
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一般性出general export merchant
下限缺down gap
不准进商品清单negative list
不结汇进许可证申请书application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement
与出有关的贷款export-related loan
专业出professional exporter
专业出export merchant
专业进import merchant
专营进出monopoly in import and export
专门出指不包括保税关栈和自由贸易区出口的货物special export
专门出special exporter
专门进常指进口消费品及本国自由贸易区输入的货物special import
专门进special import levy
丧失劳动能力的低能人incapacitated and mentally deficient persons
中国主要港China main port
中立港neutral port
临时许可进admission temporary
临时进Admission Temporaire carnet
主要出产品basic exports
主要进出商品principal imports and exports
久经试验的岀限额技术well-tried export quota technique
买方负担出包装费export packing for buyer's account
亏本出bleeding export
企业出going out of business
企业出right of exportation for enterprise
企业归管理readjusting the affiliations of some enterprises to facilitate management
企业进right of import for enterprise
休利特—帕卡统接循环回路Hewlett Packard Interface Loop
优惠进限制limitation on preferential import
传统出商品traditional export commodities
传输接转换器transmission interface converts
伪装出camouflaged export
低人地区under population area
你们主要出的产品是什么?Would you tell me the main items you export?
债务偿还占货物和劳务出额的%debt service as a... % of exports of goods and services
偿还出贷款export loan repayment
偿还进贷款import loan repayment
允许…出口lift the embargo on...
免消费税进申报单free consumption entry
免税出tax-exempt exports
免税出tax-free export
免税出nontaxable export
免税出货品duty-free exports
免税出货物non-taxable export goods
免税货物进报单entry free goods
免税进duty-free entry
免税进free import
免税进duty-free import
免税进nontaxable import
免税进enter duty-free
免税进报单free entry
免税进tax-free import
免税进货物non-taxable import goods
免税进货物free goods
免费出free export
entering end
港码头交货价ex importation dock
入境岸与日期port and date of entry
入海港口estuarine port
全国人普查nationwide census
全球出配额global export quota
全球性进配额global import quotas
全球进配额global import quota
公路交叉highway crossing
公路铁路交叉highway-railroad crossing
关桟人bond entry
关键的进投入物critical imported input
关键进项目critical imported item
其他制造业广miscellaneous manufacturing products
内运转inward transit
再出与对外交易保险cover for re-export and external transaction
再出中级加工middle-stage processing for reexport
再出保证书reexport undertaking
再出保证书re-export undertaking
再出的中级加工middle stage processing re-export
再出货物goods reexported
再出货物关栈removal bond
再岀贸易reexport trade
再进报单re-import entry
再进许可证re-import permit
管理decentralized control by its different economic departments
分批进许可证subcovering license
分期付款出export instalment
shear breakdown
初级产品出primary exports
初级产品岀primary export
利息出比率interest export ratio
到期缺maturing gap
制止进价格理论theory of entry-preventing price
制造商的出代理商manufacturer's export agent
刺激出stimulate exportation
包括出包装费including export packing
匿报出conceal real export amount
匿报进conceal real import amount
华盛顿进岀银行Eximbank (Export-Import Bank of Washington)
单方unilateral import
单方配额unilateral import quota
单方出unilateral export
单纯出补贴pure export subsidy
单边进管制unilateral import control
bayonet type
卸货港port discharge
卸货港discharge port
厂商出代理人manufacturer's export agent
各港运费差别port differentials
合乎大众cater to the popular taste
合大众cater to the popular taste
启钥合同方式商品出commodity export by turnkey contract
售票窗ticket windows
商业货物出commercial exports of goods
商品许可制度commodity export licensing system
商品与劳务出export of goods and services
商品再出退税commodity export drawback
商品出exportation of commodities
商品出export of commodities
商品出主导型企业commodity export centered enterprise
商品出产业commodity export industry
商品出代理公司commodity export commission firm
商品出代理商commodity export agent
商品出代理机构commodity export agency
商品出关税及其他税项commodity export duty and tax
商品出利息科目commodity export interest account
