
Terms containing 可 以的 | all forms | in specified order only
auto.一个人可以起落的车篷one-man top
gen.一切可以想得出的方法every means imaginable
econ.一旦发现有人占用你的财产,你可以控告他犯有非法扣押罪You may proceed against any person found in occupation of your property as guilty of unlawful detainer
econ.一旦发生事故,你方应采取一切可能的措施以避免经济损失Upon the occurrence of the accident, you shall take all steps possible to prevent economic loss
anim.husb.一种可以替代油脂的变性淀粉最早由美国A.E. Staley 公司开发steller
gen.一种可以进行合成摄像的电子摄像机Video Scene
econ.一项获得许可证的产品可以涉及到多项专利权,但只能收取一项专利费A licensed product may involve several patents, but only one royalty can be due
tech.上下可以分别开关的两截门Dutch door
securit.不可以旧换新的债券nonrefundable bond
econ.不可以自由加人的海运同盟closed conference
interntl.trade.不可以自由加入的海运同盟closed conference
commer.不论货物发生何种情况,按 CIF 条件成交的买主可以根据提单对船主提岀诉讼,或根据保险单对保险人提出诉讼The c.i.f. buyer, whatever happens to the goods, will have either a cause of action on the bill of lading against the ship or a cause of action against underwriters on the policy
expl.世纪其他国家就没有可以与爱迪生相比的发明家Other counties had no inventor to compare with Edison last century. 20
econ.为了保护公司的利益,董事会可以在必要时推迟批准付款In order to protect the interest of the company, the board of directors may defer the approval of payments if necessary
econ.为了方便起见,他们可以把这些费用从他们的付款中扣除For convenience sake, they can deduct these expenses from their payment
gen.为了清洁书桌,我可以移动您桌子上的物品吗?May I move the things on your desk so that I can dust it?
refrig.为小朋友们提供的娱乐环境和设施远不止于此,比如他们还可以试试顶级的冰激淋机There will be lots more to keep children entertained, including the chance to visit a state-of-the-art ice cream machine
econ.为履行他本人的职责,总经理可以自由和无庸争议地随时进入任何部门The general manager has free and undisputed access at all times to any department for execution of his duties
gen.为避免真菌感染,可以使用一些必要的软膏In case of any fungal infection, necessary ointments can be applied
commer.买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
econ.从对男式西服的需求不断扩大这一事实来看,我们可以增加供应Judging from the fact that demand for the mans suit is ever expanding, we will be able to increase the supply
econ.他们可以付给 5%以下的佣金They can allow less than 5% commission
econ.他们可以指望他们的总公司予以支持They can reckon om the support of their head office
gen.他们可以自己做,来掌握自己的口味They can cook them themselves to make sure exactly how they like it
econ.他们有几种不同的丝绸,我们可以挑最好的They have several varieties of silk, we can select the best one
econ.他有可重复使用的出入境签证,所以他可以随时来去He has a multiple entry-exit visa, so he may leave and come at any time
gen.which 代替的可以不是某个名词which
commer.以一切合理的努力去获取所需的许可证A condition is often implied into the contract obliging the parties to collaborate in all reasonable endeavours to obtain the licence
China, polit.以人为本、全面协调可持续的科学发展观the scientific concept of development with people first, overall coordination and sustainable development at the core
agric.以农业生态方式可获得的单产agro-ecologically attainable yield
busin.以取得出口许可证为准的报盘offer subject to export license
UN, ecol.以可生物降解的合成喷涂物覆盖biodegradable synthetic mulching spray
mamm.以可闻信号搜索附近山岭用的雷达系统mountain goat
avia.以可靠性为中心的维修reliability-centered maintenance
avia.以可靠性为中心的维修reliability centralized maintenance
avia.以可靠性为中心的维修分析reliability centralized maintenance analysis
econ.以对方领到进口许可证为准的报盘offer subject to import license
busin.以领到出口许可证为准的报盘offer subject to export license
busin.以领到进口许可证为准的报盘offer subject to import license
interntl.trade.以领得出口许可证为准的报价offer subject to export license
econ.以领得出口许可证为准的报盘offer subject to export license
interntl.trade.以领得进口许可证为准的报价offer subject to import license
commer.但是一种可以接受的合乎逻辑的国际买卖法典The provisions of the Uniform Laws differ in many important aspects from English law but represent an acceptable and logical code of the law of international sales.《
econ.但是可以调整的率fixed but adjustable exchange rate
UN, tech.作战弹药指联合国和部队/警察部队派遣国同意部署到任务地区,以便需要时可立即加以使用的弹药包括飞机自卫系统,如雷达干扰金属箔片或红外线照明弹operational ammunition means ammunition including aircraft self-defence systems such as chaff or infrared flares that the united nations and troop/police contributors agree to deploy to the mission area so that it is readily available for use in the event of need
econ.你不应做任何足以造成撤销这类许可证的事情You shall not do anything that causes revocation of any such permits
econ.你们可以利用竞争对手放松促销的机会You can capitalize on the sluggish sales efforts of your competitors
gen.你们有哪些口味的泡芙可以选?What flavors of puffs do you have today?
