
Terms for subject Space containing 双X | all forms
不接detached binary
主控稳态master bistable
二进制相调制binary biphase modulation (传递 GPS 信号的相位调制技术)
交联XLDB linked double base (推进剂)
交联XLDB cross-linking double base (推进剂)
交联cross-linked double base (推进剂)
交联cross-linking double base (推进剂)
交联基推进剂crosslinked double-base propellant
交联改性基推进剂cross-linked double base propellant
光学optical double star
光学稳态器件optical bistable device
向多普勒full two-way Doppler
full-duplex (通信链路的两端能同时发送或接收数据的一种工作方式)
工专用链路full duplex dedicated link
工主站full-duplex primary station
工字符传输full-duplex character transmission
工的full duplex
工终端full-duplex terminal
工链路full-duplex link
全氢perhydrodi (一种合成高密度烃燃料)
全称为大学卫星应用于极晶体管辐射试验radiation on bipolar test for university satellite application (法国技术试验纳卫星)
兼容工系统compatible duplex system
分布式队列总线distributed queue dual bus
half duplex
向字符传输half-duplex character transmission
向操作half-duplex operation
向服务half-duplex service
向线路half-duplex circuit
half-duplex (双向数据通信的一种通信方式)
工链路half-duplex link
半接semi-detached binary
单刀single-pole double-throw
单刀掷开关single pole double throw switch
单室推力发动机single-chamber dual-thrust motor
单室推力固体火箭发动机single chamber dual thrust solid rocket motor
单室推力火箭发动机single chamber dual thrust rocket engine
单室级离心喷嘴mono-chamber double-stage centrifugal injector
单谱分光single-line spectroscopic binary
单谱分光single spectrum binary
单轴陀螺稳定平台single axis two-gyro stabilized platform
卫星向定时法two-way satellite timing method
卫星向时间频率传递two way satellite time frequency transfer (法国,卫星导航的一种时间同步技术)
压延extruded double base (推进剂)
压延基推进剂extruded double base propellant
三极管double triode
三次卷积bi-cubic convolution
三次卷积法bi-cubic convolution method (遥感图像的一种几何校正方法)
主轴柔性组合机床double-spindle flexible modular machine tool
2,2-二硝基丙基乙缩醛bis2,2-dinitropropenyl aldehyde acetal
二甲基硅烷biscarboxyphenyl dimethylsilane
伴音电视TV with dual sound programmes
位喷管two-position nozzle
余度惯性测量组件dual-redundant inertial measurement unit
余度故障自动修正致动器double fail-correcting actuator
余度故障自动断开致动器dual fail-off actuator
余度数据总线dual-redundant data bus
余辉dual persistence
倍字长double word length
倍密度记录double-density recording
倍精度double precision
铷蒸气磁强计double-cell magnetometer
元件传感器dual-element transducer
元銣蒸汽磁强计dual-cell rubidium magnetometer
光子吸收two-photon absorption
光子荧光法two-photon fluorescence method
光束干涉分光计twin-beam interference spectrometer
光谱辐射和太阳常量卫星dual-spectral irradiance and solar constant orbiter (西欧天文卫星)
光谱辐射和太阳常量轨道器dual spectral irradiance and solar constant orbiter (西欧太阳天文卫星)
共振double resonance
刀单掷开关double-pole single-throw switch
刀双掷double pole double throw
刀开关double-pole switch
刀开关double-break switch
分子反应定律bimolecular law
分子反应机理bimolecular mechanism
分雷达bistatic radar (收发分设在两处的雷达)
列直插封装dual in-line package
列直插式封装dual inline package (集成电路的一种封装方式)
列直插式组件double in-line package
列直插式组件dual in-line package
刻度double scale
剂加注double-propellant filling
匝环天线double loop antenna
单频信号测试技术two tone test techniques
卷式太阳能电池阵double roll-out solar array
同步通信binary synchronous Communication
duplex (的)
载波频率捕获double direction frequency acquisition
向三端可控硅开关triode for alternating current (元件)
向三端晶闸管triode for alternating current
向二极管bidirectional diode
向交互业务two-way interactive service
向产生式系统bidirectional production system
向传感器bidirectional transducer
向传播延时two-way propagation delay
向传输延时two-way transmission delay
向伺服机构bilateral servomechanism
向光纤链路round-trip fiber-optic link
向光行时间round-trip light time
向加速度计dual accelerometer
向匹配bilateral matching
向反射分布函数bidirectional reflectance distribution function
向反射比因子bi-directional reflection factor
向反射跟踪two-way skin tracking
