
Terms for subject Dentistry containing | all forms
一个手指在内,另一个在口外Put one finger in the mouth, and the other outside
为了制作全义齿,我将取模灌制研究模型To make upper and lower full dentures, I'll take impression for study models
义齿需要调改几次才能适合您的We are going to adjust the denture a few more times to fit your mouth
二十四小时内不要漱,漱口可能会影响凝血块的形成Don't rinse for twenty four hours as it may disturb blood clot
完全愈合要一个月时间It will take about one month for the wound to heal
腔里小的细菌可以把糖变为酸Tiny germs in your mouth change sweets to acid
儿童腔病学Pediatric Dentistry
义齿full denture
the lips
floor of the mouth
腔医士dental hygienist
腔医生助理dental assistant
腔影像学dental radiology
腔微生物学oral microbiology
腔扁平苔藓oral lichen planus
腔技工学dental technology
腔技师dental technician
腔收款员dental receptionist
腔材料学dental materials
腔法医学dental forensic science
腔生物化学oral biochemistry
腔生理学oral physiology
腔病理学oral pathology
腔药物学dental pharmacology
腔行为科学dental behavioral science
腔解剖学oral anatomy
腔诊断学oral diagnosis
腔预防医学preventive dentistry
腔颌面外科学oral and maxillofacial surgery
腔麻醉学dental anesthesiology
corner of mouth
吸唾器会吸出您腔中的唾液This aspirator will remove the saliva from your mouth
基础腔学Basic dentistry
大众腔健康学public dental health
当您张时,关节有弹响吗?Do your joint sound strange when you open your mouth?
当我把托盘放入您的腔后,请您伸出舌头Just after I place the tray in your mouth, please stick your tongue out
干的现象有多长时间了?How long have you felt mouth dryness?
您什么时候发现张困难的?When did you feel it difficult to open your mouth?
您多长时间出现一次腔溃疡?How often does the ulceration flare up?
您感觉干吗?Did you have dry mouth?
您有过伤或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗?Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury or a tooth extraction?
您有过反复腔溃疡的历史吗?Do you have the history of recurrent ulceration?
您注意到您是否有呼吸吗?Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth?
我另外给您一些棉球带回家,如果当您回家后拔牙创继续出血,请换新棉球咬紧I will give you the extra gauze to take home, so please replace the gauze if bleeding does not stop
我在您的腔里放入橡皮障,以防唾液弄湿牙齿I will put the rubber dam in your mouth to prevent saliva from running over the teeth
我将切个小切以便于脓液的引出I will make a small incision to drain the pus
我将在您的腔中试个别托盘,您感觉痛吗?I'm going to try this tray in your mouth. Well, do you feel any pain?
我将给您缝合伤I will suture
我将给您试戴义齿然后把它调整到适合您的I'll try the denture in and adjust it to fit your mouth
明天我将冲洗您的伤Tomorrow I want to irrigate the wound
最后一次做腔检査是什么时候?When was your last dental check-up?
正确的刷牙,减少甜食的摄入,规律的腔检査和窝沟封闭对预防龋病都是非常重要的Brushing the teeth properly, cutting down the sweet food, receiving regular dental check-ups and application of fluoride and fissure sealing are all important to the prevention of tooth decay
残疾人腔医学dentistry for the disabled (handicapped)
每年一次的腔检査是非常重要的It is important to have regular dental check-ups at least once a year
每次腔溃疡大约持续多长时间?How long does the ulceration usually last?
综合征burning mouth syndrome
牙龈疾病可以引起腔异味Bad breath can be caused by gum diseases
现在您感觉张困难吗?Do you feel that it is difficult to open your mouth now?
直到完全止血后再漱Don, t start rinsing until the bleeding stops
直到明天腔里有少量血液都是正常的It is normal for there to have a little bleeding mixed with saliva until the next day
社会腔学Social dentistry
社区腔学community dentistry
老年腔医学geriatric dentistry
规律的腔检査对儿童来说非常必要It's absolutely necessary for your child to have regular dental check-ups
请不要漱Don't rinse your mouth, please
请不要用手指和舌头碰拔牙窝,它可能导致创出血和感染Don't touch the extraction socket with a finger or tongue as it may lead to further bleeding and infection
请拿着镜子看看自己的Please hold this hand mirror and look in your mouth
请漱Please rinse your mouth
请漱Rinse your mouth, please
请用水漱Please rinse your mouth once with water
这是您第一次到腔门诊吗?Is this your first visit to this dental clinic?
除了反复腔溃疡外,您全身还有哪些不舒服?Do you have any other malaise except for oral recur rent ulceration?
龋坏是腔内细菌形成酸的结果Tooth decay is the result of acid formation by bacteria in the mouth