
Terms for subject Geology containing | all forms
用数据data not available
见孔隙no visible porosity
原始动油地质储量original mobile oil in place
原始采储量initial recoverable reserves
变反射镜variable reflectivity mirror
定域性localizability (localizabilitas)
恢复的剪切应变recoverable shear strain
抽提总腐殖物total extractable humic matter
抽提有机质extractable organic matter
抽提有机质extracted organic matter
溶有机质soluble organic matter
燃性页岩shale rock
用数据data available
用数据data valid
能的油气盆地possible oil and gas basins
能的油气盆地possible oil and gas basin
见光红外旋转扫描辐射计visible infrared spin-scan radiometer
见热红外幅射计visible thermal infrared radiometer
计算的总平衡computable general equilibrium
采储量增长率recoverable reserves appreciation ratio
采的石油烃总量total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbon
圆形变过滤器分光器circular variable filter spectrometer
声光调滤光器acousto-optic tunable filter
多孔和渗透的porous and permeable
岩心压缩性core compressibility
溶抽提物total soluble extract
技术上采烃technically recoverable hydrocarbons
探明 储量储量、可能储量proved, probable, possible
报告nothing to report
最大能的孔隙度maximum potential porosity
最小存活种minimum viable population
最小辨气味minimal identifiable odour
机载见一红外成像光谱仪airborne visible/infrared imaging spectrometer
油层中动油储量movable oil in place
相对能位置分布relative probable-location distribution
紫外一见光谱学ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy
紫外一见光谱法ultraviolet-visible spectrometry
经济采油气储量economically recoverable hydrocarbons