向变换器bilateral transducer
向变磁阻传感器bidirectional variable reluctance transducer
向可展开天线two dimensionally deployable antenna
向同时传输simultaneous two-way transmission
向多媒体卫星通信bidirectional multimedia satellite communication
向天线bidirectional antenna
向小波变换bi-directional wavelet transform
向开关double-throw switch
向感测器bidirectional transducer
向手动人工控制bilateral manual control
向扫描bidirectional scanning
向换能器bidirectional transducer
向换能器bidirectional bilateral transducer
向推力滚珠轴承double direction thrust ball bearing
向推理bidirection reasoning
向数据链路two way data link
向无线电通信two way radio communication
向时间传递two-way time transfer
向晶闸管bidirectional thyristor
向流量传感器two-direction flow transducer
向电流duodirectional current
向电流bidirectional current
向电磁阀门double acting electromagnetic valve
向耦合器duplex coupler
向行为biphasic behavior
向距离变化率测量two-way range rate measurement
向跟踪two-way tracking
向载波捕获two-way carrier acquisition
向输送通道dual feed channel
向通信two-directional communication
向通信bidirectional communication
向预测帧bidirectionally predictive coded frame
圆导航rho-rho navigation
圆锥扫描仪dual cone scanner (一种改进的巴恩斯圆锥敏感器)
坐标跟踪two-coordinate tracking
处理器程序dual processor program
备份dual redundant
外延晶体管double-epitaxial transistor
多谐振荡器duplex multivibrator
天线射电干涉仪two-element radio interferometer
子星Gemini (美国载人飞船)
子星工程Gemini project (美国载人飞船工程)
子星座-大力神Gemini Titan
子星座飞船试验Gemini test
子星飞船Gemini spacecraft
子星飞船交会雷达Gemini spacecraft rendezvous radar
子星飞船惯性制导系统Gemini inertial guidance system
孔密封方法double bore sealing system (分段壳体的)
字命令double word command
字界double word boundary
字符分界符double character delimiter
字符符号double character symbol
字长运算double word length arithmetic
字长运算double length arithmetic
射电源double radio source
射程安全数据系统dual range safety data system
尖点dual cusp
尺度律binary scaling law
层型纤维double-layer fibre
层外壳double sheath
层底式贮箱double base tank
层拦截double-layer interception
层环形警戒雷达系统double perimeter radar system
层环形防空系统double perimeter defense system
层缓冲防护屏double bumper shield
层网格防护屏mesh double bumper shield
层镀铝聚酯薄膜double aluminized mylar
常平架陀螺two-frame gyroscope
幅值peak to peak value
幅值double amplitude
幅度峰值double amplitude peak
平衡混合器double balanced mixer
平面制导double-plane guidance
平面角反射器结构dihedral corner structure
异质结激光器double heterojunction laser
弧临界电流critical current of double arcing
弧焊twin arc welding
弹制导系统dual-missile system (同时制导两枚导弹的)
弹运输车double missile transport vehicle
形反射器dual-shape reflector
态变数binary-state variable
态形变bimodal deformation
扁锥形装药dual flattened-cone charge
扩散double diffusion
扩散型 MOS 集成电路dual diffused MOS integrated circuit
扩散金属氧化物半导体double diffused MOS
指数波形double exponential waveform
double pendulum
double stars
Double Star satellite (中国与欧洲空间局合作研制的日地空间探测卫星)
binary star
星制导two-star guidance
星卫星Double Star satellite
星发射dual-satellite launch (一枚火箭发射两颗卫星)
星发射dual-satellite launch (一枚运载火箭发射两颗卫星)
星发射dual launch
星发射的double-launch (一枚火箭发射两颗卫星)
星天文惯性制导系统two-star stellar inertial guidance system
星定位卫星dual-positioning satellite
星定位通信系统twin-satellite position determination and communication system
星导航two-star navigation
星计划Double Star Project (中国与欧洲空间局合作的)
有效载荷连接件dual payload attach fitting
机械手机器人卫星dual manipulator robot satellite
机系统duplex system
板式移相器twin-slab phase shifter
极功放晶体管bipolar power transistor
极化dual polarization
极化天线dual-polarized antenna
极化天线dual polarized antenna
极单投开关double-pole single-throw switch
极坐标bipolar coordinates
极型电池bipolar cell
极性晶体管bipolar transistor
极性波形bipolar waveform
极性的ambipolar ambiguity
极性码bipolar code
极性编码bipolar coding
极性视频bipolar video (信号)
极极板bipolar electrode