econ.你可以从付款总数中扣除你 5% 的佣金You may deduct your 5% commission from the total amount of payment
econ.你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back
gen.你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药You can get some at the pharmacy across the street
gen.你可以将正确金额的支票和罚单一起寄出。你也有权利到法庭申诉You can mail the ticket with a check for the correct amount. You also have the right to contest the violation in a court of law
gen.你可以打电话或者写信给美国大使馆说明你的情况,然后,他们会要求你填写一些表格Well, you can telephone or write to the American embassy to tell them about your case. And then, they will ask you to fill in some forms
sport.你可以选择在家锻炼——寻找各种能让你流汗,但便宜甚至免费的健身器材There's always the home workout option - check out the myriad of fitness appliances which will make you sweat but are cheap or free
econ.你可以邮寄一份上诉书给管理合同的官员You may appeal by mailing to the contracting officer a written
econ.你方在价格上让一些我们就可以向你方发更多的订单Some concession in your prices will induce us to put more orders with you
econ.你方对我方报价的反应完全可以理解Your response to our offer is quite understandable
econ.你方认为有利使用,我们可以给予10%的补贴Should you find it expedient to use it, we could offer you an allowance of 10%
gen.你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?
expl.使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs
China, law依法可以转让的transferable according to law
econ.公共交通设施可以被每一个希望旅行的人所利用Public facilities for communication can be utilized by everyone who wants to travel
interntl.trade.关于一个工人可以允许的最大限度负重量的公约第 127 号1967 年Convention concerning the Maximum Permissible Weight to be Carried by One Worker
gen.再次申请是没有时间限制的。你随时都可以再次申请,并且也没有申请次数的限制There is no time restriction. You can apply again at any time and as many times as you want
expl.冲击波压力损失与炸药的爆炸压力有关、可以通过计算炸药的密度和爆速来估算。因此、炸药的冲击波压力损失的测定可以通过实验引人一些诸如温度、静态和动态预压及导爆索支线等变量来确定The shock pressure loss is related to the explosive's detonation prepressure, which can be estimated by knowing the density and detonation velocity of the explosive. Therefore, the SLF for a test explosive can be experimentally determined by introducing in the test certain additional variables, such as temperature,static and dynamic pre-compression and detonating cord downline
opt.准分子激光眼科治疗仪可以用来进行近视、远视、散光等屈光不正的矫正手术The excimer laser refractive surgical instrument can be used to correct myopia, hyperopia astigmatism diopter
gen.几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card
busin.出租人可以要求随时归还的产业estate at will
gen.刀具可以做成所需要的任何角度cutters are made to any desired angle
interntl.trade.分保分出人可以有选择的分保facultative-obligatory reinsurance
UN, tech.半刚体结构是墙体柔软、骨架坚硬、可以移动如拆除和装运的设施semi-rigid structures are soft-sided, hard frame facilities that can be moved i.e., dismantled and shipped
gen.去往西雅图的乘客可以检票,汽车将于半小时后发车Passengers to Seattle can be checked now, the bus is leaving in 30 minutes
gen.去那边检票处,出示一下您的票就可以进去了Go to the barrier and show your ticket to get in
econ.双方之间的任何分歧都可以通过协商或仲裁解决Any disagreement between both parties may be settled by negotiation or arbitration
econ.双方之间的这些争论可以用友好的方式解决The controversies between the parties can be settled in an amicable way
econ.发证人以后所作的新规定,本许可证亦可适用,并包括在内The license also includes and extends to new regulations made by the licensor
gen.受伤的话,可以用鞋带做一个夹板You can use laces to make a splint in case of injury
econ.只有事先得到工程师对你的修改图纸的同意,你才可以不遵照已批准的原图纸You can depart from the approved drawing only if you have first obtained the approval from the engineer for your amended drawing
gen.只要对照每个行李输送带上方的班次告示牌就可以了Just check the flight display board above each carousel
gen.只要能提交能够证明您符合得到非移民签证条件的补充文件或证明,您就可以重新申请If additional information or supporting documentation is available which may further demonstrate an applicant's qualification for a visa, an application may be resubmitted
busin.只要质优,价格贵些也是可以的As long as the quality is good, it is all right if the price is a bit higher
econ.可从别处以比你低得多的价格购到与你方式样相仿的优质产品The quality similar to your pattern can be bought at much lower price than yours from other places
gen.随时可以可供参考的beavailable for reference
gen.随时可以可供参考的available for reference
gen.可以〔适宜于〕 吸人的breatheable
gen.可以〔适宜于〕 吸人的breathable
gen.可以〔易于〕解决的be susceptible to solution
gen.可以不连同集装架一道搬运的集装架take-it-or-leave-it pallet
securit.可以买人和卖出的期权mixed option
energ.ind.可以买到的commercial availability
UN可以交易的权利tradable entitlements
manag.可以使用的机器live machine
gen.可以信任的to be trusted
securit.可以兑换美国黄金的短期债券short-term claims against U. S. gold
interntl.trade.可以兑换黄金的美元短期债券shortterm claims against U.S. gold
tech.可以厚涂的耐化学的触变性聚酯涂料gel coat
econ.可以取消的合同voidable contract
econ.可以取消的合同a voidable contract
busin.可以取消的合同即此合同给予一方任意终止合同权利,但终止前有效,与作废合同不同voidable contract
tech.可以合理做到的最低水平as low as reasonably achievable
econ.可以回还的支出reimbursable expenditures
UN, econ.可以在减少贫穷促进增长信贷额度方案中"浮动更多的份额"floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
energ.ind.可以在市场上购得的commercial availability
tech.可以坐在车内观看的露天电形场drive-in theatre
commer.可以容许的误差allowable error
econ.可以工作地竞争的产业workably competitive industry
tech.可以废除的杂费defeasible fee
tech.可以开采的流体production fluid
interntl.trade.可以当地货币偿付的贷款loans repayable in local currency
busin.可以当地货币偿付的贷款loan repayable in local currency
tech.可以当床用的沙发studio couch
avia.可以执行全部任务的full mission capable (指飞机的状态)
tech.可以扩建的房子block adaptable to extension
gen.可以把我的卡号取消吗?Could you please cancel my card number?
