
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不准许进货单negative list
与出许可证export permit
英国1968 与1970年出担保法Export Guarantees Acts 1968 and 1970
与银行商定向出人提供资金arrange with a bank to provide finance for the exporter
专业出professional exporter (与专业进口商(professional importer) 相对)
专门出special exports
专门进special imports
中国五金矿产进出总公司China National Metals & Minerals Import & Export Corporation
中国农机进出联合公司China Agricultural Machinery Import and Export Joint Company
中国出商品包装总公司China National Export Commodities Packaging Corporation
中国化工进出公司China National Chemicals Import and Export Corp.
中国化工进出总公司China National Chemicals Import & Export Corporation
中国土产畜产进出总公司China National Native Produce and Animal Byproducts Import & Export Corporation
中国土畜产进岀总公司China National Produce and Animal By products Import and Export Corporation
中国岀商品交易会China Export Commodities Fair
中国岀商品交易会Chinese Export Commodities Fair
中国工艺品进出总公司China National Arts & Crafts Import & Export Corporation
中国工艺品进岀公司China National Arts and Crafts Import and Export Corp
中国成套设备出公司China Complete Plant Export Corporation
中国成套设备进出公司China National Complete Plant Export Corporation
中国技术进公司China National Technical Import Corporation
中国抽纱进出公司China National Artex Import and Export Corp
中国春季出商品交易会China's Spring Export Commodities Fair
中国春季岀商品交易会China's Spring Export Commodities Fair
中国机械设备进岀总公司China National Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Corporation
中国电子进出总公司China National Electronics Import and Export Corp
中国粮油进出总公司China National Cereals, Oil & Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation
中国粮油食品进出公司China National Cereals, Oils and Food-Stuffs Import and Export Corp
中国纺织品进出总公司China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation
中国纺织品进岀总公司China National Textiles Import & Export Corporation
中国航空技术进岀公司China National AeroTechnology Import and Export Corporation
中国轻工业产品进出总公司China National Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corp
中国轻工业品进岀总公司China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation
中国进出公司China National Import & Export Corporation
中途港intermediate port
临时进出加工产品体系processing traffic system
为岀食糖提供补贴give bounties upon exported sugar
主要出产品principal articles of export
主要出商品chief exports
买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
买方有义务支付进The buyer is liable to pay import duties
以取得岀许可证为条件subject to approval of export license
以取得进许可证为条件subject to import license
优惠出融资preferential export financing
优惠条件进concessional imports
传统农业出traditional agricultural export
保护性岀protective export duty (与保护性进口税 (protective import duty) 相对)
保留进retained import
停靠太平洋沿岸主要港make calls at chief ports on the Pacific coast
僻地港附加费out port surcharge
先于进许可证届满期限be prior to the expiration of an import licence
免税进duty free imports
公开一般进许可证open general import licence
具有岀贸易经验be experienced in export business
内陆港close port
再出凭单re-exportation voucher
农产品生产与出agricultural production and export
净岀net export (与净进口(net import) 相对)
准许进货单positive list
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出,税款予以退还e.g. six or twelve months
凡须对样品缴纳关税时,如该样品在规定的时间——6到12个月内一一再运出,税款予以退还Where the duty on samples has to be paid, a refund is allowed when the samples are reexported within a stated time
exportation (同 export)
产品export produce
产品export oriented product
产品口岸outlet for export products
产品更新updating of exports
人与国外客户无直接契约关系The exporter is not in direct contractual relations with the foreign customers
代理人export agent (与进口代理人 (import agent)相对)
价格条例definition of export quotations
价格检查export price check
英国促进局Export Promotion Department
信用证export L/C
信贷与信贷担保组织Group on Export Credits and Credit Guarantees
印度信贷担保公司Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
英国信贷担保署Export Credits Guarantee Department
农产品export produce
前景export prospects
加工区export-processing zone
加工区export processing enclave
后资金融通post export financing (与进口后资金融通(post import financing) 相对)
商银行exporter's bank
奖励制incentive export system
导向型的有机农业export-oriented organic agriculture
差别税率differential export tax
平价价格export parity price
加拿大开发公司Export Development Corporation
形式form of exporting
