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劳驾,请问我能不能提取存款偿付我在美国买东西的费用?Excuse me, but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in America ?
我在阿联酋航空公司买了张机票,但现在行程有变。我该如何领取未使用机票的退款?I've bought a ticket from the Emirates. Now, I have to cancel my schedule. How can I get a refund on an unused ticket?
取款make a draught of money
用户场景为客户提供自助服务,使用户可以管理他们的银行账户,查找支行和自动取款机,以及与银行雇员联系Consumer scenarios provide customers with self-services where they can manage their banking accounts, find branch offices and ATMs, and initiate communications with banking staff
那样的话,您可以开一张现金支票,然后自行取款就可以了In that case you can write yourself a cash check and draw money for yourself