tech.可以投保的所有权insurable title
met.可以按任何比例混溶的completely miscible
commer.可以接受〔同意〕的be up to sample
shipb.可以接受的价格acceptable price
securit.可以接受的利率或汇率acceptable rate
shipb.可以接受的差异范围acceptable difference
tech.可以接受的期限acceptable date
UN, tech.可以接受的联合国戒备标准accepted united nations readiness standards
tech.可以接近病号的区域patient vicinity
agric., econ.可以收回的帐户recoverable accounts
interntl.trade.可以收回的贷款repayable loan
tech.可以松开的套管夹releasable casing spear (钻探用)
tech.可以松开的打捞工具releasable casing spear (钻探用)
auto.可以步行操纵的车辆pedestrian-controlled vehicle
tech.可以步行的市中心pedestrian city center
econ.可以的O.K., OK
tech.可以看到的混凝土形状exposed concrete form
shipb.可以给一些你们出口船舶的资料吗?Could you give me some sales literature of your export ships?
fin.可以背书转让的票据negotiable credit instruments
agric.可以胜任的adequate (adequatus)
econ.可以自主的财产independent property
gen.可以说是…的东西of sorts
gen.可以说是…的东西of a sort
econ., int. law.可以起诉的行为actionable action
UN可以转让的排放权tradable emission rights
econ.可以进而获得大利的小利a thin end of the wedge
busin.可以进而获得大利的小利thin end of the wedge
tech.可以退回的玻璃容器returnable glass container
gen.可以通过手感来辨别纺织品质量的高低You can tell the difference in the quality of textiles through hand feeling
econ.可以采取正当的措施和手段来取回属于我方的利润Proper steps and proceedings may be taken for getting back profit due to us
gen.M M可以采用〔得到〕的be available to
baseb.针对受罚队员的可以重新上场比赛的判罚releasable foul
econ.可以随时收回的金额amount subject to call
interntl.trade.可以预料的违约foreseeability of breach
gen.吃点油重的也可以的,不过今天还是清淡点I don't care about heavy meal, but today I prefer light meal
gen.同样的原理还应用于螺栓和螺母,利用螺栓和螺母可以把两个物体以很大的压力压在一起the same principle is used in the nut and bolt, whereby great pressures are employed to hold two substances together
gen.后门可以倾倒的人员登陆艇landing craft, personnel, ramped
UN, tech.商用型车辆是随时可以从商业来源获得的车辆commercial pattern vehicles are defined as those vehicles that are readily available from a commercial source
gen.团结一切可以团结的人unite with all those who can be united
China, polit.团结一切可以团结的力量unite all forces that can be united
econ.固定但可以调整的汇率fixed but adjustable exchange rate
cosmet.在化妆水的选用上,油性皮肤的人可以选用爽肤水,中性皮肤者选用滋润水比较好As to choosing toners, oily skin can use astringents while normal skin should use moisturizing toners
gen.在可以听见的距离内within hearing
econ.在大商店的家具部你可以找到组合家具You will find the combination furniture in the furniture department of a large store
amer.在患难中可以依靠的朋友an ace in the hole
expl.在有多重共线性的情况下、就会出现多余的自变量、这样会使自变量对应变量产生错误影响。多重共线性是否存在、可以通过对自变量的方差膨胀因子的计算来检验In the presence of multicollinearity,redundancy of the independent variables exists, which can lead to erroneous effects by the independent variables on the dependent variable. The existence of multicollinearity can be checked from a calculation of the variance inflation factor VIF of the independent variables
gen.在梳妆台的第一个抽屉里,您可以看见有一本宾馆服务信息指南In the first drawer of your dresser, you can find a brochure full of information about the facilities and services of our hotel
expl.在爆破中产生飞石所消耗的能量低于传递给岩石全部能量的1%、因此以这种形式浪费的爆炸能可以说微不足道The energy spent in creating flyrock during blasting is less than 1 % of the total energy transferred to the rock, hence the wastage of explosive energy in this form maybe insignificant
commer.在确定的或可以确定的日期at a fixed or determinable date
busin.在计算所得税时可予以扣除的tax deductible
gen.在酒店里是否有我们可以娱乐的地方?Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?
