
Terms for subject Textile industry containing | all forms
一字形领slash neck
一字形领slash neckline
一字形领slashed neckline
一字领off neckline
一字领slashed neckline
一字领bateau neckline
一字领straight neckline
一字领slit neckline
一字领boat neckline
一字领领boat neckline
一片式袖one-piece cuff
一片式高领albin-one built-up neckline
一般袜ordinary welt
三喷涂胶机tridem coating line
三层出纸箱3 plies export carton
三色袜的锦纶短袜slouch socks
三色袜锦纶短袜slouch socks
线top line
upper pocket
上袖滚条attaching sleeve facing
西服背心waist welt pocket
lower pocket
下垂袋盖drop flap
下垂式领线low turtle neckline
下开over closed shedding
不同港时费差价port differential
不对称领asymmetric neckline
不对称领asymmetrical neckline
不清晰梭unbalanced shed
不等边形领trapezium neckline
不翻边裤脚cuffless bottom
不贴颈领stand-away neckline
与袋分离的袋盖separate flap
专业岀professional exporter
专业进professional importer
专业进出professional importer and exporter
专项出special export
专项进special import
19世纪浅运动鞋gilling oxford
个别进许可证individual import license
中国丝绸进出公司China Silk Materials Import and Export Corp
中国主要港main Chinese ports
中国出商品春季交易会Spring Fair
中国出孟加拉的生丝phul silk
中国出的辑里丝caste silk
中国纺织机械和技术进出总公司China Textile Machinery and Technology Import and Export Corporation
中国进出商品检验局China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau
中式斜领式衬衫mandarin-neck shirt
中式领mandarin neckline
中式领Chinese neckline
中式领线mandarine neckline
中筒罗童袜three-quarter hose
中装领领Chinese neckline
中转港transit port
中转港transfer port
中间混合梭intermediary compound shed
中领开medium dosing
gorge line
不直uneven gorge line
牵带gorge tape
领圈线gorge line
线gorge line
线不直uneven gorge line
串领领drawstring neckline
伏卧缝开welt-seam placketing
伏卧缝开welt-seam opening
优先出preferential export
优先出priority of export
优先进preferential import
优惠进管理administration of preferential import
blade edge
squeegee lip
不齐misaligned notch
传感装置knife-sensing unit
卷曲变形丝edge curled yarn
标记notch mark
符号notch mark
分别进信用证separate import license
分烫领串pressing open gorge line seam
seam分烫领串press open gorge line
分烫领串press open gorge line seam
cut-out hem
式领口slit neckline
服装slashed clothes
切开式slit pocket
切缝slash pocket
列入出计划schedule into exportation
初级产品进primary importing
利润缺profit gap
到期缺maturity gap
接缝run and fell seam
匙孔形领keyhole neckline
匙孔形领key-hole neckline
合止stitch front edge
合止stitch front edge
合止joining front edges
合止machine-stitch front edge
吉卜赛领gypsy neckline
吊带式花边胸衫领camisole neckline
吊带衬衣加小喇叭短裤套cami-tap set
吊带领camisole neckline
吊带领halter neckline
吊袜带袜garter welt (长筒女袜双层袜口)
后中心线刀back notch
后开立领dog collar
后梁至织间的经纱长度free warp length
后背式吊带领halter back's neckline
后衣片刀back notch
后袋back pocket opening
后袢式浅球鞋sling back court shoe
后袢式浅sling back shoes
后袢式露跟浅舞鞋sling back pump
后领back neckline (BNL)
后领back neck
含碳过滤器的life mask
紧领crew neckline
衬衫后摆curved shirttail
圆型套circular looper
圆型袜 罗纹机circular rib top machine
圆形套circular linker
短手套腕部的圆形收round comer
圆形领round neckline
圆盘式套dial looper
圆袖circular cuff
圆角袖curved cuff
圆领round neckline
圆领crew neckline
在袋片上做插笔making an opening for pen on the flap
地毯出促进理事会印度Carpet Export Promotion Council
备用出配额standby export quota
备用袖spare cuff
复出贸易re-export trade
复进reinport trade
outside pocket
外围接转接器peripheral interface adaptor
外套袖coat cuff
外翻袖coat cuff
外衣suit bag
多梭刚性双剑杆twin rigid rapier
多用途utility pocket
large vent
翻边袖funnel sleeve
大一字领off-shoulder neckline
大圆形领cutaway neckline
大圆形领cut away neckline
大圆领cut-away neckline