商品出加工免税区commodity export processing free zone
商品出加工区commodity export processing zone
商品出包装公司commodity export packer
商品出卡特尔commodity export cartels
商品出合同commodity export contract
商品出密集型产业commodity export-intensive industry
商品出市场调研commodity export market study
商品出带动经济增长commodity export-led growth
商品出执照commodity export certificate
商品出支出账户commodity export debit account
商品出杂费账户commodity export sundry charge account
商品出核算commodity export accounting
商品出检疫commodity export quarantine
商品出检验费用commodity export inspection expense
商品出生产优先政策commodity export-production-first policy
商品出目的地destination of commodity export
商品出签证制度commodity export visa system
商品出经纪商commodity export broker
商品出结关commodity export clearance
商品出补贴制度commodity export debenture system
商品出许可证commodity export permit
商品出commodity export account
商品出货款保险commodity export payment insurance
商品出运费及保费账户commodity export freight and insurance account
商品出部经理commodity export manager
商品出银行commodity export bank
商品出预付款commodity export prepayment
商品出预付款commodity export advance
商品岀信贷账户科目commodity export credit account
商品岀收入commodity export proceeds
商品岀exports of commodities
商品进commodity importation
商品进commodity entry
商品进取代工业commodity import substituting industry
商品进取代潜力commodity import substitution potential
商品进取代能力commodity import substitution capacity
商品进报关制度commodity import entry system
商品进杂费账户commodity import sundry charge a/c
商品进核算commodity import accounting
商品进检验制度commodity import inspection system
商品进检验费用commodity import inspection expense
商品进commodity import duty
商品进账户commodity import account
商品进部经理commodity import manager
商品进预付款commodity import prepayment
商品进预付款commodity import advance
商品进imports of goods
商品进出会计commodity export and import accounting
商品进出公司commodity export-import company
商品进出公司commodity export and import corporation
商品进出周转基金commodity export and import revolving funds
商品进出commodity export-import merchant
商品进出基金commodity export and import funds
商品进出平衡表commodity balance sheet
商品进出结构commodity composition of import and export
商品进出commodity balance sheet
商品进出配额commodity export and import quotas
圆滑的藉glib excuses
V型切检验V-notch test
V型缺试件vee-notched specimen
备用出配额stand-by export quota
复出申请书application for reexport
复出证明certificate of re-export
复出goods reexported
外国港foreign seaports
外国货进import foreign goods
外国货进申请书application for import of foreign goods
多头出multichanneled exports
多渠道出multichanneled exports
多渠道出multi-channeled exports
径观点broadest interpretation of the term
大公司带小公司出办法pick a back export scheme
大门谈话gate interview
奖励出措施export encouragement
存入保税仓库的进商品commodity import for storage
季节性进限制seasonal import restriction
安全岀管制security export control
完税进报关entry for home use
将出销售额入账post export saje
小批岀short-scale export
就业人working population
商店exporting firm
业务export operation
价格条例definition of export quotation
公司export house
加工原料进口许可证申请书application for import permit of materials for processing export goods
发票export invoice
商品结构pattern of export commodities
情报服务export intelligence service
a/c岀支岀科目export debit
国际货币基金组织对亚非拉国家的波动补偿贷款compensatory fund facility
生产基地base of producing goods for export
票据outward bill
程序procedure of export
程序procedure for exporting
能力export capacity
规定requirement of export
许可证certificate of export licence
许可证申请书application for export permit
集团export group
岀境岸与日期port and date of exit
市场区人密度market area population density
平均进average import content ratio
年度人统计annual population statistics
广东出加工区管理处Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Processing Zone Administration
广州出商品交易会Kwangchow Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair
广州出商品交易会广交会Canton Export Commodities
合同指一定时期内随时要满足买方提出的各种产品需要的合同open-end contract
