
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
一阶靠性分析first-order reliability analysis
一阶靠性法first-order reliability method
丁氏变瞬时单位过程线ding variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
兑换的纸币inconvertible paper currency
分离的悬浮颗粒nonseparable suspended particles
分离的悬移质nonseparable suspended particles
吸附百分率nonadsorbable fraction
清除的总有机碳nonpurgeable total organic carbon
清除的有机卤化物nonpurgeable organic halide
清除的有机碳nonpurgeable organic carbon
清除的溶解有机碳non-purgeable dissolved organic carbon
滤固体non-filtrable solids
滤残渣nonfilterable residue
滤残留物nonfilterable residue
赎回债券irredeemable bond
逆性费用cost of irreversibility
逆热动力学理论irreversible thermodynamics theory
逆环境影响irreversible environmental impact
东南电力靠性委员会Southeastern Electric Reliability Council
中东部地区靠性合作协议East Central Area Reliability Coordination Agreement
中分辨率见光和红外多光谱扫描仪medium resolution visible and infrared multispectral scanner
乙醚萃取的有机物质ether-extractable organic matter
住房许housing permit
修正最大能数modified most probable number
光学探测的电磁核磁双共振optically detected ENDOR
光敏控硅整流器light activated silicon-controlled rectifier
光激硅控整流器light activated silicon-controlled rectifier
全球联合海洋站系统信国家海洋数据中心IGOSS Responsible National Oceanographic Data Centre
再生能源和持续发展技术中心Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology
北极控刚度钢质锥形钻头controlled stiffness steel arctic cone
北美电力靠度委员会North American Electric Reliability Council
区域持续发展regional sustainable development
区域持续发展决策支持系统regional sustainable development decision-making supporting system
区域持续发展研讨厅体系HWME of regional sustainable development
使用on hand
乳化浓缩物emulsifiable concentrate
交换的钠百分数exchangeable sodium percentage
以写入write enable
使用年限useful life
供分配的资产assets available of distribution
信区间温度credible interval temperature
信指数reliability index
信系数reliability factor
信范围温度credible interval temperature
兼值inclusive value
再生自然资源基金会renewable natural resources foundation
再生自然资源局危地马拉Renewable Natural Resource Division Guatemala
再生自然资源开发研究所哥伦比亚Institute for the Development of Renewable Natural Resources
再议利率抵押renegotiated rate mortgage
写控制存储器writable control storage
分配的成本attributable costs
利用面积usable area
加载模块loadable kernel modules
动式近海采油与储存系统mobile offshore production and storage system
动油图一种测井曲线图movable oil plot
卸阀试验器retrievable valve tester
变下渗率的地表灌溉surface irrigation with variable infiltration rate
变下渗能力variable infiltration capacity
变下渗量variable infiltration capacity
变响应模型variable response model
变因素规划variable factor programming
变存款需求variable deposit requirements
变扩散方程variable dispersion equation
变时段平均variable-interval time-averaging
变时滞variable time delay
变核估计量variable kernel estimator
变比例variable ratio
变深度声呐系统variable depth sonar system
变磁阻拾音器variable reluctance pickup
变聚合法flexible clustering
变速率variable speed
变钻孔塞variable bore ram
变长度差示脉冲编码调制variable-length differential pulse-code modulation
变面积记录剖面variable area record section
变频率振荡器variable-frequency oscillator
吸附有机卤素化合物adsorbable organic halogen
回收地球轨道生物卫星Earth orbiting recoverable biological satellite
垦地reclaimable land
开发资源计划releasable assets program
开发资源计划-可转让的资源计划releasable assets program-transferable assets program
折旧不动产depreciable real property
持续发展委员会联合国Commission on Sustainable Development UN
持续发展影响评价sustainable development impact assessments
持续发展指数sustainable development index
持续土地利用 sustainable land use
持续土地利用评价sustainable land use evaluation
持续土地管理sustainable land management
持续土地管理评价sustainable land management evaluation
持续收入sustainable income
换耐磨金属包覆层replaceable wear pad
控两相水流controlled two-phase flow
控水力梯度controlled hydraulic gradient
控浮力抑制环形空间系统controlled buoyancy restrained annulus system
控深电法勘探depth-controlled electrical survey
控源声频大地电磁勘探法controlled source audio-frequency magentotellurics
控源声频大地电磁系统controlled source audio magnetotelluric system
控源电磁填图法controlled source electro-magnetic mapping
控源电磁探测controlled-source electromagnetic sounding
控源电磁法controlled source electromagnetic method
控源磁大地电流测量controlled source magnetotelluric surveys
控环境排放试验controlled environmental release test
