
Terms for subject Economy containing 可信的 | all forms | in specified order only
不保兑的不可撤销信用证a non-confirmed irrevocable L/C
不保兑的不可撤销的信用证unconfirmed irrevocable credit
不保兑的不可撤销的信用证an unconfirmed irrevocable L/C
不可撤销无追索权的保兑信用证irrevocable without recourse confirmed letter of credit
不可撤销的保兑的信用证irrevocable and confirmed credit
不可撤销的信用证irrevocable letter of credit
不可撤销的信用证irrevocable letter of credit
不可撤销的凭装船单据付款的信用证付款方式payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents
不可撤销的、可转让和可分割的信用证irrevocable adj., transferable and divisible L/C
不可撤销的对出票人无追索权的信用证irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit
不可撤销的承兑跟单信用证irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不可议付的信用证non-negotiable L/C
不可转让的信用证an unassignable L/C
不可转让的信用证a non-transferable letter of credit (L/C)
信贷计划的可行性viability of credit programmes
可信的消息authentic communication
可信的组距fiducial interval limit
可分割的信用证divisible credit (letter of credit, L/C)
可利用的信用available credit
可展期的信用证renewable credit
可按面值转换股票的公司信用债debenture convertible at par
可提供证信资料的银行a reference bank
可撤销的保兑信用证revocable and confirmed credit
可撤销的信用证a revocable credit
可撤销的未确认的不保兑的银行 信用证revocable unconfirmed banker's credit
可累积使用的信用证cumulative letter of credit
可自动转期的信贷the automatically renewable credit
可转让的信用证transferable credit
可转让的信用证a transferable letter of credit
可转让的跟单信用证negotiation credit
可重复使用的长期信贷发放系统a replicable long-term cred it delivery system
可靠的信息authentic communication
我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you
我们坚持凭不可撤销的信用证付款We insist om payment by irrevocable letter of credit
我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions
由于这种型号的电熨斗你们很熟悉,我相信可以省却样品As this type of electric iron is familiar to you, I believe you can dispense with samples
立即可用的信用immediate credit
许可证获准后即开立以你方为受益人的信用证After the licence is approve d, we will establish a L/C in your favour
该信用证和合同都是可分割的Both the L/C and the contract are divisible
请注意我们的付款条件是保兑的、不可撤消的、见票即付的信用证Please note that our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable and sight L/C
货款应以我方为受益人的、保兑的、不可撤销的信用证方法支付The payment should be made by means of a confirmed, irrevocable L/C to be opened in our favour
这种信用证是可转让的This letter of credit is transferable
通常我方不接受任何可撤销的信用证As a rule, we do not accept any revocable letter of credit
鉴于他们的现状,给予5000美元的信贷是可以的Considering their position n., credit of $5000 would do