合约open commitment
open-end group
结构open structure
gad tongs
open set
开具进许可证issuance of the import licence
开放…出口lift the embargo on
开放式进许可证open and licence
强制出管制mandatory restrictions on export
强制执行出禁令imposition of export ban
管理centralized management by specialized departments
当年进设备转账拨款bank transferred appropriation for current year imported equipment
征收紧急进emergency import duties imposed
征收进import levy
总体人对比法comparison of population
总进量水平level of total import
成年人adult population type
我们公司想从中国进一批橡胶波纹管,但我们缺少流动资金We plan to import rubber bellows from China, but we are short of working capital
我们在喷油嘴、油泵等汽车零部件出方面取得了很大成功We have achieved great success in exporting automobile accessories, such as injection nozzles and oil pumps
我们的里程表在欧洲有很好的Our odometers have enjoyed warm welcome in the European market
普查员census taker
才能或智力verbal aptitude or intelligence tests
托收出汇票export bill for collection
托收出汇票科目账户export bill for collection a/c
执行进限制administer import restriction
扩大出能力expansion of export capacity
扩大岀expanding export
扩大进expanding import
扩大进出贸易widen import and export
批准出approval of export
技术出technical exportation
技术进technology import
把出信贷票据贴现refinancing of export credit papers
抑制性进关税prohibitive duty
指定出货物earmark goods for export
指定港particular ports
按人平均增长per capita growth
按人平均的国民收入per capita income
按人计算的总产值per capita gross product
按可比径计算calculated the comparable basis
按可比径计算calculated in terms of comparable items
按指数律增长的人exponential population
按指数规律增长的人exponential population
按指数规律增长的人exponent population
排除故障入access to faults
收入仅足糊hand-to-mouth existance
收入水平对进需要的弹性影响income elasticity of demand for imports
收费闸理论turnpike theorem
放宽进限制liberalization of import
政府出信贷保证government guarantee of export credit
政府垄断的进出import and export of government monopoly
政府补助的出subsidized export
政府进垄断government import monopoly
项目open-ended programs
数理人mathematical demography
普通进general imports
暂时临时temporary import
暂时进admission temporaire
最佳岀optimal export quantity
月人monthly population
有保证支付票据guaranteed export papers
有劳动能力人able-bodied population
有形出即商品出口,以区别劳务出口visible export
有形进即商品进口,以区别劳务进口visible import
有报酬的职业人gainfully occupied population
有报酬职业人gainful occupied population
有条件免税进conditional duty-free importation
有条件免税进conditional duty free importation
有条件出conditional export
有条件地免税进conditionally duty free importation
有职业人occupied population
有限岀补贴制度limited system of export subsidy
有限敞抵押limited open mortgage
有限敞抵押limited open-end mortgage
服装进出clothing export and import
未参加经济活动的人economically inactive population
本国港home port
本国港domestic port
本国设备中的进成分import content of local equipment
本期进岀支付余额current balance
机关团体人institutional population
核出nuclear exporting countries
模糊关系截section of a fuzzy relation
款式适合大众胃suit the patterns to the popular taste
正式出手续export formalities
流动人过剩fluctuating overpopulation
流动资金归分级管理current fund management by department and rank
流动资金归管理current fund management by department
流动过剩人mobile excess population
海关再进许可证customs re-entry permit
海关进报关手续customs entry
海外加工出工业offshore industry
海峡港指英国南部沿岸及法国北部港口channel ports
消费品进报关consumption entry
消费品进报单entry for consumption
国内消费商品进报关单consumption entry
业务harbour service
仓库storage warehouse
作业port operation
使用费port charge
债券harbour bond
劳动生产率port's productivity
吞吐能力facilities of the port
吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
堵塞port stop up
堵塞port jam
外保税仓库uptown warehouse
容量harbour accommodation
工程harbour works
工程设计与建筑port engineering and construction
建设port and harbor construction
建设harbour construction
扩建port extension
提单port bill of lading
无线电电话设备harbour radio telephone facilities
最繁忙月吞吐量port's maximum monthly throughput
