
Terms containing 口头 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.三件式护口管接头three-piece flare fitting
tech.三件式护口管接头nut-and-sleeve flare fitting
avia.不接受口头指令accept no verbal order
tech.两端口接头two-port junction
China, polit.严把源头关口attack the roots of the problem
tech.中心小水口全面金刚石钻头pencil core bit
tech.中心水口式钻头centre-hole bit
tech.中心水口式钻头center-hole bit
China, law书面或者口头提出filed in writing or orally
met.人口侧切头清除辊道entry crop kick-off table
met.人口压头inlet head
tech.人口龙头inlet cock
gen.他头重脚轻,口干舌燥He was head pounding, and his mouth was dry
China, law口头或者书面方式orally or in writing
archit.企口凸凹接头tongue and groove joint
auto.企口榫槽,雄雌接头连接tongued-and-grooved joint
tech.企口接头rebated jointing
tech.企口接头spigot joint
tech.企口接头faucet joint
tech.企口接头rabbet joint
tech.允许掉头的交叉口turn crossing
construct.允许调头的道路交叉口turn crossing
anim.husb.兔口腔乳头状瘤病毒rabbit oral papilloma virus
anim.husb.兔口腔乳头瘤rabbit oral papilloma tosis
met.入口压头inlet head
dril.入口压头intake head
tech.入口水头entrance water head
busin.入口港码头交货价ex importation dock
tech.入口速度压头inlet velocity head
tech.全开口角接头full-opened corner joint
dril.关闭井口套管头闸门形成的挤压压力bradenhead squeeze pressure
auto.凸头虎口钳angle-nose pliers
construct.凹口〔局部落料〕冲头notching punch
tech.凹口冲头notching punch
tech.凹口接头notched joint
tech.出口码头export wharf
tech.出口乳头状突起exitus papilla
met.出口压头outlet head
met.出口压头discharge head
tech.出口和一头小三通tee reducing on one run and outlet
met.出口弯头outlet bend
auto.出口弯头outlet elbow
tech.出口接头outlet connection
tech.出口水头outlet water head
tech.出口码头export terminal
tech.出口码头export jetty
met.出口速度压头outlet velocity head
auto.冷却系统出水口接头连接管water outlet connection
tech.凿头刃口chisel-type bit cutting edge
met.切头飞剪进口导板flying crop shear entry side guide
tech.十字头观察口盖crosshead inspection head
tech.十字钻头刃口cross bit cutting edge
met.半V 形坡口丁字对接头焊缝single-bevel tee-butt weld
tech.半开口角接头half-open corner joint
tech.单头 15°斜口扳手single-ended 15 degree angle wrench
tech.单头六角直口扳手single-ended hexagon straight wrench
tech.单头开口扳手single open-end wrench
auto.单头开口扳手single-head wrench
auto.单头开口扳手single-head engineer's wrench
tech.单头开口扳手single open-end spanner
tech.单头开口爪扳手single-ended open-jawed spanner
tech.单头开口爪扳手hammering spanner
auto.扳手单头开口的single open-end
tech.单头方形直口扳手single-ended square straight wrench
tech.单边坡口角接头single-bevel corner joint
tech.单边V形坡口对接按头single bevel butt joint
nautic., tech.卡口式快速接头bayonet type quick-disconnect coupling
tech.卡口接头bayonet joint
construct.卡口接头〔灯座〕swan base
tech.卡口接头swan base
tech.卡口接头snap fitting
tech.卡口接头bayonet coupling
agric.卡口插头bayonet pin
tech.卡口插头aligning plug
tech.卡口灯头bayonet lamp-socket
telecom.卡口灯头bayonet base
auto.卡口灯头bayonet lamp cap
tech.卡口灯头bayonet cap
tech.双口接头duplex adapter
tech.双头切口扳手double key
tech.双头同性接口double adapter
met.双头开口扳手open-end spanner of double type
auto.双头开口梅花扳手flat double end flare nut wrench
econ.双方同意任何口头抗议都不应修改装运条款It is agreed by both parties that no verbal representations shall modify the shipment terms
tech.双面坡口接头double groove joint
met.双面J形坡口接头double-J joint