大圆领scooped neckline
大圆领scoop neckline
针织大圆领背心裙tank dress
大圆领连身女泳装tank swimsuit
大开方领口wide-square neckline
大开领low-cut neck
大开领low-cut neckline
大开领low cut neck
大整圆领big round neckline
大翻边袖hounds' ears
大袖嗽叭袖mandarine sleeve
大袖窿紧elephant sleeve
大规模出large-scale export
大进大出,大量进出large amounts of import and export
投标用标样sealed sample
标样sealed samples
标样sealed sample
封袋tobacco the ends of pocket mouth
封袋bartacking ends of pocket mouth
封袋stitching ends of pocket mouth
封袋bartack the ends of pocket mouth
封袋bartack the ends of pocket mouth
封袋bartack ends of pocket mouth
tiny pocket
裤腰内侧或背心的poche gousset
cash pocket
裤腰内侧或背心的poche gousset
小剪tiny snip
小喇叭脚牛仔裤little flared-leg jean
小圆领Jewellery neckline
小圆领Jewelry neckline
小圆领jewel neck (line)
小批出short-scale export
小方形开将窄带或折边用四方形针迹缝牢bar fagoting
小麦出wheat export
小麦进wheat import
pointed topline shoes
尖角形袖pointed cuff
带状袖band cuff
带盖单滚边single-piped flap pocket
带肩饰袋的育克yoke with pocket
裙腰placket hole
forming sheds
三角open cam
三角片open gore
卷边器split hemmer
垫纱open lap
基金open-end fund
契约open bond
尺寸entry measurements
open type
式单向拉链open-end zipper
式单向拉链open-end one-way fastener
式拉链open-end slide fastener
式拉链open-end fastener
式拉链open-end zipper
式拉链split zipper
拉链opened-end zipper
拉链split zipper
拉链下摆open zipper bottom
止点cross bar
服装止点opening end
租赁open-end lease
线圈open loop
线圈open stitch
线圈open lap
线圈opened loop
线圈openwork stitch
open lap seam
网眼opening net
网眼opening net
订单open indent
开叉领open neckline
开式方领open square neckline
开式方领open square neck
开放港open port
开放的专门商品进许可证open individual license
开缝cut-in pocket
开缝single welt pocket
开缝stand pocket
开缝welt pocket with lip
开缝singlewelt pocket
开缝welt pocket
开缝slit pocket
开缝领slit neckline
开衩袖removable cuff
开衩领slit neckline
开衩领placket neckline
开衩领open neckline
开袋cut pocket mouth
开袋cut pocket opening
开袋cutting pocket mouth
开袋cut pocket opening
开袋cut pocket mouth
开襟毛衫领cardigan neckline
开襟领cardigan neckline
张家羊毛地毯羊毛kalgan wool
弧形叠领curved overlapping neckline
弧形镶嵌curved inset pocket
弯月形moon pocket
意大利低领紧身衣Italian corsage
意大利领线Italian neckline
成套设备出plant export
成形梭formed shed
我们公司专营纺织品出业务Our corporation is specialized in handing the export business of textiles
我方冒昧向您介绍,我们经营丝绸产品,并出欧洲和日本We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as exporters of silk piece goods, which we have been exporting to Europe and Japan
挂帽领draped cowl neckline
挂脖领halter neckline
挂面止线front facing cutside edge
挂面止线front facing outside edge
挂面止线finish line of front facing
挂面里线front facing inside edge
挂面里线inside edge of front facing
挂面里线inner line of front facing
指令性出管理mandatory restrictions on export
指令性进管理mandatory restrictions on import
指定港particular port
指定港designated port
按人平均计算消费量per capita consumption
按扣袖sleeve snap closing
insert pocket
挖剪式领cut-out neckline
挖领低领口cut-out neckline
最佳出optimal export quantity
最大出maximum exports
最大出maximum exports
最大进maximum imports
最大进maximum imports
最适当出optimal export duty
月牙形crescent pocket
有 V 形嵌饰布的袖wedge inset cuff
有切的藕节袖slashed virago
有嵌绣开衩的圆领inset neckline
有开的串带管open-ended casing
有形出visible export
有形出physical export
有形进visible import
有形进physical import
有形进出visible export and import
有盖lap pocket
有盖双嵌线double welt pocket with flap
有肩章式样扣的epaulet pocket
有袋盖的圆角rounded flap pocket
有褶bellow pocket
服装出促进理事会Apparel Export Promotion Council