极点滤波器double pole filter
极硅晶体管silicon bipolar transistor
极越限bipolar violation
极镍氢蓄电池bipolar nickel/hydrogen battery
极黑子bipolar sunspot
栅反射器dual-grid reflector
栅反射面天线dual grided reflector antenna
栅场效应管dual gate FET
栅场效管dual gate field effect transistor
栅天线dual-grid antenna
标温度表dual thermometer
样本分析two-sample analysis
框式惯性导航系统2 Gins (俗称)
框架动量轮double-gimbaled momentum wheel
框架控制力矩陀螺double-gimbaled control moment gyro
框架陀螺仪two-gimbal gyroscope
框架陀螺仪two-frame gyroscope
框架飞轮double gimbal wheel
椭圆过渡轨道bielliptic transfer trajectory
复式导引头dual-mode seeker (红外及雷达两种制导系统并用的)
模喇叭dual-mode horn
模干扰dual mode jamming
模干扰机dual mode jammer
模式应急动力装置dual-mode EPU
模式推进系统dual mode propulsion system
模式火箭发动机dual mode rocket engine
模控制two-mode control
模移相器dual-mode phaser
模终端dual-mode terminal
模行波管dual mode traveling wave tube
正交信号biorthogonal signals
正弦调制double sinusoidal modulation
气动操纵面伺服机放大器dual aerosurface servo amplifier
流路燃烧室double stream passage combustion chamber
流路燃烧室double stream combustion chamber
流路燃烧室double flow combustion chamber
涂层体系dual-coating system
甲基磷化氧bis-p-carboxyphenyl-methylphosphine oxide
甲烷bispara-carboxyphenyl methane
2,2-二硝基丙基甲缩醛bis2,2-dinitropropenyl formaldehyde acetal
电嘴点火twin ignition
电嘴点火dual ignition
电层电容器double electric layer capacitor
电平数字信号bi-level digital signal
电离double ionization
电缆制twin-cable system
电路微处理机two circuit microprocessor
眼视力binocular visual acuity
2,2,2-三硝基乙基硝胺bis2,2,2-ditrinitroethyl nitramine
程台卡导航系统two range Decca
稳态冲压发动机dual mode ramjet engine
稳态场效应管bistable field-effect transistor
稳态电磁螺线bistable solenoid valve
稳态磷光屏存储器bistable phosphor storage
稳装置bistable device
稳触发器toggle flip-flop
稳触发电路bistable trigger-action circuit
筒天体照相仪double astrograph
缝热管dual-slot heat pipe
缝磁头dual-gap head
2-氟-2,2-二硝基乙基缩甲醛bis2-fluoro-2,2-dinitroethyl formal
联加速度表dual accelerometer
联助推器paired booster
联发射装置dual launching device
联电容器two-gang condenser
联电容器double capacitor
聚焦质谱仪double focusing mass spectrometer
脉冲发动机dual pulse motor
脉冲测距double pulse ranging
腔红宝石脉泽dual-cavity ruby maser
色制导double-colour guidance
色导引头double-colour seeker
色干扰显示器two-colour ECM display
色红外制导系统double-color infrared guidance system
色高温计two-colour pyrometer (用两种波长测量)
节扼流圈two section choke coil
节滤波器two-section filter
覆盖区double coverage area
谐振double resonance
谱分光双星two-spectra binary
谱分光双星double-line spectroscopic binary
谱段红外探测卫星bispectral IR detector (德国小型遥感卫星)
both sides ben efit
踪示波器dual-beam oscilloscope
轨制two-tiered system
轨制double-track system
轨接头dual rail adapter (一个挂架挂两枚空空导弹用的)
轨接头dual-rail adapter (能使一个飞机挂架挂两枚空空导弹的接头)
转子twin-spool (发动机)
转子压气机dual compressor
转子气动陀螺double rotor pneumatic gyro
软盘控制器dual floppy-disc controller
软盘机dual diskette drive
软盘驱动器dual diskette drive
双通道自动驾驶仪two-axis automatic pilot
轴伺服试验twin axis servo test
轴切变biaxial shear
轴加速度计two-axis accelerometer
轴压气机dual compressor
轴压缩机发动机split-compressor engine
轴向加载biaxial loading
轴向蠕变biaxial creep
轴太阳敏感器dual axis sun sensors
轴太阳电池阵驱动机构biaxial SADM (航天器的)
轴定向系统two-axis pointing system
轴寻的头two-axis homing head (导弹的)
轴拉伸biaxial extension
轴拉伸biaxial drawing
轴水平测量仪double axle leveller
轴涡轮喷气发动机dtrd (俄文首字母缩写英译)
轴涡轮喷气发动机biaxial turbojet engine
轴稳定平台two axis stable platform
轴缺口板条试样notched biaxial strip specimen
轴自导引头two-axis homing head
轴蠕变biaxial creep
轴跟踪天线dual-axis tracking antenna
轴速率传感器dual-axis rate transducer
轴速率陀螺仪dual axis rate gyroscope
轴速率陀螺仪double axis rate gyro
轴陀螺稳定平台twin axis-gyro-stabilized platform
轴陀螺稳定平台bi-axis gyrostabilized platform
通道dual channel
通道信道binary channel
通道光学引信two channel optical fuze
通道光学引信bichannel optical fuze