China, law口 头传唤be summoned orally
interntl.trade.口 头协议verbal agreement
interntl.trade.口 头处理verbal treatment
interntl.trade.口 头契约verbal oral contract
interntl.trade.口 头订货verbal order
interntl.trade., lat.口头viva voce
China, law口头oral
gen.口头by word of mouth
gen.口头in word
gen.口头on the blob
gen.M 口头上承认Mpay lip service to
China, law口头上诉appeal orally
interntl.trade.口头买卖合同oral sale
econ.口头买卖合同oral transaction (销售)
busin.口头交易合同oral sale
interntl.trade.口头介绍oral introduction
adv.口头传播word of mouth
securit.口头保证oral assurance
interntl.trade.口头修正oral amendment
busin.口头修正约定oral amendment
tech.口头允诺parol promise
commer.口头协定oral agreement
econ.口头协定a verbal agreement
interntl.trade.口头协定verbal agreement
tech.口头协定parol contract
econ.口头协议a verbal agreement
interntl.trade.口头协议oral agreement
interntl.trade.口头协议parol agreement
interntl.trade.口头协议oral contract
econ.口头协议a parol agreement
busin.口头协议nuncupative agreement
commer.口头协议verbal understanding (谅解)
econ.口头协议an oral contract
tech.口头协议parol contract
econ.口头发盘verbal offer
tech.口头合同verbal contract
econ.口头合同a parol contract
interntl.trade.口头合同parol contract
interntl.trade.口头合同parlo contract
econ.口头合同a verbal contract
econ.口头合同verbal oral contract
tech.口头合同simple contract
tech.口头合同oral contract
tech.口头合约oral contract
interntl.trade.口头和书面声明oral and written statement
gen.口头by word of mouth
tech.口头声明oral representation
tech.口头处理verbal treatment
interntl.trade.口头契约verbal oral contract
commer.口头契约oral contract
tech.口头契约oral deed
securit.口头委托verbal order
econ.口头定货verbal order
interntl.trade.法院的口头审理oral hearing
econ.法院的口头审理an oral hearing
tech.口头审计报告oral audit report
busin.口头宣传words of mouth
avia.口头工作要求verbal action request
econ.口头广告the puffing advertising
tech.口头广告puffing advertising
interntl.trade.口头意向verbal understanding
busin.口头或电话采购oral or telephone purchasing
tech.口头批准verbal approval
sport.口头抗议oral protest
sport.口头抗议verbal protest
busin.口头报价verbal offer
interntl.trade.口头报告oral report
busin.口头担保dictum meum pactum
securit.口头担保dictum meum pactum
busin.口头指令verbal order
avia.口头指令程序系统verbal instruction programmed system
sport.口头指导verbal assistance
tech.口头指示oral instruction
interntl.trade.口头提出oral presentation
China, law口头提出filed orally
busin.口头方式by word of mouth
avia.口头活动申请verbal action request
gen.口头测验viva voce
China, law口头申请make the application orally
gen.拉丁语口头viva voce
securit.口头程序oral procedure (解决投资争端国际中心所规定的)
China, law口头答复oral reply
China, polit.口头答复respond orally
China, polit.口头答复give oral replies
tech.口头答辩oral pleading
econ.口头约定verbal oral contract
econ.口头约定a verbal contract
busin.口头约定协定oral contract
econ.口头经济学jawbone economics
expl.口头联络verbal communication
gen.口头联络vocal communication
busin.口头表决approval by acclamation
China, law口头警告oral warning
interntl.trade.口头订单oral order
econ.口头许诺a naked promise
securit.口头许诺naked promise
interntl.trade.口头证据oral evidence
interntl.trade.口头证据oral testimony
tech.口头证据parol evidence
tech.口头证据法规parol evidence rule
