
Terms for subject Economy containing 双X | all forms
耐穿的鞋a pair of serviceable shoes
鞋子a pair of shoes
上述合同经方同意将于6月 25日撤消,特此通知Notice is hereby given that the said Contract will be canceled by mutual consent on June 25
上部层甲板间upper between deck
下述条款将被解释为方业已商定的义务The following terms will be interpreted as matured obligations of both parties
与纽约赫林公司所签代理合同,经方同意,将于本月底失效By mutual consent, the agency contract with Hailing Co., New York, will cease to exist at the end of this month
为了执行现有租约中赋予方的权利和权力,该租约中的任何条款不得违反In pursuance of the rights and power vested in both parties by the now existing lease, any of the terms in the lease shall not be breached
为了进行上述合并,方相互同意将公司所有的各种资产及财产予以转让或过户给乙方公司The parties agree with each other that they will convey or transfer all their corporate assets and property of every kind and description to company B in order to carry out the above-mentioned consolidation
为实现共同的目标,方同意互相交流专业技能和技术资料To achieve the common objectives, both parties agree to exchange know-how and technical data to each other
为租用店房所花的租金、税款、维修费和类似的费用,应由方公平分担All rents, taxes, upkeep and similar costs for the rented store shall be fairly shared by both parties
买卖方同意尽力促使加快各项债务的更替Both the buyer and the seller agree to make every effort to expedite novations of the obligations
买卖方应该共同承担由于货币调整而造成的损失Both the buyer and the seller should share the loss caused by a monetary adjustment
争议disputing parties
争议contending parties
产品的价格是一方定还是方协商定?Will the price be fixed by one side or through negotiation by both parties?
人寿保险的意外死亡重赔偿条款accidental death benefit
重税收作保证的市政公债double-barreled bond
仲裁人应该是方间争执的公正裁决者An arbitrator should be an impartial judge of the disputes between the two parties
仲裁者应就方的争议解决一切申诉,且这种决定不应成为仲裁的先决条件The arbitrator should decide all claims concerning the disputes between the two parties and the decision should not be a condition precedent to arbitration
作为先决条件,方应咅先解决付款问题As a prerequisite the parties must settle the question of payment first
促进方利益the furtherance of mutual interests
兹特约定,一旦买方接受货物,方即清账It is specifically covenanted that both parties clean up account on accepting goods by the buyer
兼听方意见hear both sides of the question
劳资labour and management
劳资labour and capital
参与该项建议评审的方不得透露此建议的一切信息及文件Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal
人房间double bed room
旅馆人房间double-bed room
价汇率two-tier exchange rate
位数销量增长double-digit sales increase
体船a twin-ship
体载舶货船catamaran barge carrier
体载驳船a barge abroad catamaran
倍余额递减double-declining balance
倍余额递减折旧double declining balance method
倍余额递减折旧double-declining balance depreciation
倍余额递减折旧法depreciation by declining balance method
倍余额递减折旧法double rate declining balance depreciation
倍余额递减折旧法double-declining balance depreciation
倍余额递减法折旧法depreciation-double-declining balance method
倍所得税double income-tax
倍时间double time
倍赔偿要求double indemnity claim
倍赔偿附约double indemnity clause
倍递减余额折旧法double declining balance method of depreciation
倍递减余额折旧法depreciation-double-declining balance method
偶元素dual element
列相关系数biserial coefficient of correlation
列表达法dual presentation
务对流bilateral flow (政权与私营企业之间商品和劳务对流)
变的double variant
向交流信息two way flow of message
向报价two-way price
因素贸易条件double-factor terms of trade
夹板托盘double-deck pallet
夹板托盘double-deck pallets
层制度two -tiered system
层平板的托盘double-deck pallets
层底柜double stowage
层甲板a twin-deck
层甲板船a twin deck ship
层麻袋double gunny bag
层黄金市场two-tiered gold market
屉系统two-bin system
bimodality (性)
峰分布the bimodal distribution
峰曲线a bimodal curve
dual number
料货reinforced material
方中之任何一方都可以主动将问题提请仲裁Either of the parties can submit the question to arbitration upon their own initiative