gen.处在可以做…地位be in a position to (+ inf.)
gen.好多了,谢谢你,今天我可以坐直了,针灸真的很棒Much better, thank you! I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great
sport.如今的家庭健身器材都很轻便、益储存,更好的是,可以负担得起Today's home fitness equipment is portable, storable, and best of all, affordable
gen.如想要,可以要点鸡肉,煮的比炸的好。但您也可以等等看If you like, you can have some chicken, boiled rather than fried. But you can wait and see
gen.如本来可以预料到的as might have been expected
gen.如果你买的话,我可以从“制造商建议零售价”里折掉500美元I can take $500 off the MSRP if you buy it
shipb.如果你们的订货数量大,我们还可以考虑降价We may reconsider to reduce our price, if your order is big enough.
sport.如果你决定投资建一个家庭健身房,可以查阅当地的分类广告,访问网上的克雷格列表,或者去趟二手体育用品商店If you decide you want to invest in a home gym, check out your local classifieds, Craigslist and used sports goods stores
gen.如果你对服务员的服务不满意,可以不留或者少留小费If you're not satisfied with the service the maid is providing, don't leave a tip (or reduce the amount you would tip)
gen.如果你要去英国,在少数情况下,可能会被要求面谈一次或电话交谈一次。工作人员会向你提供一个最早可以面谈的日期If you want to go to the U. K. , in a small number of cases, you may be asked to attend an interview or take part in a telephone interview. If you are asked to attend an interview, they will offer you the first available interview date
cosmet.如果你醒来觉得脸有点肿胀,这种爽肤水是你最好的选择。它可以镇静和收紧你的皮肤If you ever wake up feeling like your face is a little puffy, this toner is your best bet for calming and tightening your skin
busin.如果发生损坏,你方可以在货物险公司开立的检验报告Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a your end
gen.如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website
gen.如果您有特殊饮食要求,我们提供了一系列能满足您需求的特殊餐食。如果您是通过在线方式预订机票的,您可以通过阿航网站预订特殊餐食If you have special dietary requirements, we offer a wide selection of special meals to meet those requirements. You can make a special request through our website if you purchased your ticket online
gen.如果您真的想要,我们可以给您打九折If you really like it, we can cut down the price by 10 percent
gen.如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again
busin.如果您订购的数量很大,我们可以重新考虑给您的价格If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price
econ.如果贵方对我方的财务责任有什么怀疑,贵方可以拒绝交货If you have any doubt about our financial responsibility, you may decline to make deliveries
econ.如鞋子太小,你可以换一双大的If the shoes are too small, you can exchange them for a larger pair
chem.完仝可以混溶的completely miscible
econ.客商将所得利润用于在特区内进行再投资为期5年以上者,可申请减免再投资部分的利润所得税An investor who reinvests his profits in the Special Economic Zones for 5 years and longer may claim exemption of income taxation on profits from such reinvestment
gen.客房卫生间的自来水是可以直接饮用的The water from the tap in the bathroom can be drunk directly
gen.对不起,先生。我们不可以透露客人的房号I'm sorry, sir. We re not allowed to disclose our guest's room number
gen.对不起,我们已经客满了。但是我可以介绍您去鲍威尔酒店,那里可能有空余的房间Sorry, we have no vacant spare room for you. But I can recommend you to the Powell Hotel where you may get a spare room
gen.对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?
gen.对于无论哪-种螺旋来说,一个小的动力都可以移动大得多的抗力with every kind of screw, a small force moves a much greater resistance
gen.市场上可以买到的commercially available
tech.市场上可以买到的代用品commercially available substitute
econ.建筑师须仔细研究这些施工图,并且对可能发现的差错或相互矛盾之处予以更正The architect should carefully study the working drawings and correct any error or inconsistency he may discover in them
gen.当水分完全脱干后,纤维形成了细密的纸草样的"面料",可以用水果或蔬菜叶漂白或者染色When all moisture has evaporated, the fibers develop a tight-knit, papyrus-like surface that can be bleached or stained with fruit and vegetable dyes
gen.当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。到时候她们会来的Certainly, madam. I'll let the overnight staff know. They will come then
gen.当然可以。持婴儿客票的旅客可以免费托运全折叠式或轻便婴儿手推车一辆Yes, of course. An additional folding stroller or cradle may also be checked free of charge for each infant
gen.当然可以,血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,是一种传统英国早餐Sure, black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pigs' or cows,blood. It is usually served as part of a traditional full breakfast in England
gen.当然有,你可以通过我们的官网预订Of course. You can book it from our official website
econ.当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员参加培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