interntl.trade.口头证明oral testimony
econ.口头证明prove by parol
law口头证词parol evidence
sport.口头说明verbal communication
econ.口头谅解verbal understanding (协议)
securit.口头谅解oral understanding
interntl.trade.口头谅解verbal understanding
securit.口头谅解协议verbal understanding
gen.口头谅解协议verbal understanding
China, law口头起诉oral complaint
tech.口头通知oral notification
tech.口头通知verbal notification
tech.口头通知oral notice
econ.口头遗嘱a nuncupative will
tech.口头遗嘱nuncupative will
tech.口头采购oral purchasing
securit.口头陈述oral representation/submission
tech.可调头交叉口turn crossing
econ.合同签订之前所作的口头说明没有约束力Oral explanation given before the award of the contract will not be binding
telecom.同轴电缆螺口接头器threaded nut connector (fBNC)
met.咬口接头saddle joint
tech.咬口接头saddle-back joint
tech.咬口接头splash lap
tech.咬口接头horsed joint
dril.喇叭口接头bell and spigot joint
refrig.喇叭口接头flare fitting
refrig.喇叭口接头flared joint
compr.喇叭口管接头flared fitting
met.坡口加工用双头割炬double head burner for edge preparation
met.坡口加工用双头割炬double head blowpipe for edge preparation
met.坡口焊接头bevel groove joint
nautic., tech.坡口焊接接头groove weld joint
tech.塑口互搭接头moulded chime lap joint
tech.塑口互搭接头molded chime lap joint
busin.多头出口multichanneled exports
tech.大口径回转弯头wide-bore return bending
tech.大口径回转弯头wide-bore return bend
tech.大头承口large end bell
dril.大钳头开口大小span of jaw
textile头巾兜帽形领口hooded neckline
textile风帽头巾形领口hooded neckline
shipb.头开口爪扳手hammering spanner
agric.头级谷物口脱粒机outlet for first-grade corn
tech.头部可调进气口controllable nose intake
tech.密排深水口站头simulated insert bit
econ.对各方有约束力的是书面协议,而非口头It is the written agreement, not the parol one that is binding on parties (协议)
tech.对接接头缺口断裂试验notch break test for butt welded joint
tech.尖口接头beaking joint
plast.surg.尿道口前移龟头成形术meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated
plast.surg.尿道口及龟头成形术meatoplasty and glansplasty procedure
auto.带开口销孔头螺栓cotter bolt
tech.常水头孔口式constant head orifice turnout (斗门)
tech.常水头孔口式配水闸constant head orifice turnout
tech.平口接头straight joint
tech.平口接头square joint
tech.平头开口对接焊open square butt joint
avia.废止口头通知avoid verbal instructions
auto.开口弹性夹头split socket
archit.开口 T形接头open T joint
tech.开口套绳头套环open-end socket
met.开口对接焊接头open butt weld
met.开口式芯头open core print
tech.开口形接头open T joint
tech.开口形接头open tee joint
met.开口接头open joint
chem.开口接头open connector
ecol.开口接头管open-joint pipe
textile〔法〕形领口的套头上衣pull en
tech.恒压头孔口式加料器constant head orifice-type feeder
econ.我们口头上同意了该协议We agreed to the agreement verbally
econ.我们去年口头承诺不与他们竞争Last year we gave them an oral undertaking not to compete with them
auto.喇叭口管接头flared fitting
tech.张喇叭口管接头flared fitting
auto.扩口喇叭管接头flared coupling
tech.扩口冀板管接头flared fitting
compr.扩口式接头flared fitting
tech.扩口接头flare fitting
tech.扩口接头flared joint
tech.扩口接头expanded joint
auto.扩口管内螺纹管接头flared type female pipetube fitting
auto.扩口管外螺纹管接头flared type male pipetube fitting
tech.扩口管接头flared joint
archit.扩口管接头trumpet joint
compr.扩口管接头expanded connection
auto.扩口管接头flared type pipetube fitting
avia.扩口管接头flared tube fitting
