
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing | all forms
交替王supersedure queen cell
产品检查输送带reject conveyor
人工刮毛dehairing table
侧出式挤奶gate-type parlor
侧出式挤奶gate-type stall
倾卸平tip platform
内脏传送travelling viscera table
内脏加工viscera work-up table
内脏加工viscera working table
凯来尔酸牛乳保存性优良的挪威发酵乳kaelder milk
凯来尔酸牛乳保存性优良的挪威发酵乳cellar milk
凯来尔酸牛奶kaelder milk
分蜂王swarm queen cell
刮毛scraping table
刺杀sticking station
前腿修整shoulder trimming table
剔骨boning table
剔骨和修整trimming and boning table
剖肚paunch opening table
剥猪皮工作hog skining table
去内脏工作evisceration table
双行串列通过式挤奶tandem walk-through stall (parlor)
双行串列通过式挤奶tandem walking through stall
式圆盘截骨锯bench bone saw
式搅拌器bench mixer
湾八哥formosan crested myna
湾烟尖鼠formosan shrew
湾牛Taiwan (cattle breed)
湾画眉formosan hwamei
湾稗tiger's-tongue grass
湾稗bareet grass
湾竹鸡formosan bamboo partridge
湾野兔formosan hare
湾黑熊formosan black bear
湾鼹鼠formosan blind mole
采精用dummy teaser
hand check
platform weigher
bench scales
圆形自转挤奶牛头向内或向外并排成一圈的可转动的挤奶台。挤奶台每转一圈约8min,母牛在此过程中将奶挤完后下台。精料在挤奶时喂给rotary dairy
进料口floor dump
down fall
复摇rereeling table
头加工head work table
头清洗head cleaning table
头部检验head inspection stand
宰后内脏检验post mortem table
宰杀killing bed
小五柴胡伞形科柴胡属植物; Bupleurum smithii Wolffblack thorowax
屠宰killing bed
屠宰操作slaughtering bench
屠宰线的式滑道deck chute
试验牛奶进厂时的检验platform test
并列式挤奶abreast-type stall
并列通过式挤奶walk-through abreast stall
待检验内脏retained viscera table
挂猪肉hog gambrelling bench
挤奶milking bail
挤奶milking stall
挤奶配置方式milking system
插马脚棒gambrelling table
插马脚棒gambrelling bench
收料平receiving platform
斜梯牲畜装车step ramp loading chute
斯基冰草scythic wheatgrass (Agropyron scythicum Nevski.)
斯库役乳肉兼用褐牛阿尔巴尼亚Shekouter Brown
斯库阿尔巴尼亚Shkodra Shkoder
鸡舍日浴sun porch
鸡舍日浴sun balcony
最终检验final proofer
杂碎修整pluck trimming table
蔬鱼肉的修削trimming table
质量检验inspection table
宰杀bed killing
毛肠冲洗casing flushing table
水流内脏排除water-slushed trough
肉类注射腌制pumping table
肉类注射腌制pickle table
洗头head cleaning table
牲畜滑动装卸chute loader
药浴池滴溜draining pen
虫实藜科虫实属植物; Corispermum candelabrum IljinCandelabra tickseed
翠雀chefoo larkspur (Delphinium chefoense)
牛肚加工beef tripe table
牲畜装卸斜坡cattle loading ramp
猪肉分割输送moving top cutting table
猪肠肚加工hog gut and stomach table
猪胴刮毛hog shaving tabl
queen cell
queen comb
瘤胃检视tripe revising table
白肉分割break-down table
盐水注射腌制pumping table
盘式pan scale
短期挤奶short milking stand
禾捆收集bundle carrier
移动式portable platform scales
移动式portable platform scale
移动式骨锯travelling table bone saw
移动式内脏检验moving top table pan
纵列式挤奶tandem stall
网油收集ruffle fat table
羊毛wool table
翻斗平tip platform
肉修整trimming table
肚子清洗paunch washing table
肚子清理paunch opening table
肠衣分级casing grading table
肠衣加工casing table
肠衣吹风casing blowing table
胃收集stomach receiving table
胃检验旋转stomachic inspection turn-table
胃的剖开及冲洗stomach opening and flushing table
胴体修理carcass trimming platform
胴体分割break-down table
胴体收受carcass receiving bay
胴体清洗carcass washing platform
腹内辊轧扩展belly roller extension table
腿肉剔骨ham boning table
自然母蜂acorn cup
rearing table
shelf rearing
蜂王queen cell
装畜livestock ramp
装袋平bagging platform
计量配料batching table
跳跃jump-in n.
转动式挤奶rotary parlor
转动式挤奶rotary stall
通过式挤奶walk-through stall
通过式挤奶walk-through parlor
肠衣量码measuring table
香肠灌馅sausage stuffing table
香肠灌馅sausage stuffing bench
鱼加工trimming table
鱼骨八字形挤奶herringbone-type stall