
Terms containing 另的 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.一国法院委托另一国法院对于诉讼案件就地调查证据的信letter requisitorial
econ.一方得利引起另一方失利的zero sum
econ.一方得利引起另一方损失的zero sum
econ.一种基金于另一种基金的合并amalgamation of a fund with another
gen.一组刀叉用来吃开胃菜,另一组刀叉则是吃主餐用的A set for appetizers and another for the main course
sport.三级跳远动作的第二部分、运动员紧接着向前跨跳、另一只脚着地In the second part of the movements in the triple jump, the jumper continues to leap forward, landing on the other foot (step)
tech.不另作饰面的混凝土fair-faced concrete
oil不另分类的not elsewhere classified
el.不另外规定的not elsewhere specified
tech.不另行补强的最大孔径maximum opening diameter without reinforcement
China, polit.不足的名额的另行选举another election for making up the difference
gen.个性的另一面alter ego
econ.为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你参考To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference
commer.为接管另一企业而购买其股票的岀价take-over bid
expl.人们发现、氨生产过程中释放的二氧化碳一部分是来自提供热量的气体燃烧、另一部分来自于提供氨合成气所需的原料气的制备过程中CO₂ emissions from ammonia production are found both in the combustion of a proportion of the gas to provide process heat and from the reforming of the feedstock gas to provide ammonia synthesis gas
AI.从一个像素到另一个像素的通路path from a pixel to another pixel
econ.他们不得不换乘另一航班的飞机,因为他们的票与人定重了They had to change their flight as they were double-booked
econ.他们已说服我们同意你调动到另一部门的要求They have talked us into acceding to your request for a transfer to another department
econ.他们把某些价格上调,但降低了另外的价格They have adjusted some prices upward, but others downward
econ.任何一方的违约都有可能招致另一方终止合同Either parties violation of the contract may cause the other party to terminate it
proj.manag.位于另一个设备中的计算机on-board computer
econ.你方报盘来得不凑巧,因为我们刚接受了另一出口商的实盘Your offer arrived at an inopportune time, for we have just accepted another exporter's firm offer
gen.使用对数就是把数变成另一种都同某标准基数发生关系的数the use of logarithms involves converting numbers into other numbers that are all related to a standard base
gen.先生,所有账单都需要另加15%的服务费All the bills are subject to 15% service charge, sir
dril.另的泥浆separate tank
expl.又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另一个被“殉爆”的炸药包donor cartridge
expl.又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另一个被“殉爆”的炸药包donor charge
expl.又称主发药包。爆炸的炸药包产生冲击波引爆另一个被“殉爆”的炸药包dominant donor
econ.双方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid
el.另一种编译程序的编译程序yet another compiler compiler
mech.另一端斜削的other end beveled
dril.另一端磨铳的milled other end
food.ind., law另人反感的原料objectionable matter
food.ind., law另人反感的原料objectionable material
expl.另外、为避免气体的碳释放到大气中、可能需要碳的捕获和储存技术Alternatively, carbon capture and storage CCS technologies may be required to avoid these emissions to atmosphere
proj.manag.另外、如果你希望你的文件对社区有用、你必须保证文件的格式与他们的软件兼容Plus if you want your files to be of any use to your community, you have to make sure their file format is compatible with their software
commer.另外的other (a.)