auto.扩口管接头喇叭口形管螺母扳手line spanner
avia.扩口管接头密封垫flared tube fitting gasket seal
auto.扩口管接头螺母flare nut
tech.承口大小头large end bell reducer
tech.承口接头socket joint
tech.承口熔接接头socket-fused joint
tech.承插口接头spigot and socket joint
tech.承插口接头bell and spigot joint
avia.抽气封口接头pumping stem
tech.排气口接头gas vent connector
geol.探头接口单元detector interface unit
tech.探头窗口probe window
tech.接口龙头装置faucet-attached unit
avia.接头出口outlet fitting
tech.接头切口pin tong space
tech.接头坡口准备joint preparation
avia.接头进口inlet fitting
tech.插口式插头blade contact
tech.插口式灯头swan base
tech.插口接头spigot joint
tech.插口灯头swan base
tech.水龙头的摆口水头swivel outlet head
avia.撤销口头通知avoid verbal instructions
met.收口接头spigot and faucet joint (接管时将一管端收口)
tech.收口用去角七分头three-quarter closer
tech.整体承口接头integral bell joint
met.斜口接头skew joint
dril.斜口接头muleshoe sub
dril.斜口管鞋定向接头muleshoe orienting sub
weld.斜边头尾 坡口bevelled ends
tech.方切口锁接头square shouldered tool joint boxes
tech.方口单头套筒扳手square opening single end box wrench
tech.方裁口接头square rebated joint
tech.无坡口对接接头straight butt weld
tech.无坡口接头unchamfered joint
tech.有坡口焊接接头groove-weld joint
tech.木结构采口接头bevelled halving
avia.机头斜口窗chisel window
gen.机头枪口nose gunport
avia.〔客〕机头静力接口装置nose static interface unit
tech.机械接头与钟口连接件mechanical joint and bell connecting piece
tech.标准磨口接头standard ground joint
tech.标准磨口接头normal ground joint
tech.椭圆头开口铆钉oval head split rivet
tech.沃克混凝土板啮口接头Walker interlocking joint
tech.油口接头port connection
gen.沿着这条街道,在第三个路口向右转。宾馆就在街道的尽头Just go down the street and take the third turning on the right. The hotel is on the end of that street
tech.泵的进口水头pump inlet head
comp.name.深圳盐田国际集装箱码头有限公司附录 3 中国国内主要进出口商Yantian International Container Terminals Limited
archit.清扫口堵头丝堵access screw
tech.清扫口堵头access screw
tech.清洁口堵头clean-out plug
ecol.清除口堵头clean-out plug
tech.港入口处或突码头端小灯塔port light
tech.港口水闸码头wet dock
econ.港口的全部码头团地total quayage of the port
econ.港口的全部码头用地total quayage of the port
textile港口码头port terminal
tech.灯头的螺口screw shell
industr.放喷油器的炉头喷气口dog house
tech.燃油进口接头fuel inlet fitting
tech.球形磨口玻璃接头spherical ground glass joint
tech.球形磨口玻璃接头spheric ground glass joint
China, law用书状或者口头上诉appeal in writing or orally
auto.用于直径为15mm 的卡口灯头管座swan socket
econ.目的港码头交货,进口税由买方负担ex quay n., duties on buyer's account (named port of importation)
tech.直头尖口锤straight-peen hammer
gen.真正,不只是口头in word and in deed
interntl.trade.码头工人和港口工人法案longshore men and harbor workers act
construct.磨口〔磨光〕接头ground joint
construct.磨口堵头〔柱塞〕blind ground joint
tech.磨口堵头blind ground joint
tech.磨口接头ground in joint
tech.磨口接头ground connection
avia.禁用口头命令avoid verbal orders
tech.端头企口板end matched lumber
tech.管出口段压头损失loss of head due to exit
tech.管口端头nose end
tech.管子套口接头taper joint
tech.管进口段的压头损失loss of head due to entrance
tech.管道接头封口胶pipe joint sealing compound
tech.管道接头封口胶pipe joint seal compound
tech.缝口模头挤塑slot extrusion
tech.缩口喷漆头constricted paint sprayer
tech.缩口接头constricted end point
tech.缩口接头reducing coupling
tech.缩口接头reducing jointing