情报export intelligence
托收汇票outward bill for collection
报关declaration of exportation
报关单customs declaration
报关货运清单manifest of clearance
押汇negotiation of drafts under letter of credit
收入稳定性stabilization of export earnings
有机产品organic export
申请notice of export (与进口申请(notice of import) 相对)
禁令export ban
管理法Exportation Administration Act
经理export manager (与进口经理 (import manager) 相对)
经销商export distributor
补贴bounty on exportation (与进口补贴 (bounty on importation) 相对)
补贴export subsidy (与进口补贴 (bounty on importation) 相对)
补贴export bounty (与进口补贴 (bounty on importation) 相对)
许可证签发机构export permit issuing agency
货款代收export factoring
货物清单outward manifest
贸易export trading
返还export refunds
配额export quota
volume of exports (与进口量(volume of import) 相对)
限额export quota (与进口限额 (import quota)相对)
amount of export (与进口额(amount of import) 相对)
分别进许可证separate import licence
利物浦港装卸条件Liverpool terms
到岸价加一切进费用CIF cleared
刺激出stimulation of exportation
工合同processing contract
加工岀processing export (与加工进口(processing import) 相对)
加拿大出商同业公会Canadian Exporters Association
加拿大进商协会Canadian Importers' and Traders' Association
半拆散式商品出semi-knockdown export
华盛顿进出银行Export-import Bank (of Washington)
占出货物的 10%account for 10% of exports
危急出escape hatch
原厂委托制造出OEM export
参考可出缩写为REA, 联合国贸易与发展会议reference export availabilities UNCTAD
发货人出申报单shipper's export declaration
头协定oral agreement
头协议verbal understanding (谅解)
头契约oral contract
mouth piece
蹄疫媒介carrier of foot and mouth disease
可乐公司The Coca-Cola Company (1919)
可供岀的中国商品Chinese commodities available for export
可出农产品exportable produce
可出export availabilities
可岀产品exportable produce
向政府主管机关申请进许可证apply to the competent government authorities for import licence
否则大部分多余小麦就必须出到世界市场上去Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
商品岀merchandise export
国产出domestic export
国家出商品质量检查state quality inspection of export goods
法国国家岀促进局Office National pour le Promotion de l'Exportation
比利时国营出信贷保险公司Office National du Ducroire
美国国际商品出公司International Commodities Export Corporation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,减除到指定出地点的运费FOB named inland carrier at named point of departure, freight allowed to named point of exportation
在国内指定的发货地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格,运费预付到指定的出地点FOB named inland carrier at named inland point of departure, freight prepaid to named point of exportation
在岀交易中卖方通常在未收到货款前让岀对货物的占有权In export transactions, the seller normally parts with the possession of the goods before receiving the purchase price
在指定的岀地点指定的内陆运输工具上的交货价格FOB named inland carrier at point of exportation
在进国指定的地点的交货价格FOB named inland point in country of importation
基本岀吨数basic export tonnage
复进货物re-imported goods
多渠道岀multichannel export
天然港natural harbor
季节港seasonal port
完全自有的附属出公司wholly-owned subsidiary export company
寄售岀export on consignment
对岀人行使追索权recourse against the exporter
英国对欧出理事会Export Council for Europe
对进的限制restraint on importation
对进者很有好处be of great advantage to the importers
对钢材出解禁take off an embargo on the export of steel
价格管制export price check
价格计算表export calculation sheet
信用国家担保guarantee of export credits
信贷export credit (包括:供方信贷 (supplier's credit)、买方信贷 (buyer's credit))
信贷保险制system of export credit insurance
信贷国家担保制export credit guarantee system
信贷担保export credit guarantee
关税export duty
加工区export processing zone
单据押汇透支overdraft for export bills
合格证明书certificate for export
export merchant
商品交易会将于下月开幕The Export Commodities Fair will be inaugurated next month
商品价值value of exports (与进口商品价值(value of imports) 相对)
exporter's country
country of exportation
导向export orientation
市场export market (与国内市场 (domestic market) 相对)
总值total value of export (与进口总值(total value of import) 相对)
报价export quotation
报关单export declaration
押汇申请书application for negotiation of drafts under L/C
押汇费charges for negotiation of export bills
推销顾问export marketing adviser
条例export regulation
竞争能力competitiveness of export
竞争能力competitive power of export
结关customs clearance
结构makeup of exports
自动限制voluntary export restraint
自动限制voluntary export restriction
补贴export subsidy (包括直接补贴 (direct subsidy)、间接补贴 (indirect subsidy))
许可证export license (与进口许可证 (import licence)相对)
