合作委员会Gulf Cooperation Council
海外技术合作日本oversea technical cooperation agency
海外经济合作基金日本Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund Japan
海外经济合作基金日本overseas economic cooperation fund
海气相互作用联合研究所Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean
海气相互作用联合研究所Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research
海洋合作观测计划cooperative ocean observation program
海洋和大气合作研究所Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies
海洋环境合作协约加拿大和丹麦Marine Environmental Cooperative Agreement Canada-Denmark
合作用滤器filter of mixed action
潮汐观测合作计划国际无线电科学联合会与国际地磁学和高层大气物理学协会cooperative tidal observations program URSI/IAGA
澳大利亚地球动力学合作研究中心Australian Geodynamic Cooperative Research Centre
澳大利亚矿产勘查技术合作研究中心Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Mineral Exploration Technology
环境科学合作研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
瑞典研究合作Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation
生物力学化合的氧化作用biomechanical combined oxidation
科学合作associate in science
科学合作研究考察队scientific cooperative operational research expedition NOAA
科技合作协会Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation
经济合作中心Economic Cooperation Centre
经济合作中心亚洲及太平洋委员会Economic Cooperation Centre
经济合作和开发组织设在法国Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
经济合作法规economic cooperation act*
经济合作研究基金economic cooperation research fund
经济、统计与合作Economics, Statistics, and Cooperative Service
综合海洋科学合作研究所Cooperative Institute for Research in the Integrated Ocean Sciences
美国援外合作组织Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere
美国水道测量合作Hydrographic Cooperation Survey
美国海道测量合作局拉丁美洲区域处US Hydrographic Cooperative Latin America Regional Office
联合国地名工作小组United Nations Working Group on Geographical Name
联合国开发技术合作Department of Technical Co-operation for Development
联合国技术合作United Nations Office of Technical Cooperation
联合国技术开发合作United Nations Department of Technical Cooperation for Development
联合国环境规划署能源和环境合作研究中心UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment
联合干涉仪计划工作组Working Group Joint Interferometer Project
联合操作中心Joint Operation Center
联合电力合作公司Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
联邦-州-私人合作测雪系统Federal-State-Private Cooperative Snow Survey System
自愿合作计划voluntary cooperation program
菲律宾海水文合作调查研究Cooperative Hydrographic Investigation of the Philippine Sea
赤道海区合作调查cooperative survey of the equatorial zone
黑海-地中海合作研究cooperative black and mediterranean seas study
黑海经济合作组织black sea economic cooperation