
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
个体转让渔获配额individual transferable effort quota
单独转让配额individual transferable quota
快速放置声纳浮标系统RDSSrapidly deployable sonobuoy system
持续发展参考系统sustainable development reference system
持续小型渔业sustainable small-scale fisheries
持续捕鱼sustainable fishing
持续生计途径sustainable livelihoods approach
持续资源利用sustainable resource use
捕系数catchability coefficient
捕资源harvestable stock
捕量allowable catch
生物降解面板biodegradable panel
缩进圆形retractable dome
缩进声纳retractable sonar
见插入式荧光弹性体标志visible implant fluorescent elastomer
见的插入式荧光纤维标志visible implant fluorescent filament
见的植入式标志法visible implant tag
追溯信息traceability information
追溯单位traceable unit
追溯性product tracing
追溯性food traceability
追溯的特定单位specific traceable unit
追溯链chain traceability
追踪性计划traceability scheme
靠声音通路reliable acoustic path
多年度的总捕量multi-annual TAC
多鱼种的总捕量multispecies total allowable catch
多鱼种的总捕量multispecies TAC
捕量total allowable catch
总许捕捞努力量total allowable effort
总许捕捞努力量total allowable fishing effort
指令性追溯性mandatory traceability
指令性追溯性regulatory traceability
按规章控制的追溯性mandatory traceability
按规章控制的追溯性regulatory traceability
捕捞水域许证的限额计划area licence limitation programme
捕捞水域许证的限额计划license limitation programme
捕捞水域许证的限额计划license limitation program
捕捞许authorization to fish
捕捞许fishing licence
最低接受生物量水平minimum biological acceptable level
最低接受生物量水平minimum biomass acceptable level
最大持续产量生物量biomass associated with maximum sustainable yield
最大持续产量生物量biomass corresponding to maximum sustainable yield
最大能产量maximum potential yield
最高持续产量maximum sustainable yield
最高持续渔获量maximum sustainable yield
有许证渔船licensed fishing boat
未按或违反许证规定范围的捕捞活动fishing in violation of license restrictions
消耗性靠声音通道声纳浮标expendable reliable acoustic path sonobuoy
生态持续发展ecologically sustainable development
证回购赎买计划licence buyback programme
证回购赎买计划licence buyback scheme
证费用licence fee
证费用licence fees
证限额计划area licence limitation programme
证限额计划license limitation programme
证限额计划license limitation program
进口许import permit
进口许import license
预防性总捕量precautionary total allowable catch
预防性总捕量precautionary TAC
食品追溯性product tracing
食品追溯性food traceability