
Terms for subject Space containing 反潜战 | all forms | in specified order only
反核潜艇战anti-nuclear submarine warfare
反潜作战antisubmarine warfare
反潜作战antisubmarine operation
反潜作战antisubmarine action
反潜作战舰艇统一战斗系统anti-submarine warfare ship integrated combat system
反潜战anti-underwater warfare
反潜战anti-submarine warfare
反潜战antisubmarine warfare
反潜战与防空战anti-submarine and anti-aircraft warfare
反潜战中心指挥与控制系统anti-submarine warfare centers command and control system
反潜战作战中心Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Center
反潜战战术导航系统antisubmarine warfare tactical navigation system
反潜战技术中心Antisubmarine Warfare Technical Center
反潜战探测装置ASW detection device
反潜战教练舰antisubmarine warfare schoolship (美国海军)
反潜战数据系统antisubmarine warfare tactical data system
反潜战武器控制系统anti-submarine warfare weapon control system
反潜战特遣部队Antisubmarine Warfare Task Force
反潜战环境预测系统ASW environmental prediction system
反潜战电子对抗系统ASW electronic countermeasure system
反潜战电子对抗系统antisubmarine warfare electronic countermeasures system
反潜战目标舰艇anti-submarine warfare target vehicle
反潜战研究中心Antisubmarine warfare Research Center (北约)
反潜战系统antisubmarine warfare systems
反潜战系统antisubmarine warfare system
反潜战舰艇指挥与控制系统anti-submarine warfare ship command and control system
反潜战训练中心Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center
反潜战通信网ASW communications net
反潜战部队anti-submarine warfare unit
反潜综合作战系统ASW integrated combat system
战斧反潜导弹Tomahawk antisubmarine weapon (美国海射巡航导弹)
机动反潜战目标mobile anti-submarine warfare target
海域反潜战侦察卫星ocean area reconnaissance satellite for ASW
鱼雷为作战负荷的反潜导弹torpedo-carrying anti-submarine missile