
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
不许违的时间peremptory period
证的责任reversed burden of proof
休曼托拉斯法Sherman Antitrust Act
克莱顿托拉斯法Clayton Antitrust Act
共同海损担保general average counter guarantee
per contra
事实度量counterfactual measurement
优惠问题reserve preferences
保护关税counteracting protective
倒数平均数contra-harmonic mean
倾销情报anti-dumping information
倾销惯例anti-dumping practices
倾销法anti-dumping code
倾销法案dumping code
倾销津贴countervailing subsidy
倾销税dumping duty
倾销税countervailing levy
倾销税countervailing duty
危机措施anti-crisis measures
危机政策anti-cycle policy
向优惠reverse preference
向安排back scheduling
向安排日程back scheduling
向差幅negative spread
向技术转让reverse the transfer of technology
向技术转让reverse transfer of technology
向支付归还reverse payments
周期措施contra-cyclical measures
周期政策contra-cyclical policy
周期政策counter-cyclical policy
周期政策anti-cyclical policy
周期行动counter-cyclical action
周期财政政策counter-cyclical fiscal policy
周期运动contra-cyclical movements
垄断同盟anti-monopoly league
垄断法anti-monopoly law
垄断法指导原则anti-monopoly act guidelines
对工会的基金yellow dog fund
对派股东dissenting stockholders
对谷物条例同盟anti-corn law league
对髙价者price buster
应机能reaction mechanism
建议counter proposal
托拉斯法anti-trust law
托拉斯法案对立面anti-trust act
托拉斯立法anti-trust legislation
担保counter guarantee
拍卖Dutch auction
津贴税countervailing duty
索赔counter claim
经济抵制法antiboycott law
萧条卡特尔anti-depression cartel
补贴税anti-subsidy duties
补贴税countervailing levy
补贴税anti-subsidy duty
衰退政策anti-recession policy
衰退计划anti-recession program
要约counter offer
ad absurdum
cross action
counter claim
贴补税countervailing duty
赔偿counter indemnity
还盘counter-counter offer
连锁商店税anti-chain-store taxes
通货膨胀counter inflation
通货膨胀fight against inflation
通货膨胀counteract inflation
通货膨胀combat inflation
通货膨胀措施anti-inflationary measures
通货膨胀政策anti-inflation policy
通货膨胀计划counter-inflation programme
限制竞争法act against restraints of competition
面举证责任reversed burden of proof
面证实negative confirmation
面证据proof of the contrary
面证据proof to the contrary
馈效应feedback effect
复使用的长期信贷发放系统replicable long-term credit delivery system
吉芬giffen paradox
因违契约赔偿的损失heart balm
实质的违material breach
实际上违合同virtual breach of contract
诉的答辩reply to the counter-claim
原告诉的答辩rejoin to the counterclaim
已修订倾销守则Revised Antidumping Code
建筑用户通货膨胀圆桌会议construction users anti-inflation round-table
技术馈权grant-back right
指出相证据的责任burden of rebuttal
提出act performed by way of counterclaim
提单reverse side of a bill of lading
提起counter claim
提起诉的行为act instituting the counterclaim
数率array against
滋生式应器breeder reactor
per contra
的选择adverse selection (antiselection)
破产连锁chain-reaction bankruptcies
美国托拉斯局U.S. Antitrust Division
节俭paradox of thrift
谢尔曼托拉斯法Sherman Antitrust Act
贸易限制或贸易常作用trade restrictive or trade-distorting effect
贸易限制或贸易常作用trade-restrictive or trade-distorting effect
保证breach of warranty
信托breach of trust
分期付款的义务breach of the obligation to pay an installment
合同violate contract
合同contravention to treaty
合同条件breach of condition
合同要件breach of condition
合约violate contract
.违合约contravention to treaty
国际法contra jus gentium
对航行范围的保证breach of trading guarantee
承诺的义务breach of promise
明示的担保breach of an express guarantee
有代理权的保证breach of warranty of authority
法律contra legem
航行范围保证breach of trading warranty