econ.形成合同的几个文件可以互为说明The several documents forming the contract are mutually explanatory
tech.彼此可以抵销的债务cross debt
interntl.trade.彼此可以相互抵销的债务cross debt
expl.很多专家以前的研究也表明、如果单位炸药消耗量小于临界值、飞石现象是可以避免的Previous studies by many experts also show that flyrock can be avoided if the powder factor is smaller than a critical value。
expl.很多实地操作人员把这种求导岩石系数的方法广泛应用于爆破剂破岩研究之中、并证明应用这种方法可以合理地估算所需的爆破强度以及诸多爆破环境下岩石的最终平均过筛粒度This approach to the derivation of rock factors has been used by many field operators in a wide range of blasting and fragmentation studies and has been shown to lead to a reasonable estimate of the required blasting intensity and the resulting mean passing size in a wide range of blasting environments
gen.很高兴我们可以接受您延长住宿的要求I'm glad that we'll be able to accept your extension request
adv.德士古公司、"你可以将车托付给佩戴星的人们"、 Benton & Bowles 广告公司、20世纪40年代Texaco, "You can trust your car to the men who wear the star" (Benton & Bowles)
gen.您可以描述一下丢失的手提包,并留下联系方式吗?如果找到了,失物招领处会打电话通知您Could you describe your lost handbag and give me a number where we can reach you? Lost and found will call you if it's recovered
comp.您可以选择配有数字小键盘的苹果键盘You can choose an Apple keyboard with numeric keypad
gen.您的可乐可以免费续杯You can get free refills with your coke
gen.您的话对我来说就像止痛药一样,现在我感到没有任何事可以将我打败了Your words just like a pain-killer to me and now I feel nothing could defeat me
gen.您顺着指示牌直接到下一个航班的登机口登机就可以了You can directly go to the boarding gate of the next flight by following the signs
gen.我们会将您的袋子转交给一楼大厅的寄物处,您可以去那儿取We will transfer your bag to the Lobby Floor Cloakroom. You may collect it there
shipb.我们何时可以得到贵方的雅加达到岸价格实盘?When can we have your CIF Jakarta firm offer?
gen.我们只能兑换外汇牌上的这些外币,其他外币您可以去银行兑换We can only change the foreign currencies listed on the foreign currency board. If you have other currencies to change, please go to the bank
gen.我们可以〔不妨〕叫它是个弹性体,但我们不能认为它是完全弹性的we may call it an elastic body, but we cannot consider it perfectly elastic
cloth.我们可以做一些复古的设计,比如后搭前款式We can design something retro, such as the back cover front style
gen.我们可以确认您15日、16日订的一个房间We can confirm a room for the 15th and
gen.我们可以试一下街角新开的意大利料理I think we should try that new Italian place on the corner
gen.我们可以选择一些富于变化的颜色,如紫色和宝石蓝色,以增加空间的多样化To add your diverse spaces, we can choose a variety of fun colors like purple and royal blue
gen.我们可以选靠近乐队的桌位吗?Could we have a table close to the band?
econ.我们可以采取灵活的态度We can adopt a flexible attitude
econ.我们将把我方的形式发票寄去,以便你们申请进口许可证We shall send you our Proforma Invoice to support your application for import licence
econ.我们必须采取可以影响施工效率的措施We have to adopt the measures that may affect the efficiency of the project
gen.我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight
cosmet.我们有很多颜色。而且我们的眼影还可以滋润皮肤。它对眼睑是非常温和的。你想试试看吗?We have a very wide selection of colors And our eye shadow is specially designed to moisturize the skin. So it is very gentle on your eyelids. Would you like to sample some?
gen.我们有特殊食谱,可以满足不同的餐饮需要We offer special menus for different diets
gen.我们没有直飞旧金山的航班,但是您可以乘坐联运航班。您可以乘坐泛美航空公司的航班到洛杉矶,在洛杉矶您可以乘坐联运航班到旧金山We have no direct flight to San Francisco. But you could take a connecting flight. You could fly Pan Am to L. A. and in L. A. you could catch a connecting flight to San Francisco
cosmet.我们的粉底是用最好的原料做成的高质量产品。它可以滋润你的皮肤,并且防晒指数为8Our foundation is of high quality. Only the finest ingredients. It will moisturize your skin and it has a sunblock rating of
commer.我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当数量We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require
econ.我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
econ.我们预期不久可以完成你们的订货We expect to finish your order very soon
gen.我可以把这三张支票分别换成面值100美元的现金吗?我想那就够了Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough
gen.我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?Can I have the same dish as that?
gen.我喜欢这首歌的歌词,它可以很自然地引起你的共鸣I like the lyrics because they can naturally arouse your feelings
gen.我想买一套结实耐用的,可以使用一辈子的工具I want to buy a heavy-duty tool set that will last a lifetime
gen.我想加入你们的烧烤聚会,可以吗?I want to join you in the barbecue party, may I?
gen.我想找一款可以淡化雀斑的面霜I'm looking for some kind of product that can fade freckles
gen.我想看一下你们的机票和护照可以吗?May I have your tickets and passports, please?
