
Terms for subject Communications containing | all forms
专用接dedicated interface
流量控制serial flow control
串行接serial port
临近车站的区间道level crossing of neighboring station
4 控制复原方式calling subscriber release
交换机无线接switch radio interface
access port
电流entrance current
移动无线局Gateway Mobile Switching Center
GSM 人移动无线局GSM Gateway Mobile Switching Center
人机接Man Machine Interface
人机接单元Man Machine Interface Unit
内部通信接internal communication interface
列车接单元train interface unit
列车接近道表示器train approach indicator for level crossing
功能接规范Functional Interface Specification
受电弓接Pantograph Interface
叠力预发码overlay code pre-sending
声频,话音信道voice channel
司机-车载设备接Driver Machine Interface
多用接适配器Versatile Interface Adapter
宽带用户网接Broadband User Network Interface
小型计算机接Small Computer System Interface
应用程序接Application Programming Interface
速度release speed
开关量驱采接drive-acquisition interface of digital signal
分配interface assignment
危害分析interface hazard analysis
安全协议interface safety protocol
GPRS 接服务器GPRS Interface Server
数据电路设备接Data Circuit Equipment interface
无线语音拨号接Voice Radio Dialing Interface
有人值守道manned level crossing
歸用户网接Broadband User Network Interface
牵引接Traction Interface
紧凑型周边元件扩展接Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect
Internet port
车站人station entrance
车辆减速器出速度retarder exit speed
车辆减速器出速度leaving speed at retarder
车辆减速器进速度retarder entrance speed
车辆减速器进速度entering speed at retarder
车门接Door Interface
轨旁接单元Wayside Interface Unit
输人/输出接input/output port
通信接telecommunication interface
事故level crossing accident
信号level crossing signal
信号控制盘level crossing signal control panel
信号机level crossing signal
安全level crossing safety
室外音响器level crossing outdoor audible device
报警系统crossing warning system
报警装置crossing warning device
接近区段approach section of level crossing
控制器level crossing controller
栏木level crossing barrier
栏木锁闭器barrier lock of level crossing
电铃level crossing bell
监视电视monitoring television for level crossing
自动信号automatic level crossing signal
自动栏杆automatic level crossing barrier
自动通知automatic warning of level crossing
通知设备level crossing announcing device
遥信遥测设备remote control crossing
遮断信号level crossing obstruction signal
闪光信号flashing signal of level crossing
防护level crossing protection
防护无线电通信radio communication for level crossing protection
障碍报警装置obstruction warning device for level crossing
障碍物检测器level crossing obstructing detector
道岔和道Switches & Crossings