服装出dress exporter
服装开止点opening end
本地人local population
标记开袋mark pocket opening line
椭圆形领oblong neckline
椭圆形领scoop neckline
椭圆形领oval neckline
椭圆形领线oblong neckline
椭圆领女衫scoop neckline blouse
横开cross pocket
横机起穿纱板guide threading
次要港minor port
欧洲主要港European main port
欧美农民式领peasant neckline
清晰梭balanced shed
sea port
harbor mouth
代理商port agent
代理商agent at the port
代理处Port Agency
公积金port reserve
准备金port reserve
吞吐能力port's throughput capacity
吞吐能力capacity of the port
吞吐量cargoes inward and outward
吞吐量capacity of the port
port ton
堵塞port blocking up
容纳量port accommodation
容量port capacity
容量capacity of the port
封冻期port-freeze period
建设harbor construction
当局harbor board
当局harbor authority
惯例custom of the port
拥挤congestion of port
挤塞附加费congestion surcharge
操作吨port ton
杂税petty average
检查站harbor control post
检验员surveyor of port
泊位sea port berths
灯塔port light
码头port terminal
租船合同port charter
port duty
port toll
管理management of ports
管理船只章程harbor regulations
harbor craft
装卸效率port speed
装卸速度port speed
规章harbor regulations
设备port facilities
设备port equipment
设施harbor facilities
port charge
费率port rates
进入管制harbor entry control
通道access to the ports
附加费additional port charges
port risk
漏斗形领funnel neckline
seam broken
open seam
爱心形领sweetheart neckline
猎装safari pocket
球顶剪ball-tipped shears
甜心领sweater heart neckline
用户接《计算机》user interface
用抽褶装饰领ornament neckline with shirring
砖形厚底浅platform pumps
砖形跟浅platform pumps
第三国进third-country import
大袖blouse sleeve
大袖blouse steeve
大袖bishop sleeve
长筒袜stay-up hose
长袜hold up stockings
紧窄脚narrow ankle
紧窄脚牛仔裤skinny-leg jeans
紧紧elastic top hosiery
紧袖bracelet cuff
紧身平脚短内裤boyleg briefs
紧身长袖long fitted cuff
紧领tight neckline
袋嵌线sew pocket welt
袋嵌线sew pocket welt
缉明线的袖tramline top-stitched cuff
缉止top-stitched seam
缉止top-stitched finish
缉袖top-stitch cuff
编织收knitting finish
slip stitch patch pocket
缘饰fringed pocket
不牢weak seam
强度stitching tensile strength
强度与材料强度之比seam efficiency
牢度seam security
牢度seam security
脱开seam slippage
setting pocket
set pocket
缝上的袋盖blind fly
缝制开滚边making piped openings
缝型开seam open
缝料边切edge notcher
缝止seaming front edge
缝线开seam opening
缝袋stitch closure
缝袖welting machine
缝袖衬里attaching interlining to cuff
缝袖make cuff
缝道开inseam opening
缝道插袋袋加固inseam pocket reinforcement
bodice缥领下slip stitch collar to
缩减进reduced import
缲领下slip stitch collar to bodice
缲领串slip stitch gorge line
考尔领cowl neckline
uneven不齐leg opening is
不齐leg opening is uneven
卷边bottom with cuff
卷边器bottom hemmer
围线bottom girth line
围线bottom line
leg opening
扣绊bottom tab
线hem line
线bottom line
踩脚裤的踩带foot strap
脱圈栅状齿knock-over verge
舌式浅low topline tongue shoes
萨布里纳用绳带系结支撑肩部的一字领sabrina neckline
货物出physical export
货物出exportation of goods
货物出commodity exporter
货物吞吐量,港吞吐量port's volume of freight traffic
货物转merchandise transit
货物过境或转代理人transport agent
货物进physical import
货物进税险import duty risk
货物进出合同contract for export and import of goods
货物进出cargoes inward and outward
通商port of trade
通商trading port
通商port of commerce
cork edge
锁孔圆领keyhole neckline
键盘形领keyboard neckline
锯齿形领zigzag necklace (neckline)
锯齿形领zigzag neckline
锯齿边袜picot welt
锯齿边起picot hem
鸡心领sweet-heart neckline
鸡心领sweater heart neckline
鸡心领sweatheart neckline
鸡心领heart-shaped neckline
鼓励出export drive
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