通道单脉冲two channel monopulse
通道单脉冲雷达接收机dual channel monopulse radar receiver
通道存取dual port access
通道控制系统double channel control system
通道系统dual-channel system
通道跟踪体制double-channel tracking system
速月球定位照相仪dual-rate lunar position camera
速磁传感器dual-speed magnetic transducer
酚 Ap,p'-bisphenyl phenol A
酚 A 二甘醇醚diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A
酚 A、2、2-双对羟苯基丙烷bisphenol A
酚 A 环氧化物bisphenol A epoxide
酚A二缩水甘油醚diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A
锥区double-cone (天线)
锥天线biconical antenna
锥形头部biconic nose
镜筒瞄准具binocular sight (肩射导弹或车载导弹的)
陀螺平台twin-gyro platform
陀螺稳定平台two-gyro platform
Flat Twin (雷达,苏联反弹道导弹 X-3 跟踪雷达的北约代名)
面印制电路板double-sided printed circuit board
面板double sided board
面积喷管dual-area nozzle
面细磨two-sided lapping
面进气压气机double-entry compressor (离心式)
面镀铝聚酯薄膜double aluminized mylar
dual frequency
频多普勒校准dual-frequency Doppler calibration
频接收机dual frequency receiver
频本振double local oscillator
频段制导雷达dual band guidance radar
频段单脉冲dual-band monopulse
频测速仪dual frequency ranging rate measurement equipment
频电源two-frequency supply
频道双工通信double channel duplex
频锁相接收机dual frequency phase locked receiver
频降雨雷达dual frequency precipitation radar
来酰亚胺树脂bismaleimide resin
马来酰亚胺bismaleimide (材料)
马来酰亚胺共聚物bismaleimide copolymers
马来酰亚胺树脂bismaleimide (一种耐高温树脂胶)
含铝交联基推进剂aluminized cross-linked DB propellant
Ka 和 X 频段跟踪雷达tracking radar at Ka and X bands (美国海军)
圆一曲线系统circle-hyperbolic system
复合composite double base (推进剂)
propellant复合基推进剂composite double base
复合基推进剂composite double-base propellant
复合改性composite modified double base (推进剂)
复合改性基推进剂composite modified double-base propellant
复合改性基推进剂composite modified double base propellant
复合改性浇铸composite modified cast double base (推进剂)
外混合组元离心喷嘴swirling injecting element with outside mixing
多通道相减式透过光谱仪multichannel subtractive double pass spectrograph
天测astrometric binary
寄存精度load double precision (指令)
密近close binary star
X 射线binary X-ray source
带加力的轴涡轮喷气发动机DTRDF (俄文首字母缩写英译)
干涉interferometric binary
弹性体改性elastomer modified cast double base (推进剂)
弹性体改进浇注基推进剂elastomer-modified cast double-base propellant
自旋体oblate dual spinner
振型-射线重线mode-ray duality
改性modified double base (propellant, 推进剂)
改性基推进剂modified double-base propellant (复合改性双基药)
改性基推进剂composite modified double-base propellant
有效字单元effective double-word location
极化工器polarization diplexer
正反转风扇counterrotating fan
浇铸基推进剂cast double base propellant
浇铸基火箭推进剂cast double-base (rocket propellant)
浇铸复合改性基推进剂cast composite modified double base propellant
测光photometric binary
物理physical double star
环氧树脂型折射涂层epoxy-type birefringent coating
球柱面凸透镜spherocylindrical lenticular
电场致折射electric birefringence
电子共振谱electron double resonance spectroscopy (学)
电子-核共振electron-nuclear double resonance
电子核子共振谱electron nuclear double resonance spectroscopy (学)
电控折射模式electrically controlled birefringence mode
physical double star
碳/马来酰亚胺复合材料carbon/BMI composite
紫外-红外色双模导引头ultraviolet-infrared double-colour two-mode seeker
红外一激光半主动导引头复合制导系统infrared-laser semi-active double homer combined guidance system
聚对苯撑苯并恶唑poly p-phenylene benzobisoxazole
肖特基极译码器Schottky bipolar decoder
脉冲binary pulsar
optical double star
optical double
折射negative birefringence
赋形反射面天线dual shaped reflector antenna
超扭曲折射效应supertwisted birefringent effect
工电路inverse duplex circuit
阿里安 4火箭星发射系统Structure Porteuse Externe Pour Lancement Double Ariane (西欧)
阿里安火箭星发射系统Systeme de Lancement Double Ariane (欧洲,法文)
静电探针electrostatic double probe
非循环图形acyclic diagraph
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