met.缩口接头constricted-end joint
tech.缩口接头constricted end joint
tech.缺口平头喷雾器notched flat headed atomizer
mater.sc.罐头〔信封〕开口条tear strip
econ.老板已对雇员们做了口头解释The boss has already given a verbal explanation to the employees
tech.聚口灯头cluster burner
tech.胶木螺口灯头screw bakelite lamp holder
textile腰头上口upper end of waistband
textile腰头上口线waistband roll line
textile腰头上口线top line of waistband
textile腰头下口线waistband neckline
textile腰头下口线under line of waistband
tech.自动扩口接头self-flaring fitting
tech.自由贸易港口码头free trade wharf
met.螺丝口灯头screw chuck
tech.螺丝口龙头screw tap
auto.螺口式灯头Edison screw lamp cap
tech.螺口灯头screw holder
tech.螺口灯头screw socket
tech.螺口灯头screw base
tech.螺口灯头Edison base
tech.螺口灯头Edison socket
tech.螺口灯头screw cap
tech.螺旋桨切口钻头spiral-type whipstock bit
tech.螺母套管式扩口管接头nut-and-sleeve flare fitting
archit.螺钉口龙头screw tap
textile袖头上口线cuff edge line
textile袖头上口线top line of cuff
tech.裁口接头rebated joint
tech.裁口接头rabbet joint
China, law订立口头协议conclude an oral agreement
textile豁口驳头notch lapel
busin.口头衔账户import entitlement a/c
tech.口头衔账户import entitlement account
tech.进口阻力产生的水头损失loss of head in entrance
auto.进口处速度水压inlet velocity head
tech.进口弯头inlet elbow
CNC进口弯头inlet bend
shipb.进口接头inlet connection
met.进口速头inlet velocity head
refrig.进口阻力水头损失loss of head entrance
auto.连杆大头盖斜切口angled big-end cap joint
railw.通风口弯头ventilator elbow
avia.避免口头命令avoid verbal orders
shipb.避免口头指示avoid verbal orders
avia.避免口头说明avoid verbal instructions
avia.避免口头通知avoid verbal instructions
chem.配套的玻璃磨口插头interchangeable ground glass joints
tech.钟口接头bell and spigot joint
met.钟口接头spigot and socket joint
tech.钟口接头bell joint
tech.钟口接头female joint
construct.钟口接头bell-and-spigot joint
gen.钟口接头socket and spigot joint
tech.钩头企口槽hook rebate
dril.液压套管钳钳头开口open throat
tech.钻头刀口drill bit edge
tech.钻头切口drill bit cutting edge
tech.钻头插口drill socket
tech.钻粒钻头斜水口diagonal slot
tech.锥形标准磨口接头tapered interchangeable ground joint
gen.镜头慢慢摇向门口The camera panned slowly across to the door
tech.镜头锁紧卡口环breech-lock ring
tech.长螺纹钟口接头long threaded bell joint
tech.闭口绳头套环close end socket
tech.阶形切口对搭接头stepped joint
construct.阶形切口对搭接头stepped cut joint
tech.阶形切口对搭接头stepped cut joint
tech.口头信息交流non-verbal communication
auto.非扩口式管接头flareless tube fitting
tech.预模制套口接头premoulded gasket joint
tech.预模制套口接头premolded gasket joint
met.风口弯头eye-sight elbow
tech.风口弯头eyesight elbow
tech.风口接头tuyere connection
textile驳头剪口lapel notch
textile驳头口fold line for lapel
textile驳头外口松lapel outer edge too loose
textile驳头外口松loose lapel
textile〔检〕驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose
textile驳头外口松lapel edge to appears loose (tight)
textile驳头外口松lapel edge appears loose
textile驳头外口紧tight lapel
textile〔检〕驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight
textile驳头外口紧lapel outer edge too tight
textile驳头外口紧lapel edge appears tight
textile驳头止口弧线lapel edge curve
textile驳头止口弧线lapel style line
textile驳头止口弧线lapel edge line
textile驳头止口线lapel edge line
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