控硅silicon control
控表面孔隙率controlled surface porosity
提取的有机质extractable organic matter
擦写程序只读存储器erasable programmable read only memory
支付固定费用收入income available for fixed charges
支付票据deliverable bill
更新资源renewable resources
替代性样本路径评价方法program evaluating the set of alternative samples
清除的有机卤化物purgeable organic halide
清除的有机氯purgeable organic chloride
清除的有机碳purgeable organic carbon
溶性微生物分量soluble microbial products
溶性有机碳soluble organic carbon
溶性残余产物soluble residual products
溶性生物需氧量soluble biological oxygen demand
溶有机组分soluble organic fraction
溶活性有机阴离子soluble reactive organic anion
溶活性硅soluble reactive silicon
溶活性硅soluble reactive silica
溶活性磷soluble reactive phosphorus
溶混置换法miscible displacement processes
溶锰总量total dissolvable manganese
滤过的惰性磷filterable unactive phosphorus
防水发动机submersible motor
燃垃圾combustible refuse
燃气体分析仪combustible gas analyzer
燃气体检测仪combustible gas detector
燃矿产地质和开采研究所Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Combustible Resources
用微生物降解的污染物microbiologically degradable pollutant
用水量water available
用资产available assets
用资金available funds
用面积usable area
移动式中继台transportable relay station
移多重套网格模式movable multiply nested grid model
移式卫星地面接收站transportable satellite Earth station
移式探测器movable detector
移式环境遥测装置portable remote observation of the environment system
移浮式油井测试和生产系统mobile floating well test and production system
移细网格天气预报模式movable fine-mesh model
系泊移动式水下实验室mobile-moored undersea laboratory
编程序反互换器programmable decommutator
编程序图形处理机programmable graphics processor
编程序多光谱图像仪programmable multispectral imager
能极化试验May Polarization Experiment
能水文影响probable hydrologic consequences
能的左右偏差lateral probable error
能蒸发系数potential evaporation coefficient
能蒸散发potential evapotranspiration
能蒸散发指数potential evapotranspiration index
能蒸散发率potential evapotranspiration rate
能输沙能力potential sediment loading
能雪原possible snow field
能预报度potential predictability
获得的总稳定无机碳total available stable inorganic carbon
萃取土壤水分extractable soil water
萃取有机氯化合物extractable organic chlorine compounds
行性模型feasibility model
行性规划reliability programming
见光光谱visible spectrum
见光光谱仪visible light spectrometer
见光和热红外辐射仪visible and thermal infrared radiometer
见光和红外扫描辐射仪scanning visible /infrared radiometer
见光和红外自旋扫描辐射仪大气探测器数据利用中心VISSR-atmospheric sounder Data Utilization Center
见光和红外自旋扫描辐射仪数字多路扫描器VISSR digital multiplexer
见光和红外自旋扫描辐射计大气探测器VISSR atmospheric sounder
见光和红外辐射仪visible and infrared radiometer
见光和红外辐射仪visual and infrared radiometer
见光和近红外辐射仪visible and near-infrared radiometer
见光图像处理机visual image processor
见光红外自旋辐射仪多路调制器VISSR multiplexer/modulator
见光谱visible spectrum (38 纳米 ~76 纳米)
见光/近红外video near-infrared
见光近红外的visible to near-infrared
调与可适应隐藏细网格法zoomable and adaptable hidden fine-mesh approach
调利率抵押adjustable rate mortgage
调汇流比较器regulated bus comparator
调窗口显示moving-window display
调补偿器法adjustable compensator method
调谐激光二极管分光计tunable laser diode spectrometer
调隐藏细网格拉格朗日-欧拉法Lagrangian-Eulerian Method with Zoomable Hidden Fine mesh Approach
赔偿性损失compensable damage
转换价值conversion value
转让支付命令的存款账now account
转让资产negotiable assets
辨别密度级distinguishable density levels
锻铁malleable iron
降解地膜degradable plastic film
降解污染物degradable pollutant
靠性信息检索系统reliability information retrieval system
靠性工程分析报告reliability engineering analysis report
靠性规划reliability programming
靠标准safety standards
靠水力发电设计容量Project Dependable Hydropower Capacity
靠电能负荷-输送功率firm energy load-carrying capability
预见未来的最高天文潮highest astronomical tide of the foreseeable future
国家海洋信资料中心Responsible National Oceanographic Data Center
国家电力靠度委员会national electric reliability council
土地持续性land sustainability
土地利用能性land use capability
土地利用行性研究land use suitability study
土壤压缩性soil compressibility
土壤溶性盐soil soluble salt
土壤蚀性soil erodibility
土壤蚀性指标soil erodibility index
城市见空气质量urban visual air quality
完全积分的数据系统totally integrated data system
完全积无限元法exactly integrable infinite elements
定期定区勘探许exclusive prospecting license
能低放射性废物排放准则as low as possible
已知恢复煤资源区known recoverable coal resource area