方中的任何一方不履行合同,均可终止该合同The non-performance by either party may terminate this contract
方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid
方之间的任何分歧都可以通过协商或仲裁解决Any disagreement between both parties may be settled by negotiation or arbitration
方之间的整个合同如有变动,需有双方共同签署的备忘录,方可生效The whole contract between the parties may be altered only by memorandum signed by both parties
方之间的这些争论可以用友好的方式解决The controversies between the parties can be settled in an amicable way
方争论的要点已记载在会议的记录中The substance of the contention of two parties was recorded in the minutes of the meeting
方以外的任何其他人不得介入谈判Any persons other than the parties shall not intervene in the negotiations
方公司应履行一切合法生效的合同下的条款和条件The two companies, under all lawful executory contracts, shall fulfil the terms and conditions
方共同检验joint inspection
方即期汇票two-party sight draft
方可发电报说明废除此合同Both parties can void the contract by cabling to that effect
方同意,一旦业务稳定,将建立另一家合资公司Both parties agree that as soon as the business proves sound, they will set up another joint venture
方同意不采取任何妨害销售的行动Both parties agree not to take any action which would encumber the sales
方同意任何口头抗议都不应修改装运条款It is agreed by both parties that no verbal representations shall modify the shipment terms
方同意取消 5月1日到期的合同Both parties agree to negate the contract due on the first of May
方同意向各自的对方推广其技术情报和技术数据Each party agrees to extend to the other party know-how and technical data
方同意在合同中增加适当的追加条款Both sides agree to add appropriate riders to the contract
方同意如商品检验不合格而被拒收退货费用由供应方负担Both parties agree that if the goods are rejected upon examination n., the goods will be returned at the expenses of the supplier
方同意如期履行本合同的所有条款Both parties agree to meet all the terms of the contract punctually
方同意将此案交付公平仲裁Both parties agree to submit the ease to impartial arbitration
方同意尽其最大努力直接向用户或通过其销售渠道来推销共同研制的产品Both parties agree to use their best efforts to promote the sale of the jointly developed products either directly to users or through their distribution channels
方同意此价格是公平合理的Both parties agree that the price is fair and equitable
方同意的检验报告mutually agreed survey report
方同意采用看用证付款方式It is agreed by both parties that the payment shall be made by way of letter of credit
方在大事讨价还价后相互让步的交易horse trade
方在有第三者出席的情况下签署了合同Both parties have signed the contract in the presence of the third person
方在本协议生效日前已有的全部权利应不受到损害All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired
方在权利或义务方面发生争执,将通过协商予以解决Any dispute between the parties in connection with the right or duties will be settled by consultation
方完全理解并同意,缔约双方中有一方成为破产债务人,本合同即告终止It is entirely understood and agreed that if either of the parties becomes insolvent, this contract will be terminated
方已同意在本合同中加插这一条款The two parties have agreed to insert this clause into the contract
方已商定信用证条款Both parties have agreed on L/C terms
方已在法院外私下作了了结Both sides reached a settlement out of court
方应按照国家法律对本合同予以解释,阐明并加以执行Both parties shall construct, interpret and enforce this contract according to the laws of the state
方应确保本协议执行的合法性Both parties shall ensure the legality of the performance of this agreement
方应该把放弃这种竞争的事告知管理部门Each party should inform the administration of the abandonment of such contest
方当事人both parties
方必须维护、遵守并履行本协议Either party must keep, observe and perform the agreement
方愿共同努力使其产品的销售取得成功Both parties desire to combine their efforts to bring in effect the marketing of their products
方按要求协调好货物的发运Both sides coordinated the shipment of goods according to the request
方接受一项相互交换制造方面的技术诀窍的建议Both parties accepted a proposal for reciprocal exchanges of recipes of manufacture
