
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
"为贫困人提供能源"倡议Energy for the Poor Initiative
主要石油出major oil exporters
价格wellhead price oil, natural gas
产出缺production gap
产出缺output gap
出生率birth rate
压力demographic pressure
压力population pressure
增长population growth
统计vital statistics
老龄化aging population
老龄化aging of the population
金字塔age pyramid
金字塔population pyramid
以出为后盾的进口能力cover rate
以出为后盾的进口能力import coverage
以出为后盾的进口能力import capacity of exports
促进出export promotion
债务净现值与出比率NPV of debt-to-export ratio
债务净现值与出比率net present value of debt-to-export ratio HIPC Initiative
债务-出比率debt-to-exports ratio
债务-出比率debt-export ratio
偿债额与出的比率debt service-to-exports ratio HIPC Initiative
偿债额与出的比率debt service-to-export ratio
储备-进reserve-import ratio
农产品出agricultural exporter
冲击窗shocks window
净债务燃料出net debtor fuel exporter
不足export shortfall
信贷export credit
信贷机构export credit agency
加工区industrial free trade area
加工区industrial free trade zone
加工区export processing zone
垄断export monopoly
市场export markets
带动的复苏export-led recovery
情况export performance
收入export receipts
收入export proceeds
收入稳定机制Stabilization System for Export Earnings Lomé Convention
收汇留成制foreign exchange retention scheme
收汇留成制foreign exchange retention
收汇留成制export retention scheme
波动补偿贷款compensatory financing of export fluctuations
盈余export surplus
export tax
export duty
缺口export shortfall
能力export capacity
行业exporting industry
表现export performance
远期汇票export usance bills
退税customs drawbacks
初级产品出primary exporting country
初级产品出exporters of primary products
制成品出exporters of manufactures
劳动人economically active population
劳动人working population
劳动人labor force
危机应对窗crisis response window
译服务处Interpretation Services
商品出commodity exports
商品出commodity exporting countries
国民生产总值缺GNP gap
国际转international transit
多元化出国家countries with a diversified export base
官方支持的出信贷officially supported export credit
就业人economically active population
就业人working population
就业人labor force
就业年龄人working-age population
承诺缺commitment gap
外汇头寸open foreign exchange position
头寸open position
服务出国和私人转移接受国exporters of services and recipients of private transfers
服务port services
harbor fee
燃料出fuel exporters
矿产品出mineral exporters
收入subsistence income
融资bridge financing
融资bridge loan
融资swing loan
融资swing line
融资bridging credit
融资gap financing
联合国人活动基金United Nations Fund for Population Activities
联合国国际人与发展会议United Nations International Conference on Population and Development
自愿出配额制voluntary export quota
自愿出限制voluntary export restraint
自愿进扩大voluntary import expansion
融资缺funding gap
融资缺financing gap
谷物进成本波动补偿贷款cereal facility
谷物进成本波动补偿贷款cereal component
谷物进成本波动补偿贷款compensatory financing of fluctuations in the cost of cereal imports
财政缺fiscal gap
贴现窗discount window central banking
资金缺resource gap
贸易transit trade
还本付息与出的比率debt service-to-exports ratio HIPC Initiative
还本付息与出的比率debt service-to-export ratio
价格import price
保证金import deposit
保证金advance deposit
倾向propensity to save
倾向propensity to consume
吸收import absorption
垄断import monopoly
本国产品中的成分import content of domestic products
数量限制quantitative restriction on import
替代import substitution
替代品import substitute
替代工业import substitution industry
汇票import bill
-消费比率import-consumption ratio
渗透比率import penetration ratio
石油费用oil bill
entry duty
entry tax
import tariff
import duty
能力importing power
能力import coverage
能力import capacity
能力cover rate
能力import capacity of exports
许可证import license
附加税import surtax
附加税import surcharge
限制import restriction
进出垄断利润profits of export or import monopolies
美国进出银行Export-Import Bank of the United States
退回的进出商品returned exports and imports
通货紧缩缺deflationary gap
通货膨胀缺inflationary gap
通货膨胀缺inflation gap
金融一体化的商品出financially integrated commodity exporters
头寸closed position
非燃料出nonfuel exporters
预算缺budgetary gap
预算缺budgetary financing gap
预算融资缺budgetary gap
预算融资缺budgetary financing gap
首席译员Chief Interpreter
鼓励出export promotion