许可证export licence (与进口许可证 (import licence)相对)
许可证certificate of shipment
许可证条例Export Licensing Regulations
许可证海关回联单copy of certificate by customs
货物outbound cargo
跟单汇票outward documentary bill
export department
配额export quota
配额说明书export quota certificate
限额ration export
项目export item (与进口项目 (import item)相对)
工艺品进出公司arts and crafts import and export corporation
已进的货物imported goods
保单floating policy
保单open cover
信用证open letter of credit
抵押open-end mortgage
抵押open mortgage
租船契约open charter
开办进商行open an import business
德国进岀公司Deutsche Ein- und Ausfuhr Gmbh
必需的进许可证一经签发,我们将向你方去电要求报实盘On the issuance of the necessary import licence, we'll cable you for your firm offer
性质不明进货物登记bill of sight
总出general export (与总进口(general import) 相对)
总岀total export value (与总进口值(total import value) 相对)
总括进许可证open general import licence
成员国进出记录record of member's exports and imports
我们经营工艺品岀业务We are engaged in the export of arts and crafts
我们经营纺织品出业务We are engaged in the export of textiles
我们经营进出业务We are engaged in both export and import business
我们获悉你方已提交了进许可证的申请We note that you have handed in your application for import licence
所要购买货物的进许可证已经停止签发The issue of import licences for the goods in question has been suspended
扩大岀export expansion
技术出technological export
把出销售金额过入总账post up export sales
指定岀的货物the goods destined for export
租船指定港particular port
指定货物出earmark goods for export
按人平均计算的国内生产总值per capita GDP (gross domestic product)
按商品分类的进import by commodities
按港习惯快速装卸customary quick despatch
管,圈mouth piece
推行新的进自动批准制度carry out a new AAIS
政府关于进出货物的政策和法规governmental policies and institutions relating to imports and exports
政府决定实施不许可黄金岀的禁令The Government has decided to enforce the ban on the export of gold
政府没有批准进酒类The government did not give sanction to the importation of wines
政府现在实施的每公吨5,000铢的出加价是大米的出口障碍The existing premium of 5,000 baht per metric ton imposed by the government was a hindrance to rice export
散装物装载管道出bulk loading point
数量进风险分析缩写为QIRAquantitative import risk analysis
整厂设备出plant export
新出贸易规定已经生效The new regulations governing export trade have come into effect
无形出invisible export (与无形进口(invisible import) 相对)
暂时出temporary export (与暂时进口(temporary import) 相对)
暂时进凭单temporary importation voucher
替代进substituting import
有形出visible exports (与有形进口(visible imports) 相对)
有机产品进organic importer
本国产品岀national export
本国化产品岀nationalized export
条约规定通商treaty port
标准出包装standard export packing
亦缩为 Harb.harbour
仓库设施port warehousing facilities
代理人port agent
代理人agent at the port
吞吐量volume of freight handled at ports
吞吐量volume handled at ports
惯例customs of port
惯例port practice
租船契约port charter
port rate
harbour lues
装卸耽搁日数中星期日除外Sundays excepted in laydays
船只harbour craft
被大块冰堵塞了The harbour was blocked in by heavy masses of ice
装卸惯例custom of the port handling
装卸设备harbour equipment
设备harbour accomodation
port dues
port duties
harbour dues
费用port charges (包括:泊位费 (berthage),超重费 (heavy lift charges),码头捐 (pier dues),引水费 (pilotage),港口税(port dues), 搬运费 (porterage),检疫费(quarantine charges),拖船费 (tug boat charges))
运输代理人port agent
防御harbour defence
屠宰加工厂packing plant
屠宰加工厂packing house
瑞士出保险局Export Risk Guarantee
由于进增加Demand has been brought down by increases in imports
申请进许可证apply for import licence
直接岀货物direct exports (与直接进口货物 (direct imports) 相对)
直达港direct port
相同的进产品equivalent imported products
社会及人统计一体化体制framework for integration of social and demographic statistics
禁止某人进这些货物inhibit sb. from importing the goods
禁止黄金岀embargo on the export of gold
稳定出收入安排STABEX arrangement
稳定岀收入措施STABEX scheme
空气出air port
等待你方取得进许可证We have earmarked 100 MT for you pending the insurance to you of the import licence
粮食进总支出aggregate food import bill
粮食进总费用aggregate food import bill
经济危机严重影响了该国的岀The economic crisis has seriously affected its exports
美国进商全国委员会National Council of American Importers
美国进出银行United States Export-Import Bank
美国进出银行Export-Import Bank of the United States
联合岀代理商joint export agent
自动出配额voluntary restraint of export
自动出配额automatic export quota
自动出限额voluntary export quota (指自动岀口限制(voluntary restraint of export))