方无保留地同意签订此合同Both parties agree to sign the contract without qualifications
方没有解决争议,即宣布该合同无效Since the disputes were not settled by both parties, they declare the contract void
方洽谈后,我方曾写信给你方要求合理地降低合同价Subsequent to mutual negotiation, we wrote you to ask for reducing contract price reasonably
方的一切权利和义务均纳入本协议中All rights and obligations of the parties will be merged into this agreement
方的谈判暂时中止The negotiations between the two parties were temporarily suspended
方盖上了他们公司的印章Both sides have affixed their corporate seals
方自愿到期日延长到8月10日Both parties voluntarily extend the expiry date to August 10th
劳资方谈判政策collective bargaining policy
方过失碰撞条款both to blame collision clause
方都制定、签署、确认并呈交了一份租赁契约Both parties made, signed, acknowledged and delivered an indenture of lease
方都可接受的安排a mutually acceptable arrangement
方都同意签定代理协议的前题是保证起码的交易额Both parties agree that the premise to the signing of the agency agreement is the guarantee of minimum turnover
方都必须向律师提供一份充分的证据Both of the parties have to submit to the full showing of the evidence
方都有权修订他们所签订的书面契约Both parties have power to amend the written instrument signed by them
方都要在这份协议上签名The parties shall affix their signatures to the agreement
栏式日记账two-column journal
栏式账户double column account
栏明细账double column ledger account
栏账产double column ledger account
渠道营销dual channels of distribution
班交替double shift
程时间two-way time
连装式包装twin-unit pack
精度double precision
线double lines
线double line
线T字型账目double T-account
署法two signature method
联单据an indented document
联文件an indented document
背书double endorsement
行登记法dual plan
谷底double stowage
局面win-win situation
轨发展dual-track development
轨定价dual pricing
轨执照dual chartering
轨汇率dual exchange rate
轨货币记录dual currency records
轨银行制度dual banking system
美国轨销售dual distribution
边交易bilateral business
边交易bilateral transactions
边协议bilateral arrangement
边卖主垄断bilateral mono-poly
边契约bilateral convention
边安排bilateral arrangement
边投资合约bilateral investment treaty
边援助the bilateral aid
边援助bilateral assistance
边援助机构bilateral assistance agency
边援助机构bilateral aid agency
边援助计划bilateral aid programme
边支付协定bilateral payment agreement
边汇率bilateral exchange rate
边渠道bilateral sources
边独占bilateral monopoly
边独占与寡占bilateral monopoly & oligopoly
边税收协定bilateral tax agreement
边粮食援助bilateral food aid
边自由贸易条约bilateral trade-liberalization treaties
边谈判bilateral negotiation
边谈判和协定bilateral negotiation and agreement
边账户a bilateral account
边贸易bilateral transactions
边贸易及支付协定bilateral trade and payment agreement
边进口配额bilateral import quota
边通融办法the bilateral accommodation
边配额the bilateral quota
边配额bilateral quotas
边钢铁协定bilateral steel agreements
市场价格dual market price
重互换位置的错误double transposition error
重交互影响two-factor interaction
重交互影响double interaction
重交易假设dual-transactions assumption
重产业结构dual industrial structure
重代表权the dual representation (代理)
重价值条款dual valuation clause
重价格double price basis
重价格制dual pricing
重价格制dual price clause system
重价格系统double price system
重估值dual valuation
重估值条款dual valuation clause
重保险单double insurance policies
重关税税率double liabilities
重关系two-fold relation
重分类two-way classification
重利润double profit
重制度dual system
重卡片dual card
重取样double sample
重取样检査double sampling inspection
重变量dual variable
重周期函数double periodic function
重国籍the dual nationality
重基价two-price basis
重基点制dual basing point system
重外汇市场two-tier market
重定价制dual pricing
重工资计划two-tier wage plan
重市场a twin market
重形态dualistic pattern
重性dual character
重扩展法double extension method
重扩展法double-extension method
重指数法double exponential smoothing
重损失the whip sawed
重汇率制度dual rate system