gen.我推荐先来蘑菇汤。汤可以刺激一下你的食欲I suggest mushroom soup first. Soup can stimulate your appetite
commer.我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的数量We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity
econ.我方已得到一份独家许可证,可以使用特许证中所列的工艺过程We are granted an exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters patent
econ.我方已收集了足够的资料,可据以作出结论We have gathered adequate mate on which our conclusion is based
busin.我方希望您可以接受付款交单的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
econ.我方最新产品可以在经营家用电器的商店里买到Our latest products are obtainable in household appliances shops
econ.我方的财力足可以支持此新项目的开支Our financial resources are strong enough to support the cost of the new project
commer.我方目前可以向你方提供所要求的货物We take pleasure in informing you that we're now in a position to supply you with the goods required
gen.我的手提包丢了,我可以做一个登记吗?My handbag was lost. Could I have it registered?
gen.我的护照有效期必须为多长时间才可以申请美国签证?How long does my passport have to be valid in order to apply for a U. S. visa?
gen.我能拿些东西出来吗?我有一件可以手拿的大衣May I take something out of it? There's an overcoat I can carry by hand
gen.我要一张往返票,可以省15%的车费A round trip ticket, it can save me 15% of the fare
gen.我觉得你可以去阿根廷南部的莫雷诺冰川I think you could go to the Perito Moreno Glacier in southern Argentina
econ.所展示的工程证明是可以接受的The work exposed proved acceptable
sport.打——个电话就可以把健身教练叫到家,他还随身带有各式各样的健身器材One phone call will also bring a fitness coach to your house, bringing all manner of fitness equipment with him
gen.打扰一下,先生。您可以告诉我到天鹅宾馆最近的路怎么走吗?Excuse me, sir. But could you tell me the nearest way to Swan Hotel?
interntl.trade.指定的仓库可以用来交货的商品certificate stock
commer.按经认可的银行向伦敦丹出的汇票售出牌价付款,汇率以背书时为准payable by approved bank's drafts on London, exchange per endorsement
expl.挪威掏槽与楔形掏槽相比、可以提供更可靠的每次爆破的进度The Norwegian cut can provide more dependable advance per round than the plough cut。
tech.提供可以征信的企业名称give trade reference
tech.提供可以征信的银行名称give bank reference
gen.撕下来一小片面包,喜欢的话可以涂上黄油Tear off a small piece, butter it if you like and eat it
gen.旋转着的轮子可以被一个力矩例如因摩擦而产生的力矩所制止a rotating wheel will be stopped by a torque such as that due of friction
gen.无烟房,好的。先生,一张单人大床可以吗?Nonsmoking. Now, sir, does a single queen-size bed meet your approval?
econ.既然这既不是不可抗力也不是你们难以控制的别的任何意外事故,我方不得不要你方承担延迟交货的责任Since it was neither force majesty nor any other contingencies beyond your control, we have to hold you responsible for the delay of the delivery
gen.是的,有了旅行签证,你可以在美国逗留90天Yes, with this visa, you can stay in the United States for up to 90 days
econ.晒干的谷子可以贮藏The dry grain is fit to store
fin.最低可以接受的价格lowest possible price
econ.有了固定最高利率,投资者十有八九可以获得更优惠的贷款条件With a high cap rate, investors are almost certain to get better terms from the banks
sport.有些人通常投资于康体器材,却并不使用,这意味着你可以仅花一小部分钱就可以买到近乎全新的设备People often invest in sports equipment and then don,t use them, which means you can find a like-new item for a fraction of the price
econ.有你背书签名的支票可以兑现The cheque will be honoured with your endorsement signature
commer.本协议在双方同意的情况下可以续延The renewal of the agreement can be made at the option of both parties
expl.本文介绍将爆炸破碎粒度分布估计在 1 微米的方法、以便在各种岩石爆破时、对空气中有可能产生的可呼吸的浮尘作以定量比较This paper describes an approach to the estimation of blast fragmentation size distributions down to 1 micron so that quantitative comparisons can be made of the likely generation of air-borne, inhalable and respirable dust when different types of rock are blasted
econ.权利和利益可以用一种确定的表现形式加以转让The right and interest can be transferred in a definite form of embodiment
commer.来人或空白抬头的汇票是可以转让的票据Bills of exchange payable "to bearer"or "to order" are negotiable instruments
gen.根据所在国的法律和有关的国际条约或协定,外国人可以在该国短期、长期或永久居留In accordance with the laws in the host country and relational international treaties or agreements, foreigners can obtain long-term, short-term or permanent residency
gen.欢乐日卡要8美元,一天之内不限次数使用。也可以买2. 25美元的单程票A one-day Unlimited Ride Fun Pass costs 8 dollars. Or you could buy a single-ride ticket for 2. 25 dollars
econ.此定期租约每年可以续租,不需复杂的手续This periodic lease will be renewed from year to year without any complex procedure
expl.气候学家预测、包括冰层大规模融化在内的可怕后果、改变了区域性气候类型、正在引发更为强劲的热浪、旱涝、热带疾病的蔓延以及海平面的最终上升Climate scientists predict dire consequences including extensive melting of ice sheets, changed regional weather patterns causing more intense heat waves, droughts and floods, the spread of tropical diseases and eventual rises in sea level