自动岀限制voluntary restraint of export (指自动岀口限额(voluntary export quota),亦用 voluntary restriction of export)
自动岀限额autonomous export quota
自动限制出简写为VERvoluntary export restraint
exit hatch
英国出信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers
租船英国或欧洲大陆某一港United Kingdom or Continent
英国进计划United Kingdom Import Plan
补偿进技术使用资金额offset the amount used for imported technology
装货港port of embarkation
西加拿大港West Canadian ports
设于关境外允许外国商品免税进出地区free trade zone
该地区主要出货物是农产品与矿产品The chief exports of the area consist of agricultural and mineral products
该船将停靠欧洲各主要港The vessel will touch at main ports in Europe
请给我方寄送你方形式发票一式三份以便我方据以申请进许可证Please be kind to send us your proforma invoice in triplicate to support our application for import licence
象征性出token export (与象征性进口(token import) 相对)
负岀negative export
资本岀export of capital
资金缺的弥补coverage of resource gaps
资金缺程度extent of the resource gap (项目建设)
信用证transit credit
报关单transit declaration
贸易entrepot trade
贸易港口entrepot port
费用transit expenses
近距离的港close-in port
这个商人在上季的棉花岀中净赚8,000英镑The merchant cleared £ stg. 8,000 on his cotton exports last season
交易货款清偿discharge of import transaction
代理人import agent (与出口代理人 (export agent) 相对)
关税import tariff
关税和税收import duties and taxes
英国关税咨询委员会Import Duties Advisory Committee
关税险contingent import duty (即进口时受损货物仍以完好货物征收关税,如加保此险,则保险公司在遇此种情况时对货物损失部分的关税予以赔偿)
加工运输inward processing traffic
英国咨询委员会Import Advisory Committee
importing merchant
商保证书importer guarantee bond
商名录directory of importers
商品import commodities
商品税duty on imports
商承诺importer commitment
importing country (与出口国 (exporting country) 相对)
country of importation
出口总值gross import value
总值gross import value (与出口总值(gross export value) 相对)
船舶报关vessel entry
报关entry of goods inward (与岀口报关(entry of goods outward) 相对)
报关declaration of importation
报关表import declaration
押金制advanced deposits
捐税import levy
数量限制quantitative import restriction
海关检验单inward clearing bill
消费品报单entry for consumption goods
港口port of entry
激增import surge
申报制declaration system
droits d' entree
levies on import
管制import restriction
管制委员会Import Control Commission
自动批准制度Automatic Approval of Import System
船舶incoming vessel
要求import requirements
许可制import licensing system
许可证import admission
美国许可证及交货检验制度Import Certificates and Delivery Verifications System
许可证申请application for export licence
证明书certificate of importation
货物类别imported goods
货物估价valuation of imports
货物复出口re-exports of imported cargoes
货物报关单customs declaration
货物来源source of imports
货物运费率import rate
限制import barrier
限度import limit
需求的竞争限制competitive need criteria
预缴押金advanced deposit
进出交换比率net barter terms of trade
进出交换比率terms of trade
进出企业盈利性profitability of the import and export enterprises
进出商品质量quality of import and export commodities
进出报告reporting of exports and imports
进出货载清单manifest of import and export
法国进出贸易局Service des Importations et des Exportations
进出连锁制linking system
进岀亦缩为 Imp-Expimport and export
进岀商品差额merchandise balance
进岀商品结构structure of imports and exports
进岀商品结构pattern of import and export commodities
进岀多样化diversification of import and export
进岀自由化liberalization of import and export
进岀许可证制import and export licence system
进岀许可证制度system of import and export license
进岀货物分类classification of the import and export commodities
进岀贸易总量total volume of import and export trade
美国进岀银行亦缩为 EXIMBExport-Import Bank
美国进岀银行Export Import Bank
进岀银行export-import bank
送话mouth piece
租船选定的港picked port
重复进duplication of imports
铁路与港railways and harbours
银行之所以愿意向岀商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
阻碍出因素detriment of export
限制进贸易restrain import trade
限额的岀rationed export
除非共同体重新实行小麦改作牲饲料的变性补贴Most of the surplus will have to be exported to the world market unless the Community reintroduces its denaturing premium for converting wheat into animal fodder
非传统农业出non-traditional agricultural export
非限制出产品unrestricted exports
面向出程度degree of export orientation
预报进报关preliminary entry
食品进汇票food import bill
食物进能力简写为FICfood import capacity
香蕉出国联盟Union de Paises Exportodores del Banana
香蕉出国联盟Union of Banana Exporting Countries (1974)
香蕉岀国联盟Union o£ Banana Exporting Countries
驶到港的另一边put over to the other side of the harbour