
Terms for subject Scuba diving containing 双X | all forms
人同步跳水synchronized diving
人同步跳水pair diving
协同呼吸分配法two-hose sharing
管式调节器two-hose-type regulator
脚向前蹬板forward push of feet
脚向前蹬板起跳forward push of feet
脚起跳take off from both feet
脚起跳from both feet simultaneously
脚起跳form both feet simultaneously
脚起跳take-off from both feet simultaneously
后滚翻人跳back-roll combination dive
后滚翻人跳水back roll combination dive
女子人 10 米跳台women's synchronized platform
女子人10 米跳台women's diving synchronized ten-meter platform
女子人3米跳板women's synchronized springboard
女子人3米跳板women's diving synchronized three-meter springboard
女子人跳台women's synchronized platform
女子人跳板women's synchronized springboard
膝跪姿kneeling-on-both-knee position
男子人 3米跳板men's diving synchronized three-meter springboard
男子人10米跳台men's synchronized platform
男子人10米跳台men's diving synchronized ten-meter platform
男子人3米跳板men's synchronized springboard
男子人跳台men's synchronized platform
男子人跳板men's synchronized springboard