
Terms for subject Demography containing | all forms
下1/2population decline
下降population decline
估1/4population estimate
估计population estimate
信息population communication
偏斜度skewness of the population
分布population distribution
分析population analysis
动力学population processes
动力学population dynamics
动态population processes
动态population dynamics
参数population parameter
发展population development
发展过程population processes
发展过程population dynamics
变动统计statistics of population movement
变动统计statistics of population change
变动统计population change statistics
增长率population growth rate
增长率rate of population growth
密度density of population
密度population density
密度降低reduction of population density
居住稀疏区thinly populated area
居住稀疏区sparsely populated area
年轻化rejuvenation of the population
当量population equivalent
承载能力human carrying capacity
承载能力population supporting capacity
普查census of population
普查population census
普查住宅区population census tract
普查的家庭statistical family
普查的家庭census family
更新population replacement
流动population movement
激增population explosion
爆炸population explosion
理论population theory
登1/4civil registration
登1/4vital registration
登记civil registration
登记vital registration
登记册population register
登1/4遣population register
的地理分布geographical distribution of the population
的地理分布spatial distribution of the population
的空间分布geographical distribution of the population
的空间分布spatial distribution of the population
结构population structure
统计registration statistics
统计population count
统计demographic statistics
统计population statistics
population group
老化ageing of the population
规模population size
转变demographic transition
转型demographic transition
过程population processes
过程population dynamics
通讯population communication
遗传学population genetics
零增长zero population growth
预测population forecast
预测population projection
农业人farm population
农业人agricultural population
农村人外流rural out-migration
农村人流向城市flight from the land
农村人流向城市drift to the cities
农村人流向城市rural exodus
农村人的大量迁出flight from the land
农村人的大量迁出drift to the cities
农村人的大量迁出rural exodus
农村贫困人poor rural people
农村贫困人rural poor
参加农业经济活动的人economically active population in agriculture
参加经济活动的人economically active population
参加经济活动的人active population
参加经济活动的人labour force
参加经济活动的人working population
可婚人marriageable population
土著人aboriginal people
土著人aboriginal peoples
增长的人growing population
学龄人school-age population
官*1/2人数3/4official population data
官方人数据official population data
实际人actual population
实际人present-in-area population
实际人de facto population
封闭式人closed population
封闭性人closed population
就业人active population
就业人labour force
就业人employed population
常住人de jure population
平均人average population
平均人mean population
开放性人open population
总人total population
成年当量人adult-equivalent population
普查人census population
最低人minimum population
最大人maximum population
游牧人pastoral population
潜在人承载能力potential population supporting capacity
牧区人pastoral population
*獗帐1/2人closed population
现有人统1/4current population statistics
现有人统计current population statistics
社会人统1/4social demography
社会人统计social demography
稳定人stable population
稳定人当量stable population equivalent
稳定人的死亡率death rate of the stationary population
经济活动总人total economically active population
综合人出生率total fertility rate
综合人出生率total fertility
综合人出生率synthetic measure of fertility
迁移人统计statistics on migrants
适度人optimum population
集体人卡片institutional schedule
集体户人institutional population
非可婚人non-marriageable population
非就业人economically inactive population
非就业人unoccupied population
非就业人not economically active population
非经济活动人economically inactive population
非经济活动人unoccupied population
非经济活动人not economically active population