重汇率制度dual exchange rate system
重社会dual society
重税double tariff
重税免减double taxation relief
重税减免协定double taxation relief convention
重税则double tariff (率)
重税款减免double taxation relief
重税率maximum and minimum tariff (system, 制)
重税率制a two-rate system
重经济double economy
重经济体制dual economy
重装卸制double whip system
重计划dual plan
重记录double entry
重记录法dual recording
重课税duplicate taxation
重责任the dual responsibility
重货币记录dual currency record
重资金融通double financing
重过账double posting
重运费dual rate
重金价two tier gold price system
重金价制two-tier gold price system
重问题dual problem
重限制责任制dual system of liability
重顺序double sequence
重顺序如水泥制造业double sequence
阶段销售量预估法two-step sales forecasting method
面统制two-sided limitation
面限制two-sided limitation
页篇幅广告double-page spread
合同both parties of contract
合同一经签订,方就有义务去执行Both parties are liable for the contract's execution once it was signed
合同、协议、条约等等大都是边的Contracts, agreements, treaties, etc., are mostly bilateral
合同生效时间的计算从方签订合同的那一天算起Computation of contract time begins on the day when both parties sign the contract
合资公司的协议应明确说明方的利润、权利和责任The agreement of the joint venture should spell out the benefits, rights and duties of both parties
国际本位制international bimetallism
方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties
在起草协议时,必须避免有利于方中任何一方的单方面条款In drawing an agreement, one-sided clauses in favour of either party must be avoided
在这一条款上达成协议对我们方都有利It is to our common interest to agree on this term
多边一边资金供应安排the multi-bilateral funding arrangement
多重边项目multibilateral project
如果方在这个问题上意见不一致,他们可进行协商直到达成协议If both parties disagree on this problem, they could negotiate until the agreement is reached
如果方有良好的愿望,签定提供成套设备的合同是可能的Given mutual goodwill n., it is possible to sign a contract for the supply of complete equipment
如果缔约方对附则未能取得一致意见,将根据本协议总则来解决争论If the parties fail to agree upon additional clauses, the dispute shall be determined in accordance with the general provisions of this agreement
如果营业额不足方同意的金额怎么办?What if the volume of business falls short of the agreed amount?
如解释本协议发生分歧,方中之任何一方均可请求仲裁Either of the parties may invoke the arbitration due to difference in interpreting this agreement
如鞋子太小,你可以换一大的If the shoes are too small, you can exchange them for a larger pair
官方边借款人official bilateral lender
官方边债权人official bilateral creditor
方都有约束力的final and binding on both parties
应由方来决定扩展金限制销售合同The decision to enlarge or limit contracts of sale should be made by the two parties
开放性重经济学open dualistic economics
成对地散步stroll in pairs
我们方对装船日期这一点不能达成一致意见We are not identical in our views of the shipment date
我们在热烈友好的气氛下交换了意见,以促进方业务We had a warm and friendly exchange of opinions to further mutual trade interests
我们希望你们能认识到这种方妥协的方案是解决困难的切实可行的办法We hope you will realize that this compromise on both parties is a practicable solution of the difficulty
我们提出这个要求,并不是利用方多年交往关系,而是出于需要We advanced the request not presuming upon our long association, but out of necessity
我们是方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission
我方确认近来方往来电报并欣告我方的岀口已达最大量We confirm telegrams recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that we have increased our exports to the maximum
我相信在执行合同中引起的争端一定会以方都感到满意的方式得到解决I believe that the dispute arising from the execution of the contract will surely be settled to the satisfaction of both parties
我要一个人间住一星期I want a double room for a week
投资重性dual nature of investment
投资的重效应dual effect of investment
报纸面篇幅广告double double-truck spread
按照方来往电报in accordance with cables exchanged
支票上划线double crossing
政府边放款government bilateral loans
政府边贷款government bilateral loans