最繁忙月操作量port's maximum monthly tonnage of cargo transfered
服务harbour service
检查站harbour control post
水深harbour depth
port due
harbour station
管理port and harbor management
管理处port management office
腹地port hinterland
腹地hinterland of port
船服务处harbour boat service
装运能力freight capacity of port
规划port and harbor planning
规则port rule
规章port regulation
设备harbour equipment
设备harbour facilities
设备facilities of the port
设施facility of the port
货物吞吐量traffic of port
货物装卸能力cargo handling capacity of a port
货运吞吐量装卸量volume of freight goods loaded and unloaded in the port
费,入港费port charge
起货机Terminal Elevator
运费差价port differential
进入管制harbour entry control
通讯harbour service
harbour risks
雷达天线harbour radar antenna
项目信托基金port's project trust fund
风险port risk
潜在出implicit export rate
特区专用开放open port for special use by special zone
特许出商品goods exported under special licence
用出信贷票据贴现筹资refinancing of export credit papers
电容器是我公司传统出商品之一,以其质量上乘而闻名Condensers are one of our company's traditional exports. They're highly-reputed for their quality
社会人统计系统System of Social and Demographic Statistics
禁止出exportation interdict
禁止出prohibit export
禁止出prohibited export
禁止出be under an embargo
禁止进prohibit import
禁止进import ban
禁止进prohibited import
禁止进prohibited entry
禁止进的货物articles prohibited on import
禁止进出物品contraband goods
禁止黄金出embargo on gold
稳定出收入stabilization of export earnings
"稳定出收入"计划措施stabilize export scheme
"稳定出收入"计划措施STABEX scheme
第三窗贷款third window
第二窗second window
紧急进指因国内发生天灾或罢工等紧急情况,供求失衡,而紧急进口所需商品emergency import
缓冲储存和出限额合用办法combined buffer stock and export quota arrangement
美元支付的进dollar import
美国制造商出信用保险公司American Manufacturers Foreign Credit Insurance Exchange
美国进出商协会American Exporters and Importers Association
美国进出银行Export-Import Bank of USA (Eximbank)
美洲出贸易促进中心Inter-American Export Promotion Centre
老化人ageing population
老年人aged population
联合进部经理combination import manager
联营出公司allied export selling companies
联营出公司allied export selling company
装货清单又称舱口单hatch cargo list
船舶进报关ship entry
行业联营出公司integrated export corporations
补办进手续post entry
补贴出subsidize export
财政缺差额fiscal gap
货币市场缺money market gap
货物与劳务出export of goods and services
货物与劳务进imports of goods and service
货物与劳务进imports of goods and services
货物什么时候能到达我方港When will the goods reach our port?
货物出export of cargos
货物出净额net exports of goods
货物出physical volume of exports
货物存栈请验并请准出报单examination and granting export of goods in godown, application for
货物港harbour duties on goods
货物进净额net imports of goods
货物进physical volume of imports
货运出报关清单shipping specification
货运港cartage port
资金缺financing gap
资金缺大小extent of the resource gap
with transhipment
堆桟货棚transit shed
port for transit shipment
过境货物sailing goods
货物sailing goods
贸易reexport trade
贸易分直接过境贸易即货物从一船转入另一船,或从一列火车转人另一列火车。间接过境贸易则是先存入海关仓库,以后再运出transit trade
贸易生产国与消费国通过第三国交易carrying trade
转账拨付进设备款payment by transfer for imported equipment
转账拨付进货款payment by transfer for imports
软贷款窗soft loan window
退回超额进税证书overentry certificate
退回超额进税说明over entry certificate
"退币"coin "refund"
退还进退税duty drawback
适当人optimum population
选定港picked ports
选择出selective export
通商treaty ports
通商港open port
通货紧缩缺即在充分就业经济中,实际投资低于储蓄的差额deflationary gap
通货膨胀供求缺inflationary gap
配额出ration export
酵母出产品yeast export products
内销为主的厂家附设出built-in export department
降低进出成本cut down the cost of import and export
限制进商品清单negative list
限制进出贸易barrier to trade
非法出contraband of export
非自由进non-liberalized import item
面向出的工业export oriented industry
预缴出外汇advance settlement of export exchange
预缴出外汇证明书advance surrender of export exchange
galvanized steel
马尔萨斯人Malthusian theory of population
鼓励出的财政措施fiscal incentives for exportation
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