gen.二者中另外的那个比较: others 他人或他物;the others 其余几个,剩下的那些the other
corp.gov.另有用途的年假alternate purpose annual leave
gen.另有目的not... for one's health
China, law另有规定的除外except as otherwise stipulated
interntl.trade.另行保管的黄金earmarked gold
econ.另行保管的黄金earmark gold
sec.sys.另配的钥匙false key
tech.另附加元件的补强reinforcement of additional elements
busin.可供选择的另一折旧法alternative method of depreciation
econ.合同的另一方other party of contract
econ.合约的另一方other party of contract
auto.同时改变另一只前照灯光束方向的装置dip-and-switch control
billiar.回旋击另一的球kiss draw
gen.M 在M 的另_端at the farther end of
proj.manag.在''另存为"对话框的"文件名"框中、键人要用于生成报告的文件的名称、然后单击"保存"In the Save As dialog box, in the File name box, type the name of the file that you want to use for the report, and then click Save
gen.在需要的场合,可为特殊的工件设计另一些刀具other cutting tools may be designed for special jobs where occasion demands
econ.坦白地说,已向另一出口商发出同样的询价To be frank with you, the same inquiry has been passed on to another exporter
gen.墙的另一边the off side of the wall
interntl.trade.如有变化无需另补通知的报价offer subject to change without notice
gen.如果一个人想要追求另一个人,便会利用这个节日以匿名的方式向对方告白People who would like to have a romantic relationship with somebody may use the occasion to make this known, often anonymously
sport.如果一名运动员被另一名运动员推出或被迫跑出他的分道、但未从中获得实际的利益、这名运动员将不应被取消比赛资格If a competitor is pushed or forced by another person to run outside the lane, and if no material advantage is gained, the competitor shall not be disqualified
law〔拉丁语〕完全相同的另一个alter idem
gen.对不起,您一次只能有一包。多的要另外付费I'm sorry, you can only have one. You need to pay for the extra one
UN, biol.将人类配子与另一种动物的配子混合在一起fusion of human gametes with those of another animal
proj.manag.将以太网电缆的一端插入调制解调器、然后将另一端插入路由器上的广域网 WAN端口Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the modem, and plug the other end into the wide area network WAN port on the router
tech.将已得贷款作另一贷款的抵押品collateralized junior mortgage
econ.差另u 对需求的重要性differentiation significance of for demand
econ.我们愿向你方推荐购买另一种质优价廉的产品We would like to recommend you to buy another quality products at a low price
gen.我们提供美味的经济舱菜肴。机上的菜单可以反映出飞机抵达处的美食风尚。另外,我们还提供一系列的美味甜食,包括备受好评的冰激凌We have delicious economy class cuisine. Our in-flight menus are specially created to reflect the culinary influences of the regions to which we fly. Toothsome dessert treats are available on our menus, including our classic ice cream that never fails to delight
econ.我方将向你方销售另一种高质量的材料,价格低廉,请予以考虑We shall sell you another kind of material of high quality at a lower price. Please take it into consideration
commer.我方已另空邮这一商品的三个样品We've forwarded you by separate airmail three samples for this article
gen.把一个套〔码〕在另一个的顶上nest one on top of another
space最低要求的工作能另minimum required operational capabilities
avia.来自另一个端口的信息message from other port
China, law法律另有规定的除外unless the law has other provisions
gen.海边散落着一些简朴的餐馆,出售鲜美的辣味海蟹,海蟹是凯普当地的另一种著名特产Simple restaurants dot the waterfront, selling tasty, pepper-infused spins on fresh crab, Kep's other famous export
dentist.牙列缺损和缺失的修复有两种修复缺失牙的方法,一种是可摘活动义齿,另一种是固定义齿There are two types of false teeth to replace the lost teeth, one is removable type and the other is fixed type
tech.线、平面或立体在另一平面上的投影auxiliary projection
billiar.继续推进击另一的球kiss follow
proj.manag.美国的监管系统依靠两个方面、 一方面是政府检查、 另一方面是集体诉讼America's regulatory system works through government inspections on the one hand and class action lawsuits on the other
econ.订约的另一方当事人an other contracting party
sport.跑速的另外两个方面是"平均速度"和"最终速度"Two other aspects of running speed are average speed and final speed
tech.车辆误入另道的自动报告automatic report of wrongly shunted system
tech.较高的分类级另higher category
econ.这家公司在征得股东们的同意下,把全部有形资产出售给另一家公司The company has sold all its tangible assets to another company with the consent of the shareholders
econ.这种型号通常的折扣是15%,但若现金付款则另加5%The usual discount of this model is 15%, but we would like to offer an extra 5% for cash settlement
econ.部门经理到另一城市去了,琼斯被任命作为他的代理人The department manager was absent in another city, and Jones was appointed to act as his deputy
gen.问题的另一面the other side of the shield
gen.问题的另一面the other side of the medal
econ.除非你方另有说明,我们将延用以前的装船唛头Unless otherwise stated, we will stencil the same shipping mark as before
econ.除非你方另有通知,我们将在包装箱上按所给的图样刷唛头Unless otherwise advised, we will mark the packages as per the drawing given
commer.除非另有规定,中国境外的一切银行费用由买方负担Unless otherwise specified, all banking charges outside China are for the buyer's account
econ.除非另有说明,我们不把你方的佣金包括在报盘内Unless otherwise specified, we won't include your commission in our offers
gen.靠…的另量through the influence of
commer.驶到港口的另一边put over to the other side of the harbour
auto.啮合时齿轮齿顶与另一齿轮齿根的间隙tooth clearance