最后方签订了,建造机场的合同In the end both parties contracted to build the airport
有关both parties concerned
有关责任范围的重制度dual system of liability
本协议一经方签字立即生效This agreement comes into force immediately after both sides signed it
本协议的两种文本对方具有同等约束力Both versions of this agreement are equally binding to either party
本协议经方同意可以取消This agreement shall be cancelled by mutual consent
本协议经方签字即开始生效,至次年7 月1日终止This Agreement shall commence upon signature by both sides and may be terminated on July 1st next year
本合同中的上述各项保险适用于买卖The above insurances under this contract will cover the buyer and the seller
本合同未经方书面同意不得注销The cancellation of the agreement will not be permitted without the written consent of either party
本拟提交仲裁,唯望通过方友好协商解决,故作罢We could submit it for arbitration but restrained from doing so because we wished it could be settled through friendly negotiation of both sides
根据贸易惯例,方一经签订合同,就有义务执行According to trade practice n., both parties are liable for the performance of the contract
此项决定不致影响或改变方的义务Such decision will not affect or alter the obligation of the both parties
此项安排将对方有利This arrangement will prove beneficial to both parties
法庭的判决对方都有约束力The judgement of the court is binding upon both parties
金银流出的重作用double action of drains
特许费根据有关方一致同意的条款和条件决定The franchise fee depends upon the terms and provisions consented by the parties concerned
由于我们方共同努力,大宗交易已经达成Owing to our mutual efforts, enormous transactions have been concluded
由本合同引起的纠纷应由方协商解决Disputes arising by virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties
由本合同引起的纠纷应由方协商解决Disputes arising in virtue of this contract shall be settled by negotiation between two parties
签订合同后,方中任何一方不得违犯政府的任何政策,成文法或不成文法After signing the contract, neither of the two parties shall violate any public policy, statutory or common laws
方协议市场报告应定期交换It is understood by both parties that the market reports should be exchanged at regular intervals
缔约方同意一俟条件符合,该商行便立即成立Both parties agree that the firm shall be set up forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions
缔约方彼此同意,该协议两周后终止The parties mutually agree that the said agreement will terminate two weeks hence
缔约方必须忠实地遵守和完成下列各项条款和条件The following terms and conditions shall be faithfully kept and performed by both parties
缔约方的任何分歧可提交仲裁,并由其裁定Any differences between the two parties may be submitted to, and determined by arbitration
美国证券交易所直接沟通买卖方的第三市场经济人block trader
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
联合边援助the associated bilateral aid
至于交货期,我们方的意见很接近As for the date of delivery, there is little disparity between our ideas
良好的开端可促进你我方今后的合作A good initiation can promote further cooperation between us
该协议在方签字后即生效The agreement is valid after it is signed by both parties
该方案可被认为业经方批准The project can be deemed to have been approved by both parties
货物的重作业double goods operation
购销重选择权double option
贸易方同时开信用证backed to L/C
达成交易要求方都签名Both sides are required to sign their names to conclude this deal
运费由方按适当比例分担The transportation expenses are divided between the two parties in a proper proportion
这件衣服是排扣的This suit is double breasted
这种由于方都认可的某些特殊原因而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"
通融accommodation parties
通过今天的会谈,我们可以找到一个友好解决方之间问题的办法Through today's meeting we can find an amicable solution to our problem
部长签署了一份边贸易协定The minister signed a bilateral trade agreement
金银本位double standard
鉴于你我方长期的业务关系我们愿减价5%,即每吨60美元In view of our longstanding business relations, we will reduce our price by 5%, i.e., to $60 per ton
黄金黄金双轨制dual gold price
黄金价制two-price gold system
黄金价制two price gold system
黄金轨制two tier gold price system
黄金轨制two price gold system