tech.水和空气可以通过的空隙small spaces through which water and air may pass
econ.没有人可以盗用属于我方业务的商标或商品No one can usurp the trademark or trade names pertaining to our business
nautic., tech.油可以渗入的区域spaces where penetration of oil products is possible
econ.法院可以裁决提交仲裁的争执The court may decide a dispute which is referable to arbitration
econ.消耗品是可以耗尽的材料,如化学药品Consumables are the materials, which can be used up, e.g. chemicals
gen.游览一天后,你可以在著名的百老汇歌剧院听音乐会After a day of sightseeing, you can go to a concert in the world renowned Broadway theaters
expl.爆破中所用的炮泥类型和分量以及对阶梯地形的处理、会大大地影响抛向空中的物质的多寡、因此也大大地影响一次爆破中可能喷出的飞尘比例The type and adequacy of the stemming material used and the management of progressive relief during detonation have a strong influence on the amount of material thrown into the air and hence the proportion of dust likely to be emit ted from a blast
UN, tech.特遣队可保持有限的作业储备不超过批准数量的10%,以用于迅速替换业已损失的或在战区无法进行保养的损坏车辆operational stocks up to 10 per cent of authorized quantity designed as immediate replacement for vehicles lost or damaged beyond in-theatre repair capability
gen.用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
telecom.由于蓝牙无线装置的工作功率比手机小很多,因此,蓝牙耳机产生的辐射相对于手机来说可以忽略不计Bluetooth-enabled wireless devices operate at much lower power levels than phones, so the radiation created by a Bluetooth-enabled headset is insignificant by comparison
econ.由于这种型号的电熨斗你们很熟悉,我相信可以省却样品As this type of electric iron is familiar to you, I believe you can dispense with samples
expl.由于这种带有根本性的反应驱动爆轰过程、所以是不可避免的Since this fundamental reaction drives the detonation process it cannot be avoided
econ.甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent
chem.甲醇可以用于燃烧发电,可替代燃油用作机动车的燃料The methanol can be burned for power generation, used as a vehicle fuel instead of oil
gen.电可以在相隔一段距离的地方显示各种测量结果,这在许多场合都是很重要的electricity permits indication of measurements at a distance, which is very important in many fields
commer.目前我公司可以供应各式花样的此类商品At present, our corporation can supply these commodities in a wide range of designs
expl.研究表明、与同样装药重量的裸露爆破相比、这样的爆破可使压力波释放威力降低90%以上Studies have shown that such blasts have a greater than 90% diminution in the strength of the pressure wave released, compared with unconfined blasts of the same charge weight
gen.确实如此,你可以在网上查找块滑石陶瓷部件,比较公司在网上发布的商品信息That's true, so you can find steatite ceramic parts on the Internet and compare the information sent by companies
gen.立即可以得到的to the fore
interntl.trade.合同当事人以外的第三人可以要求合同当事人履行的保证义务floating warranty
econ.管理的任务可以由企业主负责,也可以部分地委托给雇用的经理人员The functions of management may be performed by the owner of a business, or they may be delegated in part to hired managers
sport.经常锻炼可以保持骨骼强韧,有助于预防骨折,前提是在运动中穿上正确的运动护具Keeping bones strong with exercise may also help prevent fractures, especially if you wear the right sports protection during activities
UN, tech.联合国检查/核查队,可由特派团团长或其代表任命的联合国工作人员和军 事人员组成。 检查队必须有充分的时间以保证控制活动的连续性united nation Inspection/Verification team, which may be composed of united nations staff members and military personnel, assigned by the head of mission or by an official acting on his/her behalf must be assigned to the inspection team for a sufficient period of time to ensure continuity in the control activities
econ.股东可行使否决权以否定董事会的决议The shareholders may exercise the veto against the resolution of the Board of Directors
gen.节食可以,可我们都是要吃饭的。你现在想跟我一起去吃点儿东西吗?Dieting is OK, but we all have to eat. Do you want to get a bite with me now?
econ.许可证发放者与其各个许可证持有者一样在专利登记有效期内可以自由使用所述的各项专利The licenser shall have the same right of free use of said patents as its licensees during the life of the patent registration
econ.许可证获准后即开立以你方为受益人的信用证After the licence is approve d, we will establish a L/C in your favour
econ.该公司可决定以可容许的某种方式来收取款项The company may elect to receive payment in such form as may be permitted
commer.该货定价适中,一般水平的人可以买得起As the goods are moderately priced, people of average means can afford to buy them
gen.请相信我的话,假如您发现是假的话可以拿来退还给我You may take it on my word. If you find out it is an imitation, you may return it to me
gen.请稍等,我查一下她的日程。您明天10:00可以会见卡玲女士Hold on, please. I'll check her schedule. You can meet with Ms. Carling at 10:00 tomorrow
gen.请问,第三国公民可以在中国申请签证吗?在中国申请非移民签证,而不是回到我的祖国申请?I want to ask that if a third-country national can apply in China? Can I apply for a nonimmigrant visa here in China instead of returning to my home country?