平均变成average variable cost
广义指数马尔夫模型Generalized Exponential Markov Model
广义等价马尔夫模型Generalized Equivalent Markov Model
废弃物倾倒许permit of waste dumping
建设用地规划许land use permit
影象识别单元photo-identifiable units
快视编程序处理机quick-look programmable processor
总体行性评估gross feasibility estimator
恒定流量变水头constant flux-variable head
扩展不逆热动力学体系extended irreversible thermodynamics formalism
排污许证制度permit system of pollutant discharge
新的与更新的能源new and renewable sources of energy
用数据not applicable
时段识性interval identifiability
明确且实施的私有产权well-defined and enforceable private property rights
普查许reconnaissance licence
能数most probably number
最低检测量minimum detectable quantity
最佳行性环境方案best practicable environmental option
最大信事件maximum credible event
最大能性估计maximum likelihood estimate
最小分辨层厚minimum resolvable layer thickness
最小分辨温度minimum resolvable temperature
最小分辩温差minimum resolvable temperature difference
最小存活居群minimum viable population
最小探测功率minimum detectable power
最小探测差minimum detectable differences
最小探测温度minimum detectable temperature
最小检验水平minimum detectable level
最高用频率higher possible frequency
最高能频率higher possible frequency
有机酸溶磷organic acid soluble phosphorus
有限扩充非线性弹性finitely extensible nonlinear elastic
期望能设计损失expected opportunity design loss
期望能需求量expected potential demand
机载见光红外图像光谱仪airborne visible/infrared image spectrometer
标准最大能数standard most probable number
流域持续发展决策支持系统valley sustainable development decision support system
溶剂萃取有机物质solvent-extractable organics
特别进口许specific license
特别进口许special import licence
环境持续经济开展中心加拿大Centre for Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development Canada
环境与持续发展委员会联合国亚洲及太平洋经济与社会委员会Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development ESCAP
环境和社会持续发展environmentally and socially sustainable development
环境许性参数environmental sustainability parameter
现有最佳用控制技术best practicable control technology currently available
变只读存储器electrically alterable read only memory
电子控阵列雷达electronically steerable array radar
疏水电离有机化合物hydrophobic ionizable organic compounds
矿山设备操作许Mining Facility Operating Licence
矿床保留许mineral deposit retention licence
稳态马尔夫动态规划steady state Markov dynamic programming
累积能耗水量accumulated potential water loss
线性变位移变换器linear variable displacement transducers
线性变差接变压器linear variable differential transformer
经审査接触保密材料的individual cleared for access to classified material
经济许的最佳技术best available technology economically available
结点对靠性奇数nodal pair reliability
综合污染控制许integrated pollution control licence
综合环境靠性试验combined environmental reliability test
联合国持续发展委员会Community on Sustainable Development of the United Nations
脉伐变电抗混频放大mixer amplification by variable reactance
自回归移动平均模型-马尔夫模型ARMA-Markov Model
自适应马尔夫动态规划Adaptive Markov Dynamic Programming
航空见光与近红外成像光谱仪aerial video near-infrared image spectrometer
色谱分离的有机卤素化合物chromatographable organic halogen compounds
英联邦地区性更新能源信息系统Commonwealth Regional Renewable Energy Resources Information Systems
计算机靠性最优化系统computer reliability optimization system
试井-酸处理-注水泥用取出的封隔器retrievable-test-treat squeeze packer
调整分费用-剩余效益adjusted separable costs-remaining benefits
谐波控源音频大地电磁法harmonic controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics
质量和靠性年quality and reliability year
连续时间马尔夫过程模型Continuous Time Markov Process Model
选择用性select availability
通用工程的分费用separable cost of the common works
部分混有机溶剂partially miscible organic solvent
还原硫chromium reducible sulfur
隐藏马尔夫模型Hidden Markov Models
频率转换激励饱和扼流圈frequency converter excitation saturable reactor
马尔夫决策规范Markovian Decision Programming
马尔夫决策过程Markov Decision Process
马尔夫型近似法Markov-type approximation approach
马尔夫更新模型Markov Renewal Model
马尔夫混合链指数Markov Chain-Mixed Exponential
马尔夫转移矩阵Markov Transition Matrix
马尔夫链模型Markov Chain Model
马尔夫随机场Markov Random Field
马尔夫随机耦合模型Markovian Random Coupling Model
见光分辨率high visible resolution
高分辨率见光与红外high resolution visible and infrared
高度生物降解highly biodegradable
高级与近红外辐射仪advanced visible and near-infrared radiometer
鲍威尔-戴维顿-弗莱彻变矩阵法Powell-Davidon-Fletcher Variable Matrix Method