
Terms for subject Commerce containing 发行 | all forms | in specified order only
任选方式发行的股利optional dividend
债券发行折扣与费用debt discount and expenses
债券发行贴水摊销discount amortization
公债发行floatation of bond
公司所发行的股票总额capital stock
公开发行股票public issue of shares
发展希望很大的公司所发行的股票growth stock
发展很快的新型行业growth industry
发行公债筹资bond financing
发行公司债券issue debentures (企业筹资通常用股票 (shares)、公司债券 (debentures)、银行贷款 (bank loans) 等方式;公司债券有:有抵押公司债券 (mortgage debenture )、有担保公司债券 (secured debenture )、无担保公司债券 (unsecured debenture))
发行商行发行证券公司issuing house
发行开发债券issue development bonds
发行政府公债float a government loan
发行纸币的40%黄金准备金a 40% gold coverage of paper currency
发行货币put money into circulation
发行随时可换成现款的股票投资公司mutual fund company
发行随时可换成现款的股票投资公司mutual investment company
合同无法执行因为未发放许可证The contract cannot be performed because the licence is not granted
同行批发价格prix marchand
国债发行floatation of government loan
国际复兴开发银行亦缩为 INTERBANKInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development
国际复兴开发银行亦缩为 IBInternational Bank for Construction and Development
发行的债券issued bonds
发行的股票outstanding shares
发行股本capital stock outstanding
发行股票outstanding capital stock
发行股票issued stocks
发行钞票outstanding bank notes
已公开发行证券亦缩为 o/sg.outstanding
德国开发银行German Development Bank
批发商行jobbing house
按特定条件发行债券special offering
新加坡发展银行Development Bank of Singapore, Ltd. (Singapore, 新加坡)
英国新证券发行市场New Issues Market
日本开发银行Nihon kaihatsu Ginko
日本开发银行Japan Development Bank (Tokyo, 东京)
欧洲债券发行Euro-bond issue
此类危险对于该行业而言是偶然会发生的Such risks are contingent to the trade
用散发商品传单进行广告宣传advertising by circulars
直接发行证券direct securities
股票发行stock financing
股票发行issue of shares
股票发行日期date of issue
股票发行溢价share premium (指超票面值缴入资本 (capital contributed in excess of par value))
股票发行费用stock issue cost
自行开发地表水源private development of surface supplies
英国内部发行国库券tap bills
英国国库券公开发行tender issue of treasury bill
英国国库券内部发行tap issue of treasury bill
被发盘人声明或做出其他行为表示同意一项发价即为承诺接受。缄默或不行动本身不等于接受A statement made by or other conduct of the offeree indicating assent to an offer is acceptance. Silence or inactivity does not itself amount to acceptance (承诺)
规定发行价格的无面值股票stated value no par stock
财政性货币发行over-issue of banknotes
货币发行issue of bank notes
货币过量发行over-issue of banknotes
资本化股票发行capitalization issue
通过招股章程公开发行股票public issue by prospectus
银行发行纸币额不得超过准备金之额的学说currency principle
银行之所以愿意向岀口商提供资金,既由于它掌握着货运单据作为垫付款的担保品,也由于在必要时,它可向对银行发岀指示的买方与汇票的出票人岀口商行使用追索权The bank is prepared to provide finance to the exporter because it holds the shipping documents as collateral security for the advance and, if necessary, can take recourse to the buyer as instructing customer and the exporter as drawer of the bill
银行纸币发行the circulation of a bank
非洲开发银行African Development Bank