
Terms containing 反握 | all forms | in specified order only
gymn.低杠反握后撑站立rear stand
gymn.低杠反握后撑站立rear stand, hands in reverse grip on LB
gymn.低杠反握后撑站立hands in reverse grip
gymn.前上转体360° 成反正握Takemoto
bodybuild.单手反握拉力器下压one-arm reverse press-down
bodybuild.单臂反握弯举one-arm reverse grip curl
bodybuild.双臂正握反弯举two-arm ordinary grip and reverse curl
el.mach.反作用式刷握reaction brush holder
golf.反叠指握杆法veil grip
tenn.反手击球握拍backhand stroke grip
tenn.反手击球握拍法backhand groundstroke grip
tab.tenn.反手握拍法backhand grip
golf.反手握杆法cross-hand grip
badm.反手握法backhand grip
sport.飞盘反手紧握法backhand grip
gymn.反握rear grasp
bodybuild.反握under grip
weightlift.反握supinated grip
weightlift.反握掌心向前palm to the front
weightlift.反握underhand grip
weightlift.反握palm up
gymn.反握rear grip
gymn.反握reverse grip
bodybuild.反握reverse grip
gymn.反握倒悬垂inverted rear hang
weightlift.反握单臂屈伸backhand curl
weightlift.反握双臂屈伸two-arm reversal curl
gymn.反握吊臂大回环Russian giant swing
gymn.反握吊臂大回环eagle giant
gymn.反握后悬垂向后大回环Russian giant swing
gymn.反握后悬垂向后大回环giant swing in hang rearways
gymn.反握rear grasp circle
gymn.反握大回环接直体屈伸上Wyler kip
gymn.反握大回环接直体屈伸上straight body kip from undergrip giants
gymn.反握屈伸上rear kip
gymn.反握悬垂undergrip hang
weightlift.反握提铃至胸backhand curl
weightlift.反握提铃至胸back hand curl
bodybuild.反握杠铃弯举barbell reverse curl
athlet.反握腕弯举reverse wrist curl (exercise)
gymn.反握起摆L giant swing
wrest.反攻性抓握counter grip
gymn.反翻握reverse inside-out grip
gymn.反翻握reverse inside-out grasp
wrest.反肩下握颈reverse Nelson
tech.反角握柄磨光器contra-angle porte-polisher
golf.反重叠式握杆veil grip
golf.反重叠式握杆reverse overlapping grip
polo.反面握棍法reverse grip
gymn.向后大回环向右转体180°成反握手倒立giant swing backward with right ¹⁄₂ turn to back grip and handstand
bodybuild.哑铃反握腕弯举reverse wrist curl with dumbbell
gymn.反握mixed L-grip
gymn.扭臂反握大回环twisters giant circle with reversed grasp
tech.抓握反射grasp reflex
tech.抓握反射grasping reflex
tech.握持反射grasp reflex
tech.握持反射grasping reflex
wrest.握臂反夹颈别reverse head-lock with arm and back heel
gymn.反握cross grip
gymn.反握mixed grasp
gymn.反握mixed grip
gymn.反握combined grip
weightlift.反握alternate grip
weightlift.反握reverse grip
gymn.反握combined grasp
bodybuild.反握combined grip
gymn.反握大回环mixed grip giant swing
gymn.反握大回环giant circle with mixed grip
gymn.反握悬垂alternate grip hanging
weightlift.反握over-and-under grip
weightlift.反握normal-and-reverse grip
tenn.正、反手握拍结合主要用在截击、发球和高压球中semi continental
gymn.正握大回环向反方向转体180°Higgins change (direct change opposite way)
nurs.足底抓握反射plantar grasp reflex