econ.货款应以我方为受益人的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证方法支付The payment should be made by means of a confirmed, irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favour
gen.贵酒店可以提供免费早餐以此来吸引更多的顾客You can provide complimentary breakfast so as to attract more guests
gen.赴美旅游团组预约:不少于15人组成的目的相同,且共同出行的团组,可以申请特殊团组预约。如果旅行社需要反复为其他游客进行签证申请预约,可以网上创建一个“旅行协调员”账户,而不使用团组预约Groups of not fewer than 15 individuals, traveling in the U. S. together for the same purpose, may request a special group appointment. If you are a travel agency repeatedly booking appointments for other travelers, you can create a travel coordinator profile in our online system, rather than booking group appointments
econ.转包商可制订适当的条款以避免发生干扰The subcontractor can make proper terms to avoid interferences
expl.近来的研究提供了更为准确的气象数据、可以用来预测和评价诸如噪声、飞尘抑制、气体排放以及冲击波超压等对环境的影响Recent research has provided more accurate meteorological data that may be used for the prediction and assessment of environmental effects such as noise, dust control, and gaseous emission as well as airblast overpressure
cosmet.这个品牌的香水是我们的畅销货。我们产品的价格会根据国际市场需求的变化而变化。价格可以商议,尤其是针对大订单The perfumes of the brand are our best-selling lines. The prices of our products will fluctuate according to the international market demand. And we are always open to negotiate, especially on larger orders
cosmet.这个眼霜可以缓解你眼圈浮肿的问题This eye cream can release the puffy problem of your eyes
gen.这个结果对点 x 来说是可以的this result would obtain for point x
arts.这个镀锌花瓶可以说是一款后现代风格的金色花架The galvanized vase is a post-modernity gold flower arranging stand
O&G. tech., tech.这些结晶器由300系列不锈钢制成,有不同的规格可供客户选择。我们的客户能以极具竞争力的价格购买到化工结晶器These crystallizers are manufactured from 300-grade stainless steel and can be availed by our clients in different specifications Our clients can avail chemical plant crystallizers at competitive prices
gen.这倒可以考虑。公共交通系统还是挺不错的I think it's something that I'll have to consider. The public transport system is pretty good
econ.这可能就是我们赖以开拓市场而获利的一种行业This might be a line with which we could profitably exploit our market
gen.这是你的出院证,我叫护士马上到住院处取你的账单。然后就可以办理出院手续了This is your discharge certificate. I'll send a nurse to fetch your bill at the Admission Office and then you can go through the discharge formalities
econ.这是你的财产,你可以出售、授与或转让给其他任何人This is your property, and you may sell, grant and convey to any other person
commer.这是我方可以得到的最好价格This is the best price we can obtain
gen.这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months
gen.这款头巾是一种非常华丽的发饰,上面可以插羽毛、珠子、花朵以及其他别致的装饰The fascinator is a particularly ornate hair accessory that can feature feathers, beads, flowers and other fancy trimmings
gen.这款橄榄滋养霜是我们卖得最好的,专门针对混合性皮肤。你可以在手上试一下This “ Cream of Olives ” is our bestseller for combination skin. You can try some on your hand
econ.这种型号的计算机在黑市上可以卖很高的价钱This type of computers can fetch a very high price on the black markets
gen.这边衣柜里有一个保险箱。如果您有贵重的物品,可以寄存在里面Here in the closet is a safe. You can use it if you have valuable items
gen.这里是入境处。请问有什么可以帮您的吗?This is Immigration Department. What can I do for you?
gen.这里是大华银行,有什么可以效劳的吗?This is United Overseas Bank. How may I help you?
gen.这里是客房送餐服务。有什么可以效劳的?Room service. May I help you?
gen.这里有各种风格的床上用品,您可以选择适合您家的一款There are a variety of styles of the beddings. You could choose any one that matches your room
gen.这里有电脑显示房间的照片,您可以参考Here's a computer showing the room photos for your references
house.这项技术可以每小时处理数以百万计的电表读数The technology can process millions of electric meter readings every hour
econ.通过今天的会谈,我们可以找到一个友好解决双方之间问题的办法Through today's meeting we can find an amicable solution to our problem
gen.那家自助餐馆以前有各种各样的食物可供选择There used to be a variety of foods at choice in that cafeteria
gen.那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself
econ.鉴于他们的现状,给予5000美元的信贷是可以的Considering their position n., credit of $5000 would do
commer.银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
busin.银行可以随时通知收回贷款的经纪人dealer in money at call
econ.销售经理可以提供你亚洲业务的情况及数据The sales director can give you the facts and figures about the Asian operation
interntl.trade.防止签发可以转让的空运单prevents the issue of a negotiable air way bill
interntl.trade.防止签发可以转让的空运单prevent the issue of a negotiable air way bill
sport.防滑起跑器用来助跑,可以节约宝贵的时间The nonskid starting blocks are meant to facilitate a propulsive takeoff, which can shave valuable ticks off the clock
econ.除管理层认可的以外,不得向旅客收取额外费用No extras shall be allowed from passengers, unless authorized by the administration
commer.除非信用证条款禁止转船,注明货物将在中途转船的提单是可以接受的,但以用同一张包全程的提单为条件Unless transhipment is prohibited by the terms in the credit, bills of lading will be accepted which indicate that the goods will be transhipped en route, provided the entire voyage is covered by one and the same bill of lading
fin.随时可以收回的借款at call (money at call)
econ.